
I don't want to share my wisdom

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Recently I solved a lot of my problems because of certain wisdom I gained. 

I don't know where this trigger comes from. I have this repulsion to share. It is probably to keep my edge with survival against others. Also I won't get credit for it. 

I think there is nothing wrong with this but another part also feels bad about it. It is a matter of power. Why would I give my power away to my peers? 

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“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”   ― Gospel of Thomas


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@StarStruck  That wisdom is not 'your' wisdom, it doesn't belong to you.  You didn't create it, your name isn't stamped on it, you simply were blessed to realize it.  It is good that you are at least aware that this repulsion is a problem which you should be seeking to overcome.

If you had unambiguous, pure love for your peers, what motivation would remain to withhold such wisdom from them?  You and your peers are all one, infact, you're all in the same boat.  To withhold beneficial perspectives you've gained out of a bitter desire to stop your peers from benefiting from them is analogous to a situation where your left and right legs start trying to trip each other up.  Who succeeds in such a circumstance?  Nobody.

Wisdom isn't learned in the head, though, it's learned in the 'feet'.  You have to physically live through a direct experience of something in order to realize wisdom of it, and it's likely that you'll have to experience the consequences of selfishly withholding insight from others before you come to understand the folly of it.

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I was tackling with something similar last night. "Why would one want to save the world when it will solve itself out on its own one day anyways. Plus it doesn't even matter." what I got was this. Because everything is love, even greed or lazyness. You, naturally prefer more expanded forms of love like giving people what they ultimately want. It's not about you, or about them. It's natural. 

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@Swarnim  Think of it this way - there is a force within the universe which is, as you say, 'solving everything'.  This force perfects things, brings harmony, brings awareness, brings everything that is good and pure - this force is what is powering the positive spiritual development process of individuals and also that of the world as a whole.

The fact that this force exists doesn't mean we can just sit back and let it do its work, though.  This force manifests through us, through our intentions, words and actions.  The force needs us, because we are the medium through which it functions.  When you try to live compassionately among others, when you do what you can to beautify and make good the things which are around you, that is the force in action.

Likewise, there is an opposing, negative force which is also pulling on our actions.  OP is being torn between these forces.

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Wisdom can't be shared. Knowledge can be shared.

But it takes a wise man to hear knowledge and interpret it as wisdom.

Nothing is gained, nothing is lost. 

Only the joy of sharing remains. 

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5 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Recently I solved a lot of my problems because of certain wisdom I gained. 

I don't know where this trigger comes from. I have this repulsion to share. It is probably to keep my edge with survival against others. Also I won't get credit for it. 

I think there is nothing wrong with this but another part also feels bad about it. It is a matter of power. Why would I give my power away to my peers? 

Just don't share for unaware reasons. Done.

Candidly, I've had that behaviour reflected in myself in the past as well and to myself there's only one answer to that, be more aware. Lastly, try to make it personal especially if you've become familiar with them otherwise you're not talking to a person you're just talking at them. 

This site is full of people oversharing their wisdom for various reasons and I can only continually point to that sentiment, other than this my recommendation is that underneath I sense there isn't much development in the realm of personal introspection. That's just my take. Some personal questions I'd get you to ask yourself and not have to share here to test this would be, "what did I learn from yesterday that involved me having to spend time reflecting? How about all of last week? How about all of last year?". I've got plenty of others that I've got to spend more time asking myself but that'll stop you in your tracks right there. 

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Finite identification is the experiential limiter of infinity. Wisdom can no more be gained or lost than the wind. Everyone is ‘in’ it, not everyone is perpetuating they’re not, with finite identification. In the survival of the fittest sense, survive with others rather than against, as the more infinity given away the more which is experience. If you like the wetness, don’t turn the faucet to five percent. The well is bottomless. 

The experience of electricity is accomplished by limitation, but not for the electricity.  The claiming, gaining, keeping, holding, withholding, would feel off like a tug of war between wanting to know the true self, and simultaneously limiting ‘it’. 



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@Leo Gura 

Wouldn't hurt to credit me for bringing that quote here. 

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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Wisdom is just what you become aka hence wise otherwise its just knowledge.

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