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charlie cho

I struggle to understand why guilt, embarrassment, and shame limit us to love totally

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As the title says....

I have understood why other emotions and thoughts may be destructive to our world. Although my intuition tells me guilt and shame has no value in my life, I am yet to not grasp why guilt and shame will not help us act on unloving, unjust, unaware acts. I really do. It's like my intuition and my emotions are at war right now. Have any of you completely resolved this issue like I have with others, other than guilt?

Perhaps, if I would give my two cents on the subject, guilt is created by our selfish desires. If we had no desire or attachments, there would be no guilt. Why? We may have a dream, a desire, a want, an attachment to the ideal 'good' we have in our minds. We all have that 'good' ideal. And if we have not achieved to that good ideal, we criticize ourselves. And that criticism is guilt. It is a specific form of criticism but it is criticism nonetheless. As for not succeeding in being as respected as we want, we shame ourselves. 

Guilt, maybe, is created by our desire to be "good". In reality there is no "good". 

Now as I see it, if there is a person who really does not have that false desire or an ideal to be "good", perhaps he or she may not have guilt at all. Maybe the answer to discard any guilt is to discard any desire to be "good". 

Edited by charlie cho

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Well, if you have shame or guilt, you’re judging what you identify as your own being, which is not separate from all being, so you’re liable to judge others as well. It’s not wrong though.

Edited by The0Self

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Because guilt and shame are not natural, are the worst emotions you can get in. So, they have no value for life, ditch them. Religion uses this in brainwashing. 



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lower emotions are used for manipulation and mass control. just consider how some men could make millions of bucks through the fear of people!

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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guilt is

accepting a code of conduct you never signed up to

then feeling bad for not meeting it because hey what if someone finds out what i'm like

my behavior is

love maximization on a case by case hour by hour basis irrespective of what any other says


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There is a good book called "Healing the shame that Binds you"

Toxic shame is probably my biggest internal obstacle I am working on!

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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