
Is getting rejected a lot normal? How do i improve my game?

10 posts in this topic

Speaking of day game, i approached, got a number, got her out on a walk, she flakes the second time i ask her out, and says we are incompatible when i ask her out again. Another girl, i text her, left on read. Another girl, she didn't even respond when I said Hi to her in person.  Another one i complimented on her ring, she smiles, and then i go blank. What should be my realistic expectations when it comes to Daygame? I am not good at small talk. And i have to start from ground zero. Although i do have ~40 approaches i have done. I am able to give compliments and then little small talk. Not more. I have no idea how to flirt except by making direct compliments. Similarly, when it comes to physical escalation, i'll do light touches on the shoulder when she says something fun but that's it. 

Edited by assx95

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Girls are generally conservative in India. They don't sleep like that. 

If you want a girlfriend then it's a lot of hard work in India. 

If I were a guy in India, I would have been very upset. 

I feel ya. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@assx95  Yes, 40 approaches is a good start but not enough to get good at flirting, but another thing most pickup guys will not tell you, is:

High self-esteem matters much more than flirting technique.

So do whatever it takes to get you to honestly believe you are an awesome, very attractive man, and everything else in the flirting and game department will become easier.

This may involve you getting better friends, a better life purpose, better clothes, a better place to live, or completely changing your life direction. Whatever that is for you, do that.

It may also involve therapy and/or trauma release. Unprocessed pain from the past is often in the way of having high self esteem.

Edited by flowboy

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Oh yes. Getting rejected a lot is par for the course for any guy doing any kind of cold approach. Expect to even get rejected a lot times with many of the girls you meet through social circle, school, or work. This has been talked about in Leo’s how to get laid vid series and rejection and a number of times on this forum as well. I made a post a few years ago on here about the expected success rate for guys depending on their level of game. Even the best looking guys with advanced game still get rejected most of the time.

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On 24/2/2022 at 9:51 AM, assx95 said:

Speaking of day game, i approached, got a number, got her out on a walk, she flakes the second time i ask her out, and says we are incompatible when i ask her out again. Another girl, i text her, left on read. Another girl, she didn't even respond when I said Hi to her in person.  

What do you feel when that happens? 


May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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On 25/2/2022 at 4:22 PM, flowboy said:

@assx95  High self-esteem matters much more than flirting technique.

So do whatever it takes to get you to honestly believe you are an awesome, very attractive man, and everything else in the flirting and game department will become easier.

Nice ?

On 25/2/2022 at 4:22 PM, flowboy said:


It may also involve therapy and/or trauma release. Unprocessed pain from the past is often in the way of having high self esteem.

"Therapy", "I need to heal", "victim of the past", etc", Are concepts that feel bad now. (Shit I am starting to talk like Nahm, I hope I don't get kicked out)

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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@assx95 there is over six hours of "how to get laid" you can go watch and he includes that you shouldn't give up before 1000 approaches... congrats you are on the way and also agree with @flowboy  and add if your life ain't straight you'll subconsoiucly know this and the girl can tell-unless you wanna get really good at bullshitting girls, it's a lot better for your life holistically to take care of yourself first and this is the whole "displaying value" thing honestly rather than bullshitting it. but keep going bro keep the momentum especially if you have the free time for it...if not sometimes you gotta jack it more often lol

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@John Paul @flowboy Haha. Both of you are spot on. Good input. Thank you.

You gotta go to work on your Self first. Doesn't mean you gotta stop meeting women, but sort your Self out and keep putting your life together internally and externally as the priority. The rest will come. Word.

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