
Transmissions for Enlightenment

129 posts in this topic

11 minutes ago, Cthulu said:

@SourceCodo A different campaign :D

I feel

I feel, too ?


Take is easy, player.

Edited by SourceCodo


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On 7-7-2022 at 4:55 PM, SourceCodo said:

This is some goofy, goofy stuff. 

Creating all of these labels and categories for “transmissions”… Appropriating several religious characters, terminologies and practices in the process… Truly some form of tail chasing sickness. 

Transmissions all originate in mind of the people sending. Mind creates endless illusion. Misleads. Why propagate pointless, misleading illusions? Which these clearly are. 

Transmission is also like saying “I said this”. So simple. All of what you said is just categorical naming conventions for different types of information and the people conveying it. Brand names. And which is clearly being used for profit… Poop on a stick and call it a fudge pop. 

This has been a mind transmission of SourceCodo. 

You have zero experience of an energetic transmission my friend. Zero. If you're really honest, be open and receptive. And test it for a couple of years. 

If you're not willing to do that, its of course ok. But do know you're full of shit. Literally projecting and assuming as a self-biased cynic. Don't believe, just do and test. 

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57 minutes ago, Visionary said:

You have zero experience of an energetic transmission my friend. Zero. If you're really honest, be open and receptive. And test it for a couple of years. 

If you're not willing to do that, its of course ok. But do know you're full of shit. Literally projecting and assuming as a self-biased cynic. Don't believe, just do and test. 

Based on what I’ve said, you’d be right to assume all of this about me. And if you did, you’d probably be right.


And yes, me sharing the projections makes me some kind of cruel self-assuming cynic. And do know, I am full of shit. Lots of it.

I’m going to go use the restroom now. Talk to you later. ✌️


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On 9-7-2022 at 3:32 AM, SourceCodo said:

Based on what I’ve said, you’d be right to assume all of this about me. And if you did, you’d probably be right.


And yes, me sharing the projections makes me some kind of cruel self-assuming cynic. And do know, I am full of shit. Lots of it.

I’m going to go use the restroom now. Talk to you later. ✌️

We all are. And we're here to help eachother go through that shit. This "method"can really really help you realize the depths of the pools of shit that are waiting to be discovered. More than mental self-reflective exercises. These transmissions are energetic, very subtle but at the same time extreme in its effects if you give it time. What's even more nice: it takes you beyond the minds self-reflective capacities and straight into the subconscious mind. True Self-reflection cannot take place without the language of the subconscious mind which is energy. Which is mostly non-symbolic. Translating this non-symbolic data into language is the real journey. That is true self-discovery and truthful expression. We're full of untranslated non-symbolic data waiting to be expressed. Like the depths of the Pacific. The conscious ego mind is a little pool. 

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Shaktipat Initiation

Last year, I received an initiation into the shaktipat lineage of Maa yogini Lalleswari.

This initiation can help to awaken the kundalini and to get enlightened.

This could happen during the initiation (unlikely) or some months or years afterwards, or never. During the initiation you also get a mantra which is charged with shakti, and it is recommended that after the initiation, you practice a daily meditation where you chant the mantra and visualize the shaktipat gurus. For example, you can visualize them around you while chanting the mantra.


During my initiation I felt energetic sensations, my body felt weird, I got into an altered state of consciousness and it felt as if the gurus of the lineage are present. In some ways it was the most intense experience I've had from transmissions. 

Most people probably don't feel anything during the initiation. Whether you feel something depends on many factors like energetic sensitivity, chance, resonance with that lineage,....

It doesn't matter whether you feel anything, the initiation is said to work either way.



I sometimes visualize the yogis of the shaktipat lineage around me and I have the impression that this meditation works, for me it seems to mainly increase shakti and bliss.

The same happens if I visualize any ascended masters, but I have the impression that the initiation did make a difference.


 Initiations are considered more serious than regular transmissions. You don't just do an initiation on the fly. Usually you are expected to be serious about it and devoted and motivated to keep doing the daily meditations.

If you just want to do as many transmissions as possible, then do the other transmissions mentioned in this thread. If you feel intuitively drawn to this initiation and lineage then you can consider trying it. Read through the website to get more information and a feeling for the initiation and lineage. 

Also, the people in this lineage tend to do things in a traditional way, for example regarding guru disciple relationship. You can just get the initiation and not keep in touch, but it's usually encouraged to keep in touch and be devoted. The ideal lifestyle for progress and enlightenment is said to be basically like that of a bhakti yogi disciple who surrenders. 

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Just now, Benton said:

@Yimpa Right, the idea that you become enlightened  and are done is false. 

But higher states of consciousness are possible through various means. We can interpret words through many lens including enlightenment.


I AM nutz

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Looks like I am a bit late to the thread but I saw this and wanted to post as I recently had experience of two individuals doing transmissions - both associated with Franz Bardon's Hermetics.

First is Clint Sabom he has a YouTube channel and does videos to help people get through Initiation into Hermetics, the first book of Franz Bardon. He recently started to do private transmissions for small groups. I have not experienced this personally with him but did see that he got positive feedback from the first group.

The second individual is Bob from Sixty Skills who I do know much more about as I have been following his videos on YouTube. He actually does lots of different transmissions and though the subject of the thread is enlightenment, his transmissions are more about experiencing even enlightenment taken from a Hermetics perspective is about the void, akasha and non-dual light. He can only ever give you a taste to get the work started but having a taste at least shines the light on which direction to head in. So certainly, Sixty Skills is someone I can recommend as he does them on almost every Sunday. 

You can find both of them on YouTube, I don't want to spam links.

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