
Why does consciousness seem to move away from nature?

8 posts in this topic

The reality of nature is messy, chaotic, and cruel. Life emerges from complex processes, then billions of years go by of a constant survival struggle between different kinds of tubes with mouths, consuming other tubes with mouths without apologizing for it.

Now we are here. From this bloody pile of competition humans emerged, perhaps with some luck. Our intelligence being an entire ballpark above everything else, we've come to dominate and used that intelligence to do a bunch of different things to ourselves and the planet (for better or worse).

However there appears to be a trend to me. As we collectively become more conscious and aware, we tend to move AWAY from the baseline natural order of reality. We use science to try to understand and test the boundaries of physical laws, even if it's not that useful sometimes, just to see if we can. We were killing each other constantly over survival matters for tens of thousands of years, now we've slowed down quite a bit and are trying really hard NOT to do that. We are also working towards changing our systems and the ways we organize ourselves to do less and less harm to the planet, the animals on it, and live in a better equilibrium where we aren't participating in the bloody and raw battle that every other living thing has to endure to exist.

Of course one could argue that this is ALL nature when you look at the big picture, but that's not what I'm concerned about. What I want to know is what are the underlying subconscious motives, urges, and intuitions that seem to be baked into consciousness and awareness that are compelling it to move one way and not the other.

Why does intelligence/consciousness/awareness seem to DISTANCE itself from the initial game being played?

My understanding so far is that it's shedding selfishness/form in search of the expansion/love?


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3 minutes ago, Roy said:

What I want to know is what are the underlying subconscious motives, urges, and intuitions that seem to be baked into consciousness and awareness that are compelling it to move one way and not the other.

Why does intelligence/consciousness/awareness seem to DISTANCE itself from the initial game being played?

It all boils down to wanting to feel good/satisfied. Getting raped by your 16 year old dad then eaten by a saber tooth tiger later that night doesn’t typically feel good from the human perspective, and ultimately it’s the preferences of one thing over another that drives all avenues of flourishing you described. 

Why humans have bias to psychedelics or anal sex over being skinned alive is something hard to answer if you’re looking at consciousness or experience itself rather than things like biology which have clear explanations. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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1 hour ago, Roy said:

Of course one could argue that this is ALL nature when you look at the big picture, but that's not what I'm concerned about. What I want to know is what are the underlying subconscious motives, urges, and intuitions that seem to be baked into consciousness and awareness that are compelling it to move one way and not the other.

Why does intelligence/consciousness/awareness seem to DISTANCE itself from the initial game being played?

Because you highlighted just one side of the coin. Competition and cooperation happens simultaneously at all levels. Molecules go together to build cells, giving up some of their freedom in the process, but establishing a higher level of complexity. Cells go together to make multicellular life, giving up some freedom but gaining complexity. Multicellular organisms go together to make social structures, giving up freedom for complexity. The more inclusive the social structures become, the easier it becomes to spot the cooperative aspects in them, like the transition from ethnocentric to worldcentric, but this is just because of our human biases. We're more used to identifying cooperation at that level of analysis, but it has always been there, just at a lower level. So that never changed, only the level of complexity did.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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7 hours ago, Roy said:

What I want to know is what are the underlying subconscious motives, urges, and intuitions that seem to be baked into consciousness and awareness that are compelling it to move one way and not the other.

Why does intelligence/consciousness/awareness seem to DISTANCE itself from the initial game being played?

There is only one game/purpose/ nature of reality (whatever you wish to call it), and that is enlightenment. See, what we are, especially as human beings, we are children of chaos: We are born and emerge from the chaos that is total freedom, striving forth onto the light that is self-realisation. You asking this very question regarding nature is the evidence to what I'm talking about. 

As you continue to grow in spirit and consciousness, you most curiously find yourself asking questions to which you've never been bothered to ask before: where, once upon a time, there was nothing but nature and order - now, rather recently in your timeline, there appears to be --??

7 hours ago, Roy said:

The reality of nature is messy, chaotic, and cruel.

Well, in retrospect, this seemingly messy reality did not exist, once upon a time. So why does it appear now? The answer - simply because this is merely a reflection of your spiritual growth. The chaos that was once your world a hundred years ago now seems to be as distant as a dreadful nightmare. The chaos that was once your world about a millennium ago in our days as cave people is now as distant as a faint memory. This is nothing but the evidence of growth.

7 hours ago, Roy said:

However there appears to be a trend to me. As we collectively become more conscious and aware, we tend to move AWAY from the baseline natural order of reality. We use science to try to understand and test the boundaries of physical laws, even if it's not that useful sometimes, just to see if we can.

Yes, the nature of reality is enlightenment. And we will use our current knowledge to learn of a higher knowledge, and then from that standpoint we'll view this world, the world we live in now, in a new light. This world of the so-called science and technology and social and political agendas will begin to feel foreign and as chaotic as the previous world's that we emerge from. This is the true trend of life. 

7 hours ago, Roy said:

We were killing each other constantly over survival matters for tens of thousands of years, now we've slowed down quite a bit and are trying really hard NOT to do that. We are also working towards changing our systems and the ways we organize ourselves to do less and less harm to the planet, the animals on it, and live in a better equilibrium where we aren't participating in the bloody and raw battle that every other living thing has to endure to exist.

Or, one could simply say.. that we are awakening, growing more and more in awareness, to the chaos that is our absolute freedom thus shining light on what it means to be, well, God. As the children, we are enlightening the Creator that lives within each of us thus uniting us into one being.

See, we are, in truth, children of chaos. Should you, right at this moment, attempt to trace your origin of beingness what you'll soon come to discover is that you literally emerge from the utter darkness that is the deepest depth of chaos. Absolute Freedom is Absolute Chaos, except when we learn from it, from ourselves and other-selves which I call our fellow Lighters, the chaos transforms into Absolute Love. 

8 hours ago, Roy said:

What I want to know is what are the underlying subconscious motives, urges, and intuitions that seem to be baked into consciousness and awareness that are compelling it to move one way and not the other.

There is only one motive: it is your willingness to know who you are, or what it means to be you - the inconceivable one - the limitless one - the infinite one. What it means to be YOU. Do you know who you are?

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You think it's an omnipotent force, so consider the implications... Unstoppable power can't be controlled... Thus rather than a proud and confident "God", we instead find it's a scared child crying in despair at its own power it can never tame.

(I think that is the cause of the theme on bad trips of "ending your game", as if you made all this to escape THAT and just wrecked it all by "waking up" to it or whatever).

Boundlessness is incomprehensible... Any form of living being needs to move away from ideas of unity to even comprehend the world and function as a separate organism. In actuality there is nowhere to move away to, of course. If it stayed true to nature without the addition of ego, living forms would have poor survivability.

Any person could hypothetically wake up to what they are (death), and there's no other living being to be sad about it, because every being IS you. If you're okay with being dead, everyone is okay with it, because there is only you and you alone. If you're okay with being dead that is completely opposite to what favors evolution.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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Love and unity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 hours ago, Roy said:

The reality of nature is messy, chaotic, and cruel. Life emerges from complex processes, then billions of years go by of a constant survival struggle between different kinds of tubes with mouths, consuming other tubes with mouths without apologizing for it.

Now we are here. From this bloody pile of competition humans emerged, perhaps with some luck. Our intelligence being an entire ballpark above everything else, we've come to dominate and used that intelligence to do a bunch of different things to ourselves and the planet (for better or worse).

However there appears to be a trend to me. As we collectively become more conscious and aware, we tend to move AWAY from the baseline natural order of reality. We use science to try to understand and test the boundaries of physical laws, even if it's not that useful sometimes, just to see if we can. We were killing each other constantly over survival matters for tens of thousands of years, now we've slowed down quite a bit and are trying really hard NOT to do that. We are also working towards changing our systems and the ways we organize ourselves to do less and less harm to the planet, the animals on it, and live in a better equilibrium where we aren't participating in the bloody and raw battle that every other living thing has to endure to exist.

Of course one could argue that this is ALL nature when you look at the big picture, but that's not what I'm concerned about. What I want to know is what are the underlying subconscious motives, urges, and intuitions that seem to be baked into consciousness and awareness that are compelling it to move one way and not the other.

Why does intelligence/consciousness/awareness seem to DISTANCE itself from the initial game being played?

My understanding so far is that it's shedding selfishness/form in search of the expansion/love?

Leo did a video on this in the past. If you notice all of lower consciousness is going to awaken and reunite with itself after it dispels all illusions. I still have many other questions, but I realize that the universe has engaged in all of this creating to experience infinity. So one we know the dream never truly ends, and as a result learning will never stop. All possibilities will be explored. 

Leo likened us to probes, so probe we shall....for all eternity.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Roy yeah I understand the curiosity behind wanting to know why things are the way they are. The issue is that an experience that seems to inform about past reasons for why things are the way they are is highly suspect. Even if you directly experience something which seems to answer this, it still looks like it would be impossible to verify and ultimately be as valid as ideas people have come to just by speculation. 

The past is also something that really is just happening now, so looking toward a past for answers is already not the best foundation. In the deepest intimacy with the present moment, it’s questionable if you’d even have a body in such a state, so expecting to get answers to deep human questions when not under an illusion of past or future whatsoever seems to be unlikely as everything becomes so Absolute that even if the mind is pondering such questions there is not time to connect one thought to another. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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