
What does Leo have to say about the paranormal?

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I just watched the video "Deconstructing the myth of science" in which @Leo Gura says that there are certain things that cannot be explained by science. And we would need different tools to study them from the standard tools of science that we already have at our disposal.

Are you hinting at paranormal events when you say that? 

Do you believe in paranormal phenomenon like ghosts and other psychic and parapsychic events? 

Do you think that this is one of the things that science will never be able to explain? 

And if you do believe in the paranormal, do you think that we need something different from science in order to dissect and study such phenomena? 

What are your views on this subject matter? 


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It is impossible to distinguish the normal from the paranormal. This is a bogus duality.

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@Leo Gura I'm talking about phenomenon like ghosts. Do you believe in ghosts and do you think that we need a different tool to study the occurrence of such phenomenon? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura I'm talking about phenomenon like ghosts. Do you believe in ghosts and do you think that we need a different tool to study the occurrence of such phenomenon?

Consciousness can imagine ghosts and a million other things, just like it does with animals and people.

Some "paranormal" phenomena cannot be studied using conventional materialistic methods.

I've never met a ghost so I don't know if material methods would work on them. Probably not.

Basically, for you to meet a ghost would require that you have a different brain chemistry than ordinary humans. You need a brain chemistry which will allow your consciousness to imagine ghosts.

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@Leo Gura so your opinion is that ghosts are just a figment of the imagination? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura so your opinion is that ghosts are just a figment of the imagination?

Be very careful. I am a figment of your imagination.

The floor your are sitting on is a figment of your imagination. So.... don't poo-poo imagination.

An imaginary ghost could still bite your ass, since your ass is also imaginary ;)

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@Leo Gura although you might be a figment of my imagination, you completely exist in full body form.. I can basically touch you right now and prove that you exist. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 minute ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura you completely exist in full body form.. I can basically touch you right now and prove that you exist.


Whatever makes you feel better.

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any thoughts on sleep paralysis?

i used to have that a lot. i know the scientific explanation is = the body is locked and the brain is half dreaming etc.


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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

any thoughts on sleep paralysis?

i used to have that a lot. i know the scientific explanation is = the body is locked and the brain is half dreaming etc.

What thoughts do you want?

It's a thing. Consciousness can dream up infinite things. What of it?

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

What thoughts do you want?

It's a thing. Consciousness can dream up infinite things. What of it?

well i mean if dmt beings are "real" then these sleep paralysis demons are real too.

if nothing is real then nothing is real

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

well i mean if dmt beings are "real" then these sleep paralysis demons are real too.

Real is whatever you imagine strongly enough.

It's very simple. You are inside of a dream.

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Lol, I've seen a ghost once when I was half asleep (it was most likely a hypnopompic hallucination). It started taking shape from a misty substance and smiled at me, then it bent its torso and jumped back inside the wall like a fish into the ocean. I guess it wanted to greet me since that day I was making fun of ghosts, so be careful what you wish to see :D

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Real is whatever you imagine strongly enough.

It's very simple. You are inside of a dream.

Yeah but there are levels to this, dreams in dreams in dreams like inception.

This dream here i always come back to and it is very gradually/steadily, i could build a house here and live in it for 30 yrs.

Other dreams in this dream are very fleeting and gone in seconds.

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5 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Yeah but there are levels to this, dreams in dreams in dreams like inception.

Actually, no. There is only one dream. This right NOW.


This dream here i always come back to and it is very gradually/steadily, i could build a house here and live in it for 30 yrs.

Other dreams in this dream are very fleeting and gone in seconds.

This is a dream. The one dream of NOW.

You are imagining all those other dreams.

Flatten reality down to a single layer. And then flatten it even more until even the 1st layer becomes nothing.

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3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Yeah but there are levels to this, dreams in dreams in dreams like inception.

This dream here i always come back to and it is very gradually/steadily, i could build a house here and live in it for 30 yrs.

Other dreams in this dream are very fleeting and gone in seconds.

33 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura


Kind of, but once the "lower level" dreams become more intense they affect the "higher level" and so on.

If you dreamed every night about winning the lottery, chances are you would actually win the lottery.

28 minutes ago, Preety_India said:


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1 minute ago, Michal__ said:

Kind of, but once the "lower level" dreams become more intense they affect the "higher level" and so on.

If you dreamed every night about winning the lottery, chances are you would actually win the lottery.

I have dreamt some shit that became true but maybe i just read the signs that it's going to happen and then i dreamt about it, chicken or the egg kind of thing

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Just now, PurpleTree said:

I have dreamt some shit that became true but maybe i just read the signs that it's going to happen and then i dreamt about it, chicken or the egg kind of thing

Maybe it's both chicken & the egg.

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What humanity calls paranormal is, in other words, "Oh, shit, this has yet to grow natural for me." Astral projection is very real, and I have been slowly peeking my head into occultism too. If you want a more scientific introduction into the matter, I recommend Dean Radin's Real Magic.

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