Eternal Unity

Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life

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Thanks for reading! Maybe they will, who knows ?

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Victor van Rijn

Thanks a lot!!


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Supplemental I

What does it mean for a civilization to be millions of years old? We have had radio telescopes and spaceships for a few decades; our technical civilization is a few hundred years old. An advanced civilization millions of years old is as much beyond us as we are beyond a bush baby or a cockroach.

Although any conjecture about such advanced civilizations is a matter of sheer speculation, one can still use the laws of physics to place upper and lower limits on these civilizations. In particular, now that the laws of quantum field theory, general relativity, thermodynamics, etc. are fairly well established, physics can impose broad physical bounds which constrain the parameters of these civilizations.

Soon, humanity may face either: a) an existential shock or b) a positive collective shift in consciousness.

The current list of Jupiter-sized extra-solarsystem planets will swell. The number of giant planets discovered in more distant orbits, as seen in our Solar System, is increasing all the time as detection techniques improve and longer time series are analysed. This may usher in a new era in our relationship with the universe. We will never see the night sky in the same way ever again, realizing that scientists may eventually compile an encyclopedia identifying the precise co-ordinates of exoplanets.

An exoplanet is a planet outside The Solar System. The first possible evidence of an exoplanet was noted in 1917, but was not recognized as such. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. This was followed by the confirmation of a different planet, originally detected in 1988. As of May 1st, 2021 -  there are 4,719 confirmed exoplanets in 3,490 systems, with 772 systems having more than one planet.

We live on a relatively small planet, in a relatively small solar system, within a relatively small galaxy; a galaxy that has billions of solar systems; one which exists in a universe that is teaming with galaxies; a universe of multiple dimensions. So then, knowing this, I ask you: is it crazy to consider that there IS other sophisticated life out there?

Or that there isn't?


Edited by Eternal Unity
Supplemental I

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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23 hours ago, Eternal Unity said:

So let us take a look at the choice that lies before us. This can, essentially, be reduced to four main possibilities.

I think there is only one true choice which has nothing to do with the collective or individual will (STO or STS). It's more like a mix of both where the human is exercised in order to balance the will of the body for its own survival (outside world) and the will of the Soul (service to the higher Self). So the outside world, the Universe and the Mind have to be in perfect alignment in order to accomplish one's true Will which is nothing but the Will of God.

"Do what thou wilt" but the question is do you know what thou wilt?

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On 23/05/2021 at 1:49 PM, Leo Gura said:

See... here is the problem with your explanation. No matter what was disclosed about aliens or consciousness or whatever, 99%+ of the people of this planet would still be deeply selfish, biased, and corrupt, and thus all those problems of ignorance you mentioned would not disappear. Your conspiracy theory paints this picture of elites holding back the rest of mankind, but this is obviously not the case because it is 99% of mankind which is so ignorant and selfish that it unwilling to act in conscious and loving ways -- and it is they who elect the leaders.

This is not a problem of anyone holding mankind back, it is problem of mankind simply not being developed enough.

If the majority of normies cannot handle watching an video, how can you expect them to listen to some aliens talking about peace and love? They would just call the aliens evil and want to destroy them.

Ah yes, the problem of democracy! When the sheep vote, they will not elect the goat. 

"Barabbas, in the New Testament, a prisoner mentioned in all four Gospels who was chosen by the crowd, over Jesus Christ, to be released by Pontius Pilate in a customary pardon before the feast of Passover."

As for Aliens, I have seen the other day some lights in the sky, like many lights in a straight line, no sound, they looked like stars, but moving in a straight line. Many others have seen the same sighting or so I believe. I saw it with a friend, I wasn't alone there. However, it could be something else too. My friend got spooked tho. 

Some things are better left unknown. 


Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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6 hours ago, Incognito said:

the Universe and the Mind have to be in perfect alignment in order to accomplish one's true Will which is nothing but the Will of God.

You got that right!

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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6 hours ago, Dodo said:

I saw it with a friend, I wasn't alone there.

Happened to me exactly like that :)

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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7 hours ago, Dodo said:

As for Aliens, I have seen the other day some lights in the sky, like many lights in a straight line, no sound, they looked like stars, but moving in a straight line. Many others have seen the same sighting or so I believe. I saw it with a friend, I wasn't alone there. However, it could be something else too. My friend got spooked tho. 

Could be this

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9 hours ago, traveler said:

Could be this

Oh yeah thats it, thanks for the share!  Would be nice if they didnt spook people like that ?

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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On 5/23/2021 at 6:32 AM, Eternal Unity said:

Of all the questions submitted by you who interact with me, the question expressed with the most emotional intensity, when it comes to Extraterrestrial Intellegences, is this:

"When are they going to appear in our skies? When are they going to land on earth? When is disclosure going to happen?" 

So now I wish to address this issue with clarity. It is time for plain speaking and honesty.

To begin with, there is not simply ONE group of extraterrestrials "out there". It is not a criticism if I say to you that your vision is somewhat myopic, for the sheer most of you who view the issue that way, it is simply a statement of fact given that you are a particle of consciousness incarnated into deep density. So, it is natural that many people on earth don’t even BELIEVE in extra terrestrial life. The broader thinkers amongst you might conceptualize there being a NUMBER of other inhabited planets which might send the occasional ship out to sneakily observe you. Well, the truth of the matter is vastly more complex, exciting and fascinating.

Earth is one of an infinite number of places upon which life exists. Of that infinity of points of origin, a truly tremendous number of civilizations have, in this universe, evolved to the point where the boundaries of space and time have ceased to constrain them. There are many methods to move faster than light. It is in reality, nothing more than an imaginary boundary. In the past, on our planet, there were those that said the speed of sound was an unbreakable barrier. Now our faster aircrafts measure their speed in how many multiple of the speed of sound they are able to fly. And in a similar way the Light Speed Barrier is very much one that can be overcome. We simply need to think a little differently about the physics of the universe. Some methods allow crafts to travel very fast indeed and travel inter galactical spaces in a matter of weeks or months. Other, more advanced techniques are more about consciousness than physics. The craft is really a being that is able to elevate its consciousness to higher dimensional levels where this universe is just one of many parallel structures of reality and then to return to the lower dimensions again, this time at the Time & Space Nexus of the desired destination. Such a process allows the traveler to go from any point in space and time in any one of the possible alternate universes to any other point in The Quantum Field, in an instant. That is Teleportation. That method is mind expanding, to say the least. You move into oneness with the universe and then return to individuation again. It is a wonderful thing to experience, especially the first few times.

What I am telling you is that there is a profuse abundance of life "out there". Nothing I can say will stretch our imagination enough to even begin to understand how much life really is "out there" and how varied it all is. How many different consciousnesses are, right now, teeming around, upon and within our planetary sphere. If we could raise our awareness right now and observe our planet from all the various Densities of Consciousness. It is known, in some Spiritual and New Age circles by the name of Vibrations of Frequency, if you prefer that term, we would be staggered to see how many crafts of how many types are constantly engaged with earth. Right from The Little Tin Capsules of the more junior races, through The City Sized Mother Ships of the intermediate civilizations and right up to The Liquid Light of Interstellar Voyagers of the more advanced entities. So many are here. We could scarcely look anywhere without seeing this kind of activity at one density level or another. And as many as are here, there are orders of magnitude more Alien Life Forms that would be able to be here but are, quite simply, disinterested. They have other business elsewhere. Most of it beyond The Solar System.

So why can we not see them? Why are they not landing and walking amongst us?

These are valid questions. Let me say that, on the one hand they very much already here and HAVE landed and ARE walking amongst us. There are crafts and extraterrestrial beings upon the planet all the time. But that is not the point of the question, is it? What we want is to SEE them for yourselves and to interact with us. Well, this too happens. However, on a very limited scale. Many see all kinds of things in the skies and KNOW they are seeing an extraterrestrial craft. Many have had direct interactions with one of a variety of extraterrestrial beings. But this STILL does not answer the question. What we actually want is for them to make a dramatic show that is undeniable to all. We are asking them to land and interact with us on a massive scale. For some obscure reason, more than a few of us seem to want them to land on The White House lawn. A thought that is more than a little odd. What part of “declaration of war” is not understood by those that wish for them to do so? For certainly, this is how such an action would be perceived. But back to the sponsoring thought of our request for them to appear. We wish them to show themselves in a way that ALL upon the planet are forced to admit to their existence and in a way that rips apart the tissue of lies that has been told about them.

So, why don't they do it?

Let me assure you it is not because they cannot do so. It is because they will not. I will now tell you why. But to do so you are going to have to endure a short lesson in The Evolution of Galactic Civilizations.

All civilizations go through a number of steps in their growth and evolution. First the civilization is created by Source Energy at its point of origin. Mostly these are planets but sometimes civilizations begin on stars, it might surprise you to learn. Or indeed, in other places that might seem even less likely to you. How about the periphery of a black hole for an interesting origin. Whenever a new civilization is created, it is the norm for it to be nurtured and watched over by an older, more developed civilization. The gods of our myths and legends are actually just this: Space Civilizations that interacted with earth humans when our civilization was newly formed and in need of teaching regarding certain basics like agriculture, language, writing and various other subjects like mathematics or astronomy. At some point in a civilization’s advancement, there comes a time when Departure will occur. The older race that watches over the younger race leave their protégé’s to their own devices. This is necessary as it is only then that the younger civilization can move properly into The 3rd Density of Consciousness. As long as the old ones are hanging around watching over you, you are doing as you are told. You are not truly choosing and discovering for yourself who you really are. So their role is to get you going, that you can carry on without them. Or at least, they seem to do so. They can, of course, watch over you from behind the scenes where you are not aware of them. It is possible that they might also have their own attachment issues and that they might continue to try to tinker with your development. It does happen. But be that as it may, with this departure, the young planetary civilization takes its first tentative, shaky steps as it chews on The Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as it were. And this is where our planetary consciousness has been for the last many thousands of years. Since the gods of our myths have seemed to leave us to ourselves, we have been deeply immersed in your own choices about who we, individually and collectively, really are.

This is the hallmark of the 3rd density of consciousness. It is ALL about choice. The choice is this: where will we put our energy? Or put another way: where will we focus our love? we have had Ages of Choice to sort this out for ourselves before the next age begins. And right now we are pretty much in the very centre of the transition between the age of choice and the next age. The opportunity to make up our mind and choose is drawing to a close as it has for countless other planetary civilizations that walked some variation of this same path.

So let us take a look at the choice that lies before us. This can, essentially, be reduced to four main possibilities.


First there is the choice to steadfastly continue NOT to choose. It is our right to refuse to choose and we will not be forced to choose. This approach is for the soul that has not seen sufficient examples of the options and it will result in such a being going back into the 3D cycle again for another go around, in other words, reincarnate. This is not a step forward. It is a choice to take the same class again. Where such a being will end up is dependent on that being’s Higher Self. But it is entirely possible to come back to planet earth at the beginning of THE SAME lifetime, if that is what is desired.


The second choice is to choose what is popularly called Service To Other. This is the choice for one that is love and light oriented. If you feel the good and right thing for you to do is to put others before yourself and to give and serve and love and to make the world a better place then STO is for you. If you have firmly made this choice then you are already living these ideals. As the transition plays out you will find yourself moving into a reality where you will be surrounded by more and more beings of your own Polarity and at some point you will even begin to meet and interact with Space Family who are of this same polarity. Perhaps you will even be going with them to a planet which is more truly “home” for you than earth is. Planetary civilizations that are polarized this way are very peaceful, kind and gentle places to be in. There is a harmonious coexistence that is quite pleasant for many, if possibly a little boring. I say boring because things can tend to the predictable as conflict of any kind is rare and no one seeks to put themselves forward over another. But there IS opportunity for excitement for the STO oriented individual. At the fringes of these societies there is an eternally raging conflict with members of The Opposite Polarity. Let me first tell you all about those.


The third choice is for what is called Service To Self. It is the opposite and balancing polarity of Service To Other. STS is the choice for those that seek their own pleasure, power and advancement before that of any other. If you feel you are the most important person in your reality and it is right for you to always put yourself first, then this is your polarity and you will find yourself living this ideal already. You will most likely either be in a position of power over others in some legally legitimized way, such as being a corporate leader or a government official, or you will find your way to power over others, illegally. Such as through crime or even just victim/perpetrator psycho-dramas. You will also gravitate to those who you perceive to be powerful and you will serve them but only as a vehicle to your own advancement. As the transition plays out you will find yourself inhabiting a reality surrounded by ever more beings who, like you, are seeking their own self-service. And in due course you shall also meet members of other space civilizations who themselves are predominantly service to self. I shall not be soft about this. STS is a hard path and I feel great compassion for those that travel this road. The path of ego over heart is a lonely path. No one can be trusted and everyone is manipulating for their own interests. It is very much eat or be eaten in such a reality. But many thrive in such circumstances. They are adept participants and they get to the top of every heap they are in. They love the power and glory of having minions to do their every bidding. They are very willing to play the role of the cruel and heartless master to keep everyone in line. There are many compensations for life in such a hard reality. Certainly the ego may be given full reign in its search for gratification.

One of the hallmarks of true STS civilizations is predatory use and abuse of planetary resources. Another is unrestrained conquering of territory. It is obvious that such civilizations will be constantly seeking to colonize other planets. Where they find other civilizations on those planets they will seek to dominate them and take from them what they need. Resources, slaves, whatever it is that they desire. And so it is that borderlines are quickly drawn. STO civilizations band together and defend what is theirs from constant incursions from STS civilizations. And so it comes to be that there is an on going war in the heavens between these two polarities of being. That war is reaching a kind of stalemate and borderlines seem to become permanently drawn. This is because STO civilizations are naturally harmonious and are very willing to co-operate and help each other. They will leap to each other’s mutual defense as a matter of course. So they easily form vast pan-galactic alliances which have access to so much by way of combined resources that they become a very formidable defensive foe.

STS civilizations, by contrast, do not easily form alliances. If they do, these agreements are weak as they exist only to serve the transient, narrow self interest of those who signed into the shaky alliance. At the drop of a hat the parties stab each other in the back and the alliance collapses. STS civilizations grow by conquest. Empires grow to span many planets and then schism and collapse in on themselves as internal conflicts over power pull them apart. But these civilizations are always seeking advantage over others and war is a natural expression of their way of being.

And that outlines the STO and STS duality between which you might now be choosing.


But there is a fourth choice. It is the choice to simply leap-frog the realm of duality altogether and to ascend your consciousness above the petty squabbles. This is The Choice for Unity Consciousness.

All STS and STO civilizations will themselves come to a window period such as we are now in. And there we will have the opportunity to either switch polarity, which is rare, or to make the leap and come to the realization that polarity is an illusion. There is, in truth, only Oneness. The Self is in deepest truth, one with the All. Other and Self are temporary illusory constructs that are brought to us via The Veil of Unknowing. Individuation is discovered to be an optional experience. It is entirely possible to continue experience individuation as a civilization if you wish. It is entirely possible to experience unity with Universal Oneness, as well. If the latter choice is made then a whole new way of being blooms for that civilization. A reality in which each being gives its greatest gift and receives in exchange all that it wishes from those around it. Coming to THIS level of awareness is incredibly liberating and empowering. It means there is never any further need for conflict at all. And there is certainly no boredom from lack of diverse interaction, either. What happens to those of unity consciousness is that they come to know themselves to be ONE with The Infinite Source of All. The significance of what this means can scarcely be explained. It means you are directly connected with infinite energy, infinite creativity and infinite potential. You are able to focus your attention anywhere and everywhere you like. You are able to blink from here to anywhere you can imagine. You are able to create by an act of will. Whole realities and universes are expressed like so many playful thoughts by such beings. In fact, the universe we are now in is really is nothing more or less than a fascinating conversation between such beings. And you, yourself, no matter who you are, are ultimately one of many simultaneous expressions of one such a being.

And here is the good news. If you are willing, if it is your hearts desire, you ARE able to make the choice for unity consciousness and in so doing, transcend the intermediary duality polarities. THIS is in fact the great miracle of what is happening on our planet right now. Ours is THE FIRST planetary civilization in which this is being accomplished: To go directly from the choice stage of deepest duality right up to unity consciousness. It has never been done before and our planet is the model according to which a whole new way of doing the business of spiritual evolution will be played out.

Now, please understand. There is no judgement of those that choose the polarities or indeed of those that choose not to choose. But it is simply so that it is not essential that you spend the next age of your existence in one or the other polarity. And, there is something else you should realize. If and when you do awaken to true unity consciousness then you will realize that everyone actually also made that choice. Eventually, you see, everyone does. And when you do, you step out of the game and find everyone else there too. That is Ultimate Reality. That is the point of Oneness. It is all encompassing. EVERYONE is part of Oneness. Everyone, in fact IS Oneness.

But, the more attentive amongst you are now wondering, what does all this have to do with disclosure?

Well, now that you have a little background in galactic anthropology, I can finally tell you that our planet has been kept in a kind of semi-quarantine since the departure of the older races that we were talking about earlier. Many of the crafts that are in the vicinity of our planet are there, primarily, to enforce this quarantine. This is to make sure that we are not prematurely interfered with.

Our civilization must be allowed to proceed uninterrupted, so that we can each make the mentioned choice. Assuredly, there are STS races who are eager to lunge upon the incredible diversity of resources that we and our planet represent. And equally there are STO races that are diligently working to keep them at bay whilst also performing a number of services to our planet. But ultimately all the elements of both of these polarities MUST make representations to the Planetary Council before they are permitted to take any action. If it does not take place, they are simply denied access. Our planet is surrounded by what I can only describe as a kind of a spiritual membrane. A zone of much higher dimensional energy. It is actually A Spirit Being that provides this service. And this forms a boundary that cannot be crossed by anyone of less than Pure Unity Consciousness. However, it is in the best interests of the All that some work IS permitted to be done on our planet. So STO races apply to the Guardians of the Planetary Council and are given permission to carry on such activities. The Planetary Council is of BALANCED Unity Consciousness. That means that each such activity by an STO group will draw a counter request from an STS group. They will want to gain access to our planet for this or that purpose. These requests are weighed against the greater good and sometimes they are permitted. So, for example, a human being on planet earth might have a soul contract in place that allows for him to be interfered with by an STS group. In such a case a so called abduction experience might be permitted.

There was an instance in our history when we discovered the powerfully destructive forces of nuclear weaponry. The dawning of such a capacity for self destruction is a trigger moment for interaction. The leaders of the nuclear aggressor nation were approached by beings of both polarities, STO and STS. Two competing offers were made. The earth leaders at the time chose to rebuff the offer by the STO group. They chose the STS offer of deep secrecy and behind the scenes schemes at the expense of the peoples of their own nation and the earth at large. They did this in exchange for access to weaponized technologies. A contract was opened in this way with the STS races. But even the activities which occurred under that contract are heavily monitored and limited. The STO offer was turned down. This offer included a process of peaceful nuclear disarmament of the whole planet in exchange for clean free energy technologies and techniques for eliminating illness and hunger.

And so our planet has progressed with this most momentous of interactions hushed up and hidden. And those in power that had, and continue to have, interactions with extra terrestrial consciousnesses have worked quite diligently to produce a situation where discussion of and belief in UFOs and ETs is relegated to the realm of cuckoo's and crazies. Ironic that they themselves know that it is all true.

Now, it might dawn upon you to ask why only STO and STS groups are permitted to interact with us. Why, you might ask, are there not true unity conscious beings playing their role. The answer is quite simple.

You see, in order to inhabit the reality we do, our consciousness must be passed though what is called The Veil of Unknowing. we cannot know Oneness while we are on that side of the veil. And so a unity conscious being cannot interact with us. It is as if such beings are permanently perfectly cloaked from our perceptions. The only way we will be able to become aware of such beings is if we raised our consciousness and ascended our own psyche to a higher density of awareness. This is something that very seldom happens and so we don’t really hear about people suddenly becoming aware of a being of pure radiant light. On the rarest of occasions, when this does happen, it is a powerfully transformative experience and the person sets off on a new course of seeking truth and love after that. Jesus The Christ, Buddha and Krishna are some examples.

The point is, unity conscious beings are not primarily able to interact with veiled beings. Not in the normal sense of having someone sit opposite you for a conversation. That is not to say that they do not do work in consciousness. They are present with us all the time and are constantly offering us guidance and help, if we are willing to receive it. They are communicating with us all the time in all kinds of ways across whatever corner of the universe we occupy.

And so finally. When will disclosure occur? Let me say that it is vanishingly unlikely that our world governments will disclose. At root, the ones that wield the power are completely STS. And to tell the truth about their knowledge of and engagement with extraterrestrial intelligences is tantamount to admitting to all kinds of atrocities committed against humanity in a long running masterplan of lies and deception. And then, for their efforts, they would immediately lose all the power they so desperately crave as we realize what has really been going on. If they disclose all, we will abandon all their games like money, politics and organized religion. We will give up on hatred of each other. We will ignore national, racial, social and religious boundaries. We will see each other for what we weally are: one clan of beings that is an integral part of a much greater universal family. They will lose everything they have worked so hard for and get nothing in return. So they simply won’t do this. The lie is sometimes told that they keep us from knowledge in order to keep us from panicking and harming ourselves. Well, STO groups have staged a number of powerful demonstrations to prove that this is just another fabrication. It has been shown that humanity is very much robust enough to handle knowledge of and interaction with extra terrestrial beings.

So the government will not come clean. Some disclosure has happened amongst various world governments that have nothing much to lose from doing so. But the hidden ones behind the scenes, they are highly unlikely to show any of their cards. Many of the events you know about where you were promised disclosure or where you were promised a great showing of ships was really a contract that was being carried out by STO to either force their hand or to bring your consciousness forward towards your own awakening.

You see, THIS, your awakening, is the only way TRUE disclosure will happen. No worthy and wise government representative will appear on our television screen to tell us the truth. They have squandered all such opportunities. Indeed, as the age transitions, we will be able to disclose to OURSELVES what we know to be true. The transition WILL happen and we WILL choose. And then, Timelines will diverge. Then we will SEE what we know to be true. We will find ourselves inhabiting a reality in which there is no question that there ARE civilizations from other places in the universe who ARE able to interact with us. The quality of those engagements will depend on us and how we, as a Collective Conscious Civilization, choose. To WHAT we will awaken to, depends on what we are telling ourselves about ourselves. And as we move forward so it will become more and more powerfully apparent that we bring EVERY experience to our awareness by our choices. As we do this more consciously so it will be ever more powerfully apparent to us. Then, the change will be done and we will find ourselves in a reality that is entirely resonant with our own vibration. We will see what we know to be true. And no talking head in a suit will need to appear on a certain little picture box to tell us anything about your reality. For outside, in the night sky, the ships will shine their light.


Thanks for sharing!

It makes sense to me

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Supplemental II

I was asked about veiled beings. I've mentioned them in the article. 

So, veiled beings are those that do not know, but think that they know. They are dangerous. Avoid them

Now, unity conscious beings are those who know, and know that they know. Do NOT follow them. For if they know that they know, they would not have you follow them.

I have deduced that extraterrestrial unity conscious beings will not make the first move, for if they will - they certainly, very quickly, would gather a following community. They know this. They are cognizant of God. The Entirety of Existence. They experienced this in countless planets and civilizations across billions of years.

So, by The Divine Law, they are waiting for US to call upon THEM. I speak about Earthborn Masters (For they too are unity conscious beings) in past and present times AND about extraterrestrial evolved entities, alike.

I'll tell you all about The Divine Law in a future article. It's really a very fascinating subject but it is too broad for this comment. For now, i'll state that The Veil of Unknowing of The Veil of Forgetfulness is an EXPRESSION of The Divine law. It is only called that by those who haven't "broke through" it, those who have not yet Self Realized. For those who HAVE, it is called by another name - The Veil of Illumination.

When individuals truly Self Realize, they BECOME unity consciousness. The Ox & Self Transcended. 8th Picture. However, it is not the end of the path. The individual is forever A Student of the Cosmos. Only then can he or she sit with another Self Realized, Unity Conscious Being, an experienced unity conscious being and study directly with them. One on One. Of course, they not only study universal truths. They can, for example, have a conversation about politics or have lunch or play tennis or go to a comedy stand up performance.

You see, from The Absolute Perspective, The Master & The Student are identical.

When you are seeing the ox for the first time (Picture 3) you experience The Experience of Infinity or The Knowing of Oneness. You witness but a GLIMPSE of Self Realization. Full self realization is picture 8, the blank one.

Hope it's clearer,

Edited by Eternal Unity
Supplemental II

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Supplemental III

One important reason for the fact that they haven't showed up is the very poor state of the karma of humankind as a whole. In simple terms we are not ready for, and do not deserve, the direct, open intervention of these great beings.


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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