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Hi Actualizers,

I have this weird, at the back of mt mind fear that Yoga is somehow evil. I dont know where it stems from, and whether its some warning from mysubconscious.. Or if it is simply my ego opening its mouth because i am doing some good progress on defeating it during yoga practise.

I do feel good after doing it, and it feels great to stretch... It also makes me feel good in my own body.. Maybe that keeps me trapped as to my true nature and i am enforcing the ego?

Idk,i am confused by the bullshit my mind generates... But also these fears seem to come and i want to explore and analyse. One aspect of it is that im not doing the practises properly and i am a tiny weakling that is trying to temper with huge power it doesnt deserve for example... 

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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Ok your subconscious is not a real thing, the closest thing to it would be conditioning and that is not conscious, you can become conscious of it (in a sense ) but it is not aware itself, neither is what your calling ego, Which really all this stuff is just facets of the same non-existent "thing". 

Everything you brought up could be called a thought, yes or no? 

And while you may experience a thought, is the content of those thoughts actually experienced? 

If so, where ? How? 

Look directly at what's going on. Not just the ideas of what's going on.

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Yoga is for those who are completely healthy as far as medical science is concerned, normal. They are not schizophrenic, they are not mad, they are not neurotic. They are normal people, healthy people with no particular pathology. Still they become aware that whatsoever is called normality is futile, whatsoever is called health is of no use. Something more is needed, something greater is needed, something holier and whole is needed. Therapies are for ill people. Therapies can help you to come to Yoga, but Yoga is not a therapy.

Unless a master suggests it to you don't do shirshasana(Headstand Pose), because I have never seen a person who has been doing shirshasana (Headstand Pose)who is not stupid.

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Christians are taught to fear Yoga as Satan's work and distance themselves from it. like they are the only good thing going.. AS IF

For proper context I'll mention that the Christian hierarchy desires slaves not potent men and women.

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@Beam what made you bring up Christianity?  

Jesus loves you buddy it's okay.. 

Edited by Mikey

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I took a educated guess that Dodoster had fallen victim to their propaganda that I am surely aware of , are you not ?

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@Beam I don't know what I'm aware of my man.. I'm still trying to figure all this out and I can tell you from my experiences one side has been much nicer to me than the other.. Maybe one side was poorly represented and I shouldn't let the actions of I'd say a few but it's really been many influence my opinion of the group overall.. 

I'll let you figure out which side was nicer. 

It's better to burn out than fade away

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A more important question then nicer is  what makes you happy , following people who want to keep you in a BOX or be free


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On September 7, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Dodoster said:

Hi Actualizers,

I have this weird, at the back of mt mind fear that Yoga is somehow evil. I dont know where it stems from, and whether its some warning from mysubconscious.. Or if it is simply my ego opening its mouth because i am doing some good progress on defeating it during yoga practise.

I do feel good after doing it, and it feels great to stretch... It also makes me feel good in my own body.. Maybe that keeps me trapped as to my true nature and i am enforcing the ego?

Idk,i am confused by the bullshit my mind generates... But also these fears seem to come and i want to explore and analyse. One aspect of it is that im not doing the practises properly and i am a tiny weakling that is trying to temper with huge power it doesnt deserve for example... 

Explore the nature of the thing called evil. Look for it as a tangible quality of reality. You will not find it. Evil is only a concept. Also, why would yoga be evil according to your conception of evil? The most practical way to label evil, in my view, is "that which intentionally causes harm." Since yoga does not intentionally cause harm, yoga is not evil to me. So, it's odd to me that you would have this question. It sounds like you're perhaps buying into external authorities that make claims to the truth. The thing to understand about evil is that it isn't a real thing... it's only a concept and is thus predicated upon each individuals subjective thoughts and values. The only valid reasons to avoid an activity are 1. You don't wan to do it. 2. You're incapable of doing it. 3. It would harm yourself or others. Otherwise it's only egoic fear. 

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41 minutes ago, Beam said:

A more important question then nicer is  what makes you happy , following people who want to keep you in a BOX or be free


Keep us in what BOX @Beam ?

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Oh, of course their theology, gotcha.. 

Is it just Christianity or do you have a problem with the "theology " of other religions @Beam

Edited by Mikey

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Be wary of anyone or organization that wants you to devote your life to them as they are trying to take from you what god gave you and perhaps all you have , Freedom /  free will

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Cool thanks for the clarification.. 


Personally I feel if you disagree with someone's beliefs you should keep it to yourself.. Let people believe in whatever they want.. 


Edited by Mikey

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It is a point of fact that some modern religions teach meditation is "letting the Devil in", so not a knock on Christianity as such. I've had to break through that programming and indoctrination first, before I even could get to start meditating where I am now, a beginner. I even had to deny god in my own way as a necessary step for me.

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@Neo If you don't mind me asking where are you now? I'm just curious of how any previous beliefs you may have had could affect where you are today.. 

It just bothers me that religion is blamed for people's closed minds.. All I gotta say is when I read the Bible it reads of enlightenment and of current events.. 

And if you think sitting there doing nothing or inquiring where, what or who the "I" is somehow is letting the devil in you know not yet of what that could possibly mean.. There's not enough education and history  that comes with these guided meditations.. People I believe are mislead and are chasing after things they don't even realize..  Anyways, how could any religion discourage or stop you from doing that? You can call it whatever you want "Neti Neti" but to me it's called curiosity.. Labeling it as neti neti might put into association with another religion and therefore conflict with what one teacher is trying to teach you. Now that I have experienced some stuff I think there's truth to all the religions and I'm starting to think they're beautiful and something can be learned from all of them.. Like mixed martial arts..

Jesus loved everyone and I'm sure so did Buddha regardless to what they believed.. I'm ignorant at the moment to other religions so I can't say much..  I hope to learn more about the different religions in the future.. I think it's important to have respect for  others beliefs and customs.. I'm hoping to be able to go back to school come January and if available I'm going to take a world religions class to learn more. 

I'll add the same people preaching love, peace, and positivity are judging and bashing others everywhere.. People have forgotten what love is

Edited by Mikey

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Mikey, I was brought up as a Jehovahs W. from a very young age. The indoctrination is so strong, you are taught over and over that you have an open mind when this couldn't be further from the truth. There is a phrase we have here in the UK a real mind f**k. It's taken me a couple of decades to be able to start meditating, and just as you say, now when I read snippets of the gospels online, and Eckhart To;;e refers to Jesus in his books, the words mean something totally new to me. They might as well be the opposite words to what I was reading before. I am in a state of being open minded really now, not putting anywhere near enough time into meditation due to time constraints, but extremely positive and have been listening to Leo from the word go. He says in one of his earlier vids that religious cult members are going to struggle the hardest. I'm here to say it can be done.

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@Mikey religious books were how people during those times attempted to communicate Truth, a lot of it is metaphors e.g. Devil can be likened to ego, and God to awareness

my personal 'epiphany' came when i asked myself what if the devil is just a concept for all the egoic actions and thoughts of humans, not an actual entity or being as that actually seems to make less sense

so of course, religion can teach you many useful things, I like to think of it has having a bunch of golden threads running through it

but the surrounding cloth, is all dogma and so it keeps you trapped in this closed mindedness where you entrench yourself in unnecessary beliefs and customs 

pick out those golden threads, run away with them over the hills and dump that cotton lol! 

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I feel ya @Neo @Saarah.. You can almost compare leo to the snake and a mushroom could be the apple and pretty soon you'd be covering your naked body from god..  If you know what I mean.. I was stuck on that for a while.. 

Shit is crazy.. I'm crazy.. 

It's scary and sad as well.. I worry for the world like never before.. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it



Edited by Mikey

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Metaphors and meaning from Genesis - where to start? Needs it's own thread. The apple was from the tree which represented the "Knowledge of good and bad", the Ego? But there were two trees in the Garden of Eden and the other one was the tree of life. Use your own conclusion...

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