
Experiences of merging with objects and other being's?

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I don't remember what these experiences were called, if I've ever heard what they are called to begin with...

In several videos Leo has mentioned experiences where one's consciousness will merge with an object or another being's. I was curious if anyone here has had these experiences and what they were like in a bit more detail.

If our consciousness is indeed able to separate from our body, what exactly is preventing it from doing so at will and what is keeping us connected to our bodies, assuming that when the experience is over, consciousness will return to the body it is connected to on it's own without having to "manually" return to it?

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@InterruptReQuest  Hi,  I've experimented a bit with this as a meditation technique. but not in the sense of my consciousness separating from my body and moving into another object as you describe. Its more like starting from a state of me observing the object as an external separate thing, in a subject-object relationship. And moving to a state of unity where the duality collapses, the observer merges with the observed. So there is no longer an object 'in consciousness', just pure consciousness. 

There's a description of a technique like this called Dhyana here: (wikihow has a good section of meditation techniques for beginners ). 

Have you tried anything like this, or doing some research first? 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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It's called samadhi BTW, although I don't think I've ever had one 

1 hour ago, InterruptReQuest said:

where one's consciousness will merge with an object or another being's

I wonder what this actually means. Even right now "you" are not separate from anything, so maybe samadhi is a conscious actualization of that fact. When I first heard this description I assumed you leave the body and start seeing from the perspective of a table or something, but I'm not sure if it's that drastic. It might be more of a recontextualization. Or maybe I'm completely wrong.

5 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

But not in the sense of my consciousness separating from my body and moving into another object as you describe. Its more like starting from a state of me observing the object as an external separate thing, in a subject-object relationship. And moving to a state of unity where the duality collapses, the observer merges with the observed. So there is no longer an object 'in consciousness', just pure consciousness.

Yeah, this is what I thought. I think I've had glimpses of it.

Describe a thought.

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Merging with my hand is the best!

( Do no read in a sexual way )
Oh gosh, you did it!

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@InterruptReQuest If you leave your keys in the same place without remembering everyday it's because of awareness. It doesn't change the nature of where the keys are. If you are everywhere and not aware of it, it doesn't change the actuality of situation. 

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@Yog ha ha didn't cross my mind! 

@Osaid  yeah, Samadhi is the name.

On second thoughts the meditation object can be something internal too, like the breath, your body like a hand or your navel. or a mantra and you can become one with it too. It's got two approaches: concentration practice on the object, and insight (into no-self) which is samadhi. 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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Thank you for the replies. The way you explained it makes more sense than what I originally thought. I guess I just interpreted it a bit differently than how it actually is.

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i've "merged" with animals, cats and dogs, theirs eyes were glowing, it was nice. everything is in the eyes ;)

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I kind of did it accidently one night when I was staring at an ant. I could feel myself becoming the ant. I was flickering between it and me. I didnt do it properly but I was flickering for a minute or two. It was very different then what I had imagined such a mergence to be beforehand. 

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