
Actualized.org GYM!!

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Just now, Kksd74628 said:

You, the one who is reading this, this is a message to you to push yourself a little more and maybe to post something here <3.

I posted something in our journal. Slacked a bit on this. Will post some other day. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Finished cleaning the bedroom. Cleaned the clothing cabinet, dusted everything, vacuumed the bed and floor, changed sheets and mopped the floor. I've also done some daily cleaning. 

Been walking a bit also.

Going to buy gym membership from the beginning of the next month. I'm nervous about that, but won't let that stop me. : )

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I've been exclusively taking cold showers not just after the gym but every day as well and it's been amazing.

Every time I complain about how cold it is at first but then I get comfortable with it and it makes me feel good, I've been making them longer now as well.

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Everytime when I try to do something and my mind starts to be pussy I just say aloud "shut up!" and I continue happily knowing that I am the one in control. Happens in the cold showers or when I am just trying to make myself start something. I always end up doing what I told myself to do, because I don't allow myself to lie to myself. That is the biggest sin I guess human can make. Without being honest to yourself you'll always lack control to achieve your dreams.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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18 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:


Everytime when I try to do something and my mind starts to be pussy I just say aloud "shut up!" and I continue happily knowing that I am the one in control. Happens in the cold showers or when I am just trying to make myself start something. I always end up doing what I told myself to do, because I don't allow myself to lie to myself. That is the biggest sin I guess human can make. Without being honest to yourself you'll always lack control to achieve your dreams.

That’s the right mindset man. The concept of the cookie jar described in Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins would help in these moments. You can look it up online and probably find a good summary of the “insight” side of it without the story if you search for it. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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18 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

That’s the right mindset man. The concept of the cookie jar described in Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins would help in these moments. You can look it up online and probably find a good summary of the “insight” side of it without the story if you search for it. 

Ooh very nice, just looked it up. I can definitely see how it helps a lot.

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On 21.8.2022 at 7:10 AM, BipolarGrowth said:

the limits you and your society set for yourself are selling yourself short.

On 21.8.2022 at 8:31 AM, Rainy Sparkle said:

I need to process this. Not because I wanted to disagree or argue about that statement, prove it wrong or anything. It just provoked strong emotions in me. I'll come back to this later. 

I don't really know, how to express myself in a way I want. I'm afraid of that I sound wrong or that I'm trying to argue or somehow dismiss what you said. That's not the point of my message though, because I totally agree with that. I am probably way more capable than I can even image right now.

I just wanted to say that the potential I see, might become limit as well. That is when I forget to notice and give credit to work I do in present moment and fall into staring too intensively into future. It easily turns back to "I am not good enough". But there's no point where I could reach "good enough" point with bettering my results and pursuing my potential, because the limits go further. Therefore I am never good enough. I'm always behind. I can never reach my potential. Seeing that while being in some kind of negative emotional state can become unmotivating and paralyzing. I admit, that I'm very sensitive to thoughts of not being good (enough) and that's one of my mental work areas. I don't know if anything I said applies to anyone else or not. 

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@Rainy Sparkle

Maybe that you can reach your previous limits is a thing which could motivate you, but that your actual limit is being pushed further is one signal of progress in my eyes. I think if you find new things what you are capable of doing, you should happy instead of thinking that you'll never reach them. What's the point of reaching highest potential anyways? ... ... ... to stop developing? ... ... ... that could be point to stop living as well, because to live is to change. I mean you should be happy of being the best version of yourself today that could be possible.

Maybe the thing is that you have to give validation to yourself, but you don't know when to give it, because if you give it too early, you think you'll stop trying and if you don't give it then you'll lack self-love. Solution to this type of though process is allowing yourself to love yourself as you are. You are important, but that doesn't still mean that you couldn't play the game to up your champion's skill numbers. Self-love and actually all love should be unconditional which means that you shouldn't need to be certain way to receive love.

That you work on yourself is one signal of self-love, because you're giving more beautiful things to yourself and you're opening new doors to new experiences. You're giving more power to choose for yourself and making yourself feel/be more capable. Also the fact that your limit of yourself in your imagination is reaching new realms could be seen as a possibility to give more self-love to yourself in the future and now. You're right that it's all about mindset and actually no one should be disagreeing with anything that you said here.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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21 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:

your actual limit is being pushed further is one signal of progress in my eyes

That is progress, and that is what should be seen.

21 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:


I think if you find new things what you are capable of doing, you should happy instead of thinking that you'll never reach them. What's the point of reaching highest potential anyways? ... ... ... to stop developing? ... ... ... that could be point to stop living as well, because to live is to change. I mean you should be happy of being the best version of yourself today that could be possible.

I think it has been necessary for me to understand that there is no such thing as reaching best possible outcome, because you could always do better. But what I meant, is that if you don't recognize the growth you're doing now, if you don't see that you're doing better than before, it's easy to get trapped to only see that you're doing worse than your ideal. This has been crucial for me to understand why it is silly to define being/doing good, when I reach point x. Because when the point x is reached, there comes new point, which defines when I'm good. With this kind of mentality you can never be good.

Obviously though, there are some things, that are limited to best scores by default, like school exams.

Any of this isn't meant to claim that aiming higher or better results, or seeing that you could do better is bad. The point is that if it's being used as only tool to measure progress, there's a risk to become blind to the progress. 

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Didn't skip leg day!

I woke up this morning feeling quite tired and generally unmotivated to do anything.

But I pushed myself and went anyway and I'm super glad. I'm feeling much happier because of it.

The exercises that I did were just different machines that work specific muscles. But I did start with Squats.

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Minor cleaning today, body weight & dumbbell workout + some osu! practice today. 

Been walking ~71km this week. That's surprisingly much, I haven't often reached even 50km lately, even though I have felt like I've been walking a lot. 

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Greetings, Everyone.  New here, brought to y’all by a kind providence at just the right moment. 

I am starting over for the umpty-bumfth time (translation: lotsa times, lots n lotsa times) my struggle to meld with the strong, fit, disciplined and unbreakable inner self I’ve been working toward for so very long.  Armed with baby-step mental toughness, Steven Kotler’s great book The Art of Impossible; Shibumi, the Japanese aesthetic of personal excellence, elegant performance, and effortless effectiveness (and so, so seductive), and now, this wonderful thread y’all are building here. I’m facing the fact that I can’t do it alone. The devil of it is, I can’t make it happen and I can’t quit trying to make it happen.

It’s true, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  This forum is exactly what was needed by me right now. Inspired by KKSD74628 and thankful for his strong arm. 

I look forward to participating, to growing, to actualizing, and hopefully to contributing and helping where I can.  Namaste.   


Edited by KpGoing125

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Kksd74628 said:  "If you don't respect your words you'll destroy the only true motivator you have in your life and after that you're really fucked."

Yes.  Yes.

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Drew today after a long time.


I'll go for a walk next and after that I'll start cleaning my art & random stuff cabinet. Been procrastinating doing that way too long. 

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On 22.8.2022 at 10:17 AM, Kksd74628 said:

My time was really miserable to me. I got mile in time 6:40. Was first time trying to run that short distance fast though.

I got the mile in 6:28, but it's still miserable.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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Well, my start in this thread has been less than stellar.  Third day in, I finally got to the mat.  Not immediately upon arising, of course; there were many other important tasks that needed to be done first.  Teeth brushing, water drinking, topknot redoing, chicken crockpotting, spilled peanuts upsweeping, socks changing.  Finally ran out of things got the important tasks done and found myself sitting on the end of the bed, glaring down at the mat lurking there evilly like a crocodile in the reeds.  Said to myself, "This is gonna hurt," and sure enough it did.  I managed half my yoga routine and one whole minute on my fancypants rowing machine (Concept2, thank you very much).  

Dragged myself in here to make my first report.

I should explain that 1) I am dealing with a lot of pain and also overweight; 2) am returning to exercising after a long hiatus, during which much stiffness developed; 3) am dealing with inflammation because there was this box of Cheez-Its and okay, some other stuff.  Getting through the half yoga sequence was like crawling up a stony crag on my belly.  Through lava.  But at least now I can say I got one day done, instead of zero days done.

I got a lot of work to do, Scooby.  

Things are not hopeless.  I'm eating better than I ever have -- much more whole foods and much less processed foods.  And NO SUGAR for several weeks.  95% of my beverage intake is water, and I'm loving it.  Speaking of which, last night I filled the kitchen sink with water (well, what else would I fill it with?) and dumped in the rest of the Cheez-Its.  So there's that.  Point being, I've more or less conquered bad eating.  Credit where it's due, right?

Ow, everything hurts right now.  Rodney Yee, my video yoga instructor, starts off the routine with, "I have designed a gentle yoga series that will invigorate you to start the day."

Yeah, right.

Edited by KpGoing125

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I guess you're feeling better already, because you did the action that it took. Important thing when you start doing things is to do lot of easy enjoyable things to get yourself in flow state. You don't need necessarily need to do the hardest things always till you exhaust yourself. Don't take this still as an excuse to be lazy, because you need to find balance in my advice which works for you. Add some walking/running in nature/outside in general to get yourself to better mood. If you don't have anything to do when you read this message then commit to this action NOW. Remember that you can post here happily when you actually did what I said and I'll cheer you up <3


Who told you that "others" are real?

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1 hour ago, Kksd74628 said:


Important thing when you start doing things is to do lot of easy enjoyable things to get yourself in flow state.

joNi:  Thank you for this excellent advice.  I had already decided to do more long slow stretching today, but I didn't think of it in terms of getting in the flow.  



@Kksd74628 Greetings, Everyone.  New here, brought to y’all by a kind providence at just the right moment. 

I am starting over for the umpty-bumfth time (translation: lotsa times, lots n lotsa times) to meld with the strong, fit, disciplined and unbreakable inner self I’ve been working toward for so very long.  Armed with baby-step mental toughness, Steven Kotler’s great book The Art of Impossible; Shibumi, the Japanese aesthetic of personal excellence, elegant performance, and effortless effectiveness (and so, so seductive), and now, this wonderful thread y’all are building here. I’m facing the fact that I can’t do it alone. The devil of it is, I can’t make it happen and I can’t quit trying to make it happen.

It’s true, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  This forum is exactly what was needed by me right now. Inspired by KKSD74628 and thankful for his strong arm. 

I look forward to participating, to growing, to actualizing, and hopefully to contributing and helping where I can.  Namaste.   @KpGoing125 @Kksd74628


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1 hour ago, Kksd74628 said:


@Kksd74628 Important thing when you start doing things is to do lot of easy enjoyable things to get yourself in flow state. 


Thank you for this excellent advice.  I'd already decided to do long slow stretching today, but I didn't think of it as getting in the flow.  It's the importance of staying in the moment, isn't it.  

Edited by KpGoing125

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