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Simple question : What's my next Step towards enlightenment?

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I'm going to put it as simple as possible:

I look at my hand, and it becomes "alien". The visual perception of my hand isn't an extension of myself or my body, just an alien thing happening. What can I do once my visual perception of my hand isn't in reference with any thought or concept or feeling or anything else.

When it's just the happening of a weird field of "something"?



-With alien I basically mean "weird", "unfamiliar" "confusing", "empty". I don't mean extraterrestrial or extradimensional.

-It's also not ego death or dying or merging with the visual field or anything spectacular. I could just watch my left hand for hours. (somehow it works better with the left one than the right one, don't ask me why).


I think about a few things:

1. Look of theres anything else left that I don't notice.

2.Analyse the weirdness of the experience.

3. Conscioulsy switch between it being weird and it being associated with me again.


I'm going to do all of those things because I'm curious of that weirdness, but what would you intuitively tell me to do.

What's the next step when I am into that weird "experience"?


No psychedelics for now.


To be able to be in that "state" I needed to surrender to everything the last 2 days. I don't know if that plays a role. It definitely had an effect on me.

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52 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

I'm going to do all of those things because I'm curious of that weirdness, but what would you intuitively tell me to do.

What's the next step when I am into that weird "experience"?

Inquire into who it is that is curious / who or what is aware of the weirdness

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20 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

@The0Self ok so the things that come up after the experience.

Or just whatever comes up during the experience / as long as there is experience of anything. Your list of 3 looks good too, especially 3. I don’t know, try all kinds of things, but probably self inquiry or altering the lens with which experience is viewed. And notice how each view alters the experience — like you described with 3 — view it as not me/mine; momentary; inconstant; unsatisfactory; undeniable, spontaneous; uncontrollable; unconditioned.

View it as void of having any reality beyond its mere appearance.

Or question whether it has any reality beyond it’s mere/absolute appearance. If any answer (for any of your inquiries) or anything at all is known, inquire how or if you’re convinced that you know that.

Etc. Yeah that’s just an intuition for what could perhaps be fruitful.

Edited by The0Self

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41 minutes ago, Nahm said:


You’re judging, analyzing and imagining steps  in this peace. 


So you want enlightenment?

Time between “bad” states — e.g. (it’s arbitrary, but perhaps) anger — arising, and its recognition+release, gets less and less until eventually it’s realized that “further” is not required or meaningful. Then the arising and its release are 1:1...

But not because the lag time decreased further...

What this means is “bad” never actually becomes something that arose anymore — anger is no longer labeled “bad/wrong;" no longer labelled as "something unworthy of not needing to be released." And in a funny way, in the same way, a so-called next- step/process is no longer labelled as “something that must be done” / “good for me.”

Edited by The0Self

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3 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

What's the next step when I am into that weird "experience"?

Notice the watchingness of the hand. The presence of the hand. The context of it.

Also, I recommend switching the focus to your core sense of self. You'll get a lot more breakthroughs from doing that. Notice yourself. Notice that what you are is an object of awareness. What is watching you?

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Try to feel the boundless space within the finite hand. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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Or: How to convince myself that i've reached an imaginary goal?

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