
Holy S***!!!!!

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Ok, ok, calm down this is not another experiences infinity thread. :D

But it's close for me. I just remembered my dream from last night. Oh My God! Well one part of it, but the most important!!

 I was being chased by this monster thingy animal and what I did was, while full of fear and not knowing im dreaming obviously - I climbed a tree and started to meditate!!!  Its the first time that I meditate in my dreams. For me its a holy cow moment :D, sorry if wasting your time.

It was the only thing left, there was no escape, so I sat at the top, facing death and meditated!! Felt the monster, but the fear was not there anymore. I knew I would endure whatever was about to come.

It then let me be, and I lived to tell the tale later on in my dream, which was a crazy interesting one, full of action and strong emotions of all ranges.

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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In the face of fear you journeyed inwards

thats straight sagely gangsta shit

Edited by Arman

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21 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

. I just remembered my dream from last night. Oh My God! Well one part of it, but the most important!!

@Dodoster How do you know there wasn't a more important part and you just don't remember it?:P

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17 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@Dodoster How do you know there wasn't a more important part and you just don't remember it?:P

Touche :D There was also the bit that the latter part of the dream began by me becoming jelous and running away from a girlfriend that really broke my heart irl too.

Teaches me non of the epic adventures would be possible with a gf ? Or you know, that something bad at the moment is not necessarily bad considering the bigger picture,  but nah, i think its the first explanation 


At the end of the dream i returned to her and said : hope you had your fun with that guy. You have no idea what happened to me out there!! :D

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@Dodoster Good stuff, i would love to try to meditate in a dream. I can tell you my crazy stoy, from the dream a few days ago. Basic background: I have never had lucid dream before although tried. Anyways, so before going to sleep I red that it is very helpful to have an intention to be conscious while dreaming if you want to have a lucid dream. So I did, later that night I dreamt that I was talking with a group of people about college and suddenly I thought to myself, damn this looks so real, what a funny thing it would be if this turned out to be a dream. So I started to examin items on the table, everything seemed real. I thought I will stop examining reality as this is clearly not a dream, although just for the record I ll try to count the number of fingers on my hand. There were 6 of them!!! BOOOM! MINDBLOWING SHIT! it was a dream all along. Funny thing is how real the dream appears while dreaming, hard to catch myself in it. So yeah just wanted to share with you my first lucid dream experience.

Btw interesting fact: I always thought I don't have many fears, man I was so wrong. For some reason I am afraid of the dark. Like the moment I become conscious I flew out of the room and it was only a dark space around it, I instantly woke up, I was in a some sort of panic, like I was afraid to go back to sleep for the next few minute. Interesting stuff.

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1 hour ago, Vytas said:

@Dodoster Good stuff, i would love to try to meditate in a dream. I can tell you my crazy stoy, from the dream a few days ago. Basic background: I have never had lucid dream before although tried. Anyways, so before going to sleep I red that it is very helpful to have an intention to be conscious while dreaming if you want to have a lucid dream. So I did, later that night I dreamt that I was talking with a group of people about college and suddenly I thought to myself, damn this looks so real, what a funny thing it would be if this turned out to be a dream. So I started to examin items on the table, everything seemed real. I thought I will stop examining reality as this is clearly not a dream, although just for the record I ll try to count the number of fingers on my hand. There were 6 of them!!! BOOOM! MINDBLOWING SHIT! it was a dream all along. Funny thing is how real the dream appears while dreaming, hard to catch myself in it. So yeah just wanted to share with you my first lucid dream experience.

Btw interesting fact: I always thought I don't have many fears, man I was so wrong. For some reason I am afraid of the dark. Like the moment I become conscious I flew out of the room and it was only a dark space around it, I instantly woke up, I was in a some sort of panic, like I was afraid to go back to sleep for the next few minute. Interesting stuff.

Dreams can best show us what we are afraid of. Sometimes when we are not conscious of our fears, we tend to think we are the terminator. Recent days I've been having nightmare-ish dreams, which is awesome, because I feel good when I wake up and realise they were not real. (I imagine spiritual enlightenment will feel the same times 10000 in satisfaction :D)

I am also trying to have lucid dreams - I've had before, but I think weed and cigarettes fucked up my ability. Now I have stopped the drugs and am cleaning out my system. Will see if I get there again. What you said is very true about the intent while going to sleep.

You should read Charlie Morley's book on Lucid Dreaming, if you haven't! It is a true masterpiece and will definitely help you get those lucid dreams on a regular basis and it's good to know about the dream cycles and many other things in there! (It's also about spirituality, one of the first spirituality books I've read - I will revisit it soon)

 Your comment has reminded me to put more effort in lucid dreaming, because it's one of the best things. Thanks!

PS: Here's one simple method (of many) from the book that I will try tonight and you should try too (if you're as hyped as me :D)-

* Set your alarm to sound after 4 or 5 hours of sleep
* Try to jot down any dreams you remember
* Go right back to sleep (for the next 3-4 hours) and while falling asleep concentrate on the sensations in the body, where the body touches the bed, inner sensations etc, basically just meditate while falling asleep and with the intent to have a lucid dream.

This should make it 10 times easier for you to be lucid, because you will fall right into a dream, because you wont go into deep sleep, but directly into dreaming - you might even experience Hypnagogia and how the dream forms and "surf" into it :D (I used to experience hypnagogia every time I was falling asleep, but again, drugs fucked it up :D - the funny thing is I had to read about hypnagogia and try to be conscious of it in order to experience it, it's like magic :D , before reading I never knew it existed even though it was so easy to see)

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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I've noticed my dreams are getting powerful too this year, I just had a false awakening loop, i woke up about 15 times dream within a dream yet was still in a dream lol. I find it strange how i have more vivid, lucid and strange dreams when i sleep for few hours mid-day or afternoon.


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48 minutes ago, pluto said:

I've noticed my dreams are getting powerful too this year, I just had a false awakening loop, i woke up about 15 times dream within a dream yet was still in a dream lol. I find it strange how i have more vivid, lucid and strange dreams when i sleep for few hours mid-day or afternoon.

Lol me too, i had just one false awakening but still.. Not the important bit. I freaking talked with Leo on skype or something,  not once but twice, 1 on 1 friendly satsang where he got me to realise that I am everything,like experientially within the dream I felt unstoppable and kept that wisdom with me throughout the happenings, trumping any fear.

He was allowing anyone to call him and just talk, given one condition - no preparation. Super deep dream.

He said something cool that was like a motto for life, but I cant currently remember. If I do, I'll update this. It was super cool ? 

The conversations were epic

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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Are your dreams getting more powerful after meditation ?

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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