
Fleshlight for masturbation

46 posts in this topic

last night i was masturbating in a kneeled position and like stroking it with an upside down hand with the thumb open so it could stroke down past the balls. just obsessing about how hard my dick was felt pretty good. having a hard dick is great.

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I ended up getting the Tenga Fliphole, plus a 6-pack of the eggs (which I've tried one of so far.)

The Tenga Fliphole is... very efficient at what it does, it gets you off really fast. But it's not necessarily that pleasurable, if that makes sense?

Like if you were making a factory where you had to milk 1000 dudes of their semen per day for some kind of breeding program or something, the Fliphole would be my go-to tool. It's literally a tool designed to get dudes off as fast as possible.

That's not necessarily the reason that I masturbate though, just to get off. It actually takes the pleasure out of masturbation and treats it more like a problem to be solved. Like if you asked AI how to make masturbation as efficient as possible... it'd come up with the Tenga Fliphole. It does the job but completely lacks soul.

It's nothing like pussy and that's fine. From the reviews I didn't expect it to be realistic. Nothing can be as good as the real thing. But it's so different from the real thing that it's just a bit of a bizarre experience. I don't want my toy to be THAT GOOD, I want to get more than 10-20 thrusts out of the process. The buildup of masturbating is arguably the better part than the actual orgasm.

Just 3-4 Kleenexes is probably still going to be my go-to going forward. Optimal softness with no lube required, no messy cleanup. 

I guess the Fliphole is the ideal tool if you wanted to stop watching porn while still fulfilling the urge of getting off without any imagery required, if you think porn causes negative effects on the brain. Or if you're masturbating to porn for hours per day and you just want to force yourself to get off quickly so you can stop wasting so much time.

It's a great way to make yourself no longer enjoy jacking off.

Edited by Yarco

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2 hours ago, Yarco said:

That's not necessarily the reason that I masturbate though, just to get off. It actually takes the pleasure out of masturbation and treats it more like a problem to be solved. Like if you asked AI how to make masturbation as efficient as possible... it'd come up with the Tenga Fliphole. It does the job but completely lacks soul.

It is what you make of it.

But of course fucking a plastic object will lack soul.

If the Tenga lacks soul then the Fleshlight is Satan himself.


It's nothing like pussy and that's fine. From the reviews I didn't expect it to be realistic. Nothing can be as good as the real thing. But it's so different from the real thing that it's just a bit of a bizarre experience.

I dunno. It feels about as close to sex as you can get with a plastic device.


I don't want my toy to be THAT GOOD, I want to get more than 10-20 thrusts out of the process. The buildup of masturbating is arguably the better part than the actual orgasm.

You can modify the inside with scissors to make it less tight and stimulating. I used scissors to cut out a large part of the stimulating rubber texture so it's more smooth and loose. This makes it a lot better and more realistic.

You gotta lube it up properly too.

But like I said before, the biggest problem is that it feels too good.

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3 hours ago, Roy said:

I don't know why you're pursuing girls, I wasn't quoting you.

@Roy I know, but since I haven´t had a girlfriend it´s like you "were talking to me".

I am not looking for physical sexual pleasure with girls. And I don´t think nobody is really. That´s why I think your theory is kinda dumb.

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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35 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I am not looking for physical sexual pleasure with girls.


35 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

And I don´t think nobody is really.

You'd be surprised. Don't let your presence in self-help communities give you rose-colored glasses. A lot of "normie" men are incredibly shallow. They just want to get their dick wet, first and foremost.

35 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

That´s why I think your theory is kinda dumb.

I think you are misinterpreting my post too narrowly. I made it short and hip-fired because it was in response to a very simple thread. I don't think my theory is that dumb, let me explain.

Of course (the majority) of guys don't want a girlfriend just for the physical/sex aspect, but it's a significant factor. Let's just be casual and make up some numbers and divide them evenly to illustrate what I meant to get at, but maybe didn't explain in that short post.

There are usually a few groupings of vague reasons that a guy will want a girlfriend;

- Pragmatic, Financial, Logistical (sharing resources, buying a home with someone, having someone to drive you around, take care of you when sick, etc.)

- Friendship, Interpersonal, Emotional Support, Intimacy (having someone to do things with, cheerlead you in career, listen to your struggles, accept you in a deeper way than friends typically can)

- Sex, Physical Pleasure, Family Creation (steady supply of sex which is a base need, the benefits of physical connection for stress relief, having someone to potentially create a baby with)

I definitely missed some things but those are the basic groupings off the top of my head for what I think most guys think when they think of having a girlfriend/wife/partner. Now different guys will value different groups, but for the sake of simplicity let's say the average of all preferences makes each one an even 33%.

So if a guy is getting 25% of those things met by himself, or whatever number, a significant number, through sex toys, porn, and so on. Don't you agree that will take away from the urgency or willpower to face their demon and do the work on their of social/relationship skills? That's kind of what I'm getting at, I hope you understand my POV from what I said here. The more things that help men avoid and distract them from their issue, the worse off they'll be. That's why sex toys getting better and better is kind of dangerous for them, because they become pseudo-replacements for the real thing.

If you do some research there is an alarming problem in Japan with this. Their country is basically rotting from cripplingly low birth rates, a crisis of intimacy because of technological dependence, toxic culture of overworking etc. It's pretty messed up if you learn about it. They have such an unusually open post-liberal relationship with sex, you can see the consequences of moving past tradition too fast.

It's a breeding ground for super-incels. I actually understand now why there is an obsession with Japanese culture now from incels and weebs online, and why their behaviors are barreling towards imitating them so much lol.



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@Roy Good post with the way technology is growing toys like these are only going to make men worse of. Having a toy by itself doesn't seem to be the problem but when you add that with a low quality life, social issues you turn into a mess.  

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