
fear to full time job

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The best part about having a career is that you can forget about all your problems and just focus on that. You can just forget about all your crappy relationships and money issues, and just focus on that. It's your all. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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4 hours ago, Nahm said:

How you feel is more important than what you think. 
Prove me wrong. 

do you know what unconscious is? It is not something I choose. These problems are present even in dreams. Am I responsable for what I dream too? 

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11 hours ago, RedLine said:

do you know what unconscious is? It is not something I choose.

No. What is it to you so to speak? To me, unconscious isn’t actual. As in, never actually experienced it and it seems only conceptual. To me it seems like a cover up, a way to blame and project the discord of my perspective onto an abstraction, a concept, which doesn’t exist. I suggest understanding the emotions you’re experiencing, rather than focusing on concepts & abstractions. But honestly maybe it’s something altogether different in your experience, idk. 

Slavery (in your usage of the word here) is conditioning. Many people, myself included, got jobs which provided personal independence etc, without ever thinking of it as slavery. Total opposite ime, it was opportunity, which unfolded to better and better opportunities. It actually feels great to do honest work. Freedom. Started several business with what was learned from working at the initial jobs. But thinking you’re entering slavery does not feel good, because it is discordant. Or, it’s the discord which does not feel good. Paints slavery onto freedom. In choosing feeling good, one would choose a different outlook / perspective. Perhaps the thing that would be naturally most helpful and exciting has be recontextualized as slavery, and you are feeling the discord of the perspective, but believing it’s true and believing you’re in that situation, and the situation is asserting bad feeling upon you.  You’d have to consider the arrogance of knowing, not in a personal way, but in the sense, we don’t actually know what an experience is like until, we experience it.  Might turn out to be a bridge or gateway in a sense, to everything you might be wanting. More esteem, confidence, friends, know how, significant others, fun times, developing skills, independence, more opportunities, etc. (As examples of what someone might be wanting). 


These problems are present even in dreams. Am I responsable for what I dream too? 

I didn’t say you were responsible for anything, just that how you feel is more important than what you think. Responsibility is likely another perspective which is discordant for you. I’d consider your response ability to such perspectives. We are all always free to reach for a better feeling thought, and it is that alignment, that feeling better which matters most. 

Honor what you want in an honest manor. If you want an ideal combination of time & money, you can have it. Focus on what you want, that which feels good to you. 

Blame is an emotion. Try the emotional scale. It works. If you do, take note sadness and depression are not on the scale, because these are not emotions, as these are similarly (to what you’ve shared) self referential conceptualizing. 

Conditioning isn’t resolved by adding conditioning. Only by letting it go. 



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I can agree that work is horrible. Not so much the work itself but the amount of it. Western society has turned work into this obsession. I wish people would just calm down a little. 


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There was never a rush to begin with. Nowhere to get to, no problems. But ambition (thought attachment) makes it so. This is one of the most shocking aspects of Truth. Shocking as in, how radical & elusive conditioning (thought attachment) is. In other words, what you’re feeling is the truth. 




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Learn to code. Thats one of the most valuable skills you can learn now. You can then use that skill to develop your business. If I did it, anyone can.


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@Nahm I struggle with ambition (thought attachment) near overwhelmingly. Could you give me any advice to overcome it? Any formal techniques or momentary if-then's? Thanks!

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On 16/10/2021 at 4:33 PM, RedLine said:

f I continue being unemployment living with my mom (28 years old) - sadness and dression

If I am finally able to get a job in my field - slavery

If you don't mind me asking, What do you do at the moment? I mean what have you been doing for the past 2 years since finishing the school with all your time? 

Fair enough that you don't want to suck up to a corporate tit but what are you gonna do instead with all this time? Are you working on your LP at the moment? Are you putting some serious time into work you are passionate about? If not, why not? If your financial situation allows living with parents that's fine but make sure to do your best and use this time to the fullest. Seems like you need some spark of motivation to get you back on track, maybe some sort of productivity coach or a routine to get you on your feet ion the morning and get cracking with your LP work and meditation. 

Find your passion and start a small business (whatever that means for you), be active on social media, attend lectures, read, educate yourself. Part of the depression could be simply having lack of challenge in life. Both mental and physical. 

And if finances start running low, take some easy part time job that requires little effort, little contact with people just to cover the basic bills. Some sort of minor office job while you figure out your stuff. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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9 hours ago, softlyblossoming said:

@Nahm I struggle with ambition (thought attachment) near overwhelmingly. Could you give me any advice to overcome it? Any formal techniques or momentary if-then's? Thanks!

There is a discordant perspective in regard to ambition. What does ambition mean to you? What comes up (any worries, memories, relationship(s)) when you think of it?



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How about you get a part time job while also working on your business every day??

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