
How do you destroy limiting beliefs?

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Not by force. Turn inward. Old paradigms will pass naturally. 

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Understand that there is no such thing as belief, being merely operates according to what one has experienced and is experiencing. Further, we create the term to point to a place that for the most part we don't clearly define so although we're pointing in the right direction most people aren't given the tools to traverse the Amazon rainforest of their mind. Great so I know its the Amazon rainforest (belief) and thank you for telling me how to get here but that tells me nothing about how to handle an anaconda belief that's slowly constricting my blood supply, or a crocodile belief that's about to snap at me as I try to take a calm walk and drink at the creek as a buffalo.

We created our boundaries through our interactions with the world and these boundaries that are synaptically encoded are what we term beliefs, that's all they are, simple heuristical primitive encodings, nothing more special even if they can make us feel that way. Belief is merely an internal psychological boundary, sometimes people create these boundaries (beliefs) to help them overcome other internal boundaries (beliefs) and perceived external boundaries.

If you understand belief as merely an encoded aesthetic experience in the context of self efficacy, you'll be able to detach more easily from those aesthetic experiences that are neither aesthetic nor aid your self efficacy. Let's not get into the object of no self right now, its just a psychological term haha.

Awareness in this situation is the juxtaposition to any limiting aesthetic experience that one finds it difficult to release themselves from. One needs to identify, with awareness, the way in which their body is interacting with this experience of belief though, for example are they holding onto more than they need to? (going back to beliefs that constrict us like an anaconda when we're not even aware of it - plus I've never literally tried it though if you were to I'm sure tying those hot coals to the flesh of the anaconda would work when it comes to have it release its grip!) As sometimes we're holding onto psychological hot coals (that is beliefs we ought to let go of) without the brain receiving the sensation to drop them. I would continue with these kinds of introspective questions to paint out the geometry of the belief relative to simply being an effortless perhaps even boundaryless state of awareness

Beliefs have time encodings as well, I mean a belief can be long term and short term, whatever we're experiencing in any one moment for example is a situation in which we may be leaning into some beliefs over others without realising, as it concerns pulling away and letting go, maybe you might be able to ask yourself, what beliefs can I lean away from in this moment? Even just as an experiment to feel how belief itself is a literal experience of being you're going through, that beliefs can shift and change in a split second. Even to further the Amazon analogy, where am I an anaconda on a belief where I'm needlessly constricting and should instead unravel from my prey, that is this belief, and instead calmly flow into the unknown to discover something new, and so on and so fourth with many other ways you can interpret that from the lens of an anaconda to various other kinds of animals from crocodiles to buffalo to hawks in the sky. 


Edited by Origins

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To "destroy" limiting beliefs, it is assumed that you become aware of the beliefs being just that, believing and not knowing.

If you have the determination to explore your limiting beliefs, to better understand them or to alleviate the limiting effects they impose, simply take a random belief and ask yourself if you truly know this thing, where does your perceived knowledge about this comes from, does it come from first-hand experience or through accumulation of information conveyed to you.

Acknowledge the possibility that you have created "truths" out of information that is not first hand experience. Also acknowledge that first-hand experience is subjective and is more than likely [^_^] distorted, deceitful or down-right false.

This is planting the seed that sprouts into growing open-mindedness, not in form of gullibility but as curiosity to explore other perspectives that contradict whatever "truth" you have made for yourself by your existing belief.

Note that all beliefs are limiting and limited in some way. Also, we cannot be completely free from beliefs.

What we can do, is to work towards emotional detachment from our beliefs, so that they are not as much of something we're holding fast to, in order to ensure not losing our footing when the foundation of the reality as we currently know it starts shaking and our ego is being challenged.

Instead, we can lean onto a certain set of beliefs, which are not as much "my beliefs" as they are "convenient beliefs". There will be no emotional need or desire to defend them, if they were attacked, and also, there would be no prestige in letting go of the existing beliefs so that we can [more] effortlessly transition to other beliefs that make more sense as we further develop.

We're then becoming more at flux, and flowing with what is and new understanding will appear more effortlessly, and from sources that were not available to us in the past.

An interesting aspect of this, is that many of our beliefs have been adopted/created in order to protect ourselves from ourselves; a coping-mechanism that allows us to avoid confrontation of that in ourselves that is painful to face, and to accept.

Stay brutally open to the possibility that with your beliefs, and the limitations they present, you also have to address the limitations of your ego and address those. This way you will develop authenticity and lessen the need to be protected by such beliefs.

In this sense, it is about recognizing and destroying ones dogma, and not so much about the belief itself.

Edited by Eph75

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@Toadie2018 Ultimely by seeing how much they don't make any sense at all. Most of them are illusions and just by shining some light on them you'll find how they are lies.

The tools you need here are two: perspective and awareness. 

Try to write in third person the thought process of yours and see the errors/limits of this though process of your character that has the limiting belief

You can also do some research about the topic!!

hope that this has helped<3

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Yes, awareness and perspective.

Although, limiting beliefs can make sense, as beliefs are relative to perspectives and the needs/desires to fulfill some desired outcome.

Even if the beliefs can be limiting to growth, they can can be useful in pursuing and fulfilling toxic needs/desires.

[The definition of toxic needs/desires also them being subject to perspective ^_^]

That's also why such beliefs are so hard to identify as being limiting, let alone to let them go, as this implies becoming aware of, gaining understanding of, and the letting go of the underlying toxic needs/desires.

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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