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I apologize.  I already posted this topic in the wrong section: Meditation, Consciousness, Spirituality.  If you have already read that one, then you can stop reading here.

Anyways, I have been following Infinite Waters' Youtube channel hosted by Ralph Smart.  He was another "spiritual" channel apart from  I have discovered that Ralph Smart's channel has become a toxic cultic environment spreading conspiracy theories and rumors.  Ralph Smart is like Jude Law from Contagion (2011), who is profiting off of this pandemic.  Ralph Smart says that COVID stands for Certificate of Vaccination ID.  The whole country will be a prison planet and we should not be wearing face masks, according to Ralph Smart.  He states that only villains wear masks, not heroes.  From my perspective, he has completely twisted everything completely around and has gained a lot of followers and serves their ideologies of rebelling to wear face masks and take the vaccinations.  These Bill Gates Covid Vaccination conspiracies could be very very toxic and damaging if they are false.  They would be psychologically stopping people from getting the vaccinations that we need to keep each other safe.  More people may rebel.  I have been manipulated by these conspiracy theories so much that it has been hard for me to see the vaccinations in a positive light.  My doubt came when his content remained the same: talking about how the government is using Covid as an opportunity for control, vaccinations altering DNA, etc.  I started to think that if nobody wore a face masks and if nobody took the vaccine, would this be the "real" prison?  Right now, Trump is not doing jack crap about Covid 19.  As a result, many people are suffering and dying.  If people refused to take the vaccine from Bill Gates conspiracy theories, then this may be another prison because this virus just from how fast it spreads will never go away and we will be kept prisoner.  

So those of you who are following Ralph Smart, beware because his Libertarian ideology is toxic.  He is doing pretty much everything a cult is doing.  It blows my mind how easy it is to be bewitched by a cult.  Cults attract you with content that you like and then slowly change their teachings and explain logical ways in which they are right.  Ralph has a point in that we cannot trust the government because the government is ran by dumbfuc**rs.  

I would really encourage anybody's support for those of you who have stumbled across his content or any other cult like experiences.  I am glad that I am starting to see the bullshit, but I am still not sure if he is right or not, at least about the government being an evil thing trying to control and lock down and take away people's freedoms.  I think this argument makes sense from Ralph Smart that our freedoms are being restricted with curfews, required vaccinations, etc.  How do you all feel about required vaccinations and curfews?  

Here is what I am struggling with from Ralph's ideology.  I understand that we need to wear face masks to prevent the spread of COVID.  If we all just demand for our freedom to not wear a mask, then the hospitals will have a 3 year waitlist for COVID.  They would have no room for physicals, etc.  But on the other hand, I do think Ralph has a point in that required curfews and required vaccinations might be a little too much.  I believe there should be a balance between freedom and safety.  I mean how many more regulations are there going to be imposed?  Maybe if Ralph is right, people will be required to stay home all day long and can only leave to pick up groceries if you have a Certificate and Vaccination.  What is this going to do with our mental health?  How can we remain social and distant at the same time?  What is this teaching children?  To avoid other humans and believe they are dangerous?  What is this going to teach children?  These are some of Ralph's biggest arguments that seem convincing.  I am kind of on the fence but I acknowledge that we cannot just grant freedom like we used to because people will  not act responsively, but the safety measures may be too imposing on people who are being responsive.  My friend is a masseuse and she got her business shut down during the lockdown, but bars and liquor stores were considered essential business!!  She still had to pay rent!  I mean our government cannot be making any more of these mistakes.  Shutting down businesses during lockdown is creating more problems mentally, physically, and financially for people and their families.  Requiring vaccinations and curfews is something I am struggling with.  This is the toxicity that government can lead to.  The government needs to be liberal, not dictatorship.

Please let me know what you think.  I am really not sure what to believe anymore.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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36 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

people will be required to stay home all day long and can only leave to pick up groceries if you have a Certificate and Vaccination. What is this going to do with our mental health? How can we remain social and distant at the same time? What is this teaching children? To avoid other humans and believe they are dangerous? What is this going to teach children?

Our country has gone through this. Fear not, my friend. That above is just Ralph's big-ass spiritual ego rambling. After all, it still fears solitude, because in silence arises the truth. ^_^

Edited by SirVladimir

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@r0ckyreed why don't you do the research and stop looking for others to tell you what to think? The moment i see someone posting to judge/warn about another's world view, my bullshit detector goes off.

I am sorry you are lost and afraid but i urge you to truly seek to find truth outside of what you already believe.


(if this was reverse psychology, well done, sneak right in the backdoor xD ) 

Edited by DrewNows

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6 minutes ago, louhad said:

you need some context... in developing countries, the birthrate is like 6-8 kids per mother. the more security a society has, the more access to healthcare, reproductive services, and education, the more women's rights, the healthier the society, and the less amount of offspring each women would have.... it isn't because bill gates gets boners from population reduction lol

how do you know that? are you trying to say those are the words he used in this context? Have you even researched the conspiracy theories? What do you think of this little clip? 


Edited by DrewNows

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21 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

how do you know that? are you trying to say those are the words he used in this context? Have you even researched the conspiracy theories? What do you think of this little clip? 


1. In that post, I was only clarifying gates's quote about how improving healthcare and reproductive services would inevitably lead to a slower growth and even decrease in population

2. On this video... a. he said that if someone develops a biological weapon, they would pick a deadly one... He didn't say that he would pick it lmao. b. Given our current practices of animal cultivation, another disease is inevitable. All that Gates was saying was that the next time a pandemic happens, countries like america would follow New Zealand and South Korea's example and be quick and more proactive to contain the outbreak and not just try to sweep it under the rug and call it a liberal hoax like our current administration. Don't let the scary music fool you lmao. I have allowed myself to explore many clips like this and they are all garbage. 

Edited by louhad

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Putting aside whether the conspiracy theories are true or not, there are a lot of people who have profited from talking about conspiracies over this covid period, specifically people like - Dr Buttar, Brian Rose(London Real), Teal Swann, Ralph Smart, Aaron Doughty. Now the question would be do they genuinely believe the conspiracies or do they not but know they will get a lot of views if they pretend they do? Who knows, but they must be aware of the uptick in views for this content, (you can check social blade, Buttar only had a few thousand subs now has nearly 500k), and they also must be aware that conspiracies are not 100% true, i dont think most are true at all but no one can say that theyre 100% sure theyre true as there just isnt the evidence for it.

So keeping those 2 facts in mind there must be some awareness that they at least could be wrong and if they are wrong the damage caused could be serious even if its just creating stress for people who have now become convinced covid is fake from watching these videos. 

Also note that all these people have highly monetised themselves, Ralph Smart for example charges £350 an hour for skype coaching on top of an extensive merch catalogue  and other money making outlets. I think it would be naive to think that money isnt a big factor in this. What ive noticed about youtubers in general, is that they jump on popular waves, whether they care about the subject or not. A recent example is the wave of 'apology' videos from youtubers where they apologise for some past bad behavior. Its not a stretch to think that these spiritual youtubers would do similar, at least with normal youtubers theyre quite honest and direct in saying that they want to make money. 

Personally I'm quite disappointed in Smart as although i never really resonated with him i felt he was a positive person and was probably helping others, but after seeing whats happened over the last few months im not sure thats the case, really i hope people move on to real spiritual teachers, i think guys like smart are no better than the prosperity preachers that ask for money from their congregation so they can buy planes and whatever else. I think for everyone on this forum working on their bullshit meter is very important, a good start is if a 'guru' is asking for crazy money be aware that might be their main focus. 

I came accross this expose vid about Ralph Smart, if you look at the messages he leaves youd have to say its very strange -


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8 minutes ago, louhad said:

1. In that post, I was only clarifying gates's quote about how improving healthcare and reproductive services would inevitably lead to a slower growth and even decrease in population

strange, i wonder who's research you've done on bill and melinda gates... xD 

what do you think of this?

"As we look at events surrounding the "COVID-19 pandemic," various questions remain unanswered. On Oct. 18th of 2019, only weeks prior to ground zero being declared in Wuhan, China, two major events took place. One is "Event 201," the other is the "Military World Games," held in none other than Wuhan. Since then a worldwide push for vaccines & biometric tracking has been initiated.

At the forefront of this is Bill Gates, who has publicly stated his interest in "reducing population growth" by 10-15%, by means of vaccination. Gates, UNICEF & WHO have already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.

Congress & all other governing bodies are derelict in duty until a thorough and public inquiry is complete."

13 minutes ago, louhad said:

Don't let the scary music fool you lmao. I have allowed myself to explore many clips like this and they are all garbage. 

yeah...keep telling yourself this. Come back to me once you've explored other avenues of narratives on the conspiracy theories. Not just stupid little clips, but fact based documentaries, i shared one from the netherlands on my journal. (just be prepared to run and hide or lose your shit xD

@Consept you haven't moved an inch i see...what is your fixation on the money? Sounds like a good write off to me. You are so certain people can't be certain, that's your problem, looking for, hinging upon, certainty, of what to believe. hmm leo asks for money...shakes head*


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8 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

you haven't moved an inch i see...what is your fixation on the money? Sounds like a good write off to me. You are so certain people can't be certain, that's your problem, looking for, hinging upon, certainty, of what to believe. hmm leo asks for money...shakes head*

Well two questions, do you think that you can be 100% certain about covid being fake? and do you think that money is not a factor at all? 

Bonus question, what do you think of the DMs Ralph left for that girl?

Also just to say im very comfortable being uncertain about things, i always find it suspicious when someone is 100% certain about something that has not been proved and also when they are not even well versed in the subject area, those that are well versed in the area wouldnt even say theyre 100% certain but somehow this person whos watched a few youtube vids is, serious red flags.

Edited by Consept

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@Consept yeah! This was what I was talking about! There is something strange about Ralph and should not be trusted. My post here has been about just showing you how easy it is to follow into a YouTube cult. He has persuasive arguments and right now, I don’t know what is true anymore. After you have believed something for a long time and suddenly find out it is false, it is hard to trust any source of information because you don’t want to succumb to your same mistakes and feelings of vulnerability from deception. With this being said, please try to refrain from posting conspiracy theories in here as it is against Actualized.orgs rules. I just wanted to highlight how conspiracy theories and cults are creating another pandemic within this one. A mentor one day can be a cult leader another day. Ralph is literally the Jude Law from the movie Contagion where he is profiting off of the pandemic. But on the other hand, I cannot unhear his arguments which is a mind virus. I am literally in no-mans land right now. I do not know anything which is kind of discomforting, but also empowering at the same time. What research and studies can you trust?? There is no way I can ever trust the government or any other human. Corruption is like the default state of humans. This means that since government is a collection of humans, it is also full of corruption. Sure, government helps with regulation and keeping people in check, protecting the environment, etc. but what is keeping the government in check? If the government is run by the wrong people, which it is, then it will contribute to more corruption. How do we develop a better government that can prevent itself from becoming corrupt?  Corporations have so much influence over the government. This makes it harder to trust any news or research. If the government is influenced by corporations, what makes us think our research isn’t? I mean this is the materialistic paradigm and science is highly influenced by economic political and other factors. On the other hand though, humans cannot be trusted to make responsible decisions on their own, which is why government is needed ironically. Regulations and restrictions are put in place to ensure people are wearing a face mask, but the problem with government is that it is influenced by people with agendas and these agendas change. There are a lot of stupid people that run government.  The safest hands are still our own.


“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@Consept you know...most conspiracy theorists are simply looking for a narrative that would make troubling facts/information make actual sense, they aren't actually in it to gain attention/fame/glory/money. I have a question for you, have you watched the documentary from the Netherlands with an open mind?

How about Plandemic 1 and 2? These have actually been fact tested by doctors scientiests, you name it, all around the world. 

Skepticism is so old, glad you're comfortable there, just know you're judging from below and not from above because you already believe you cannot know what's so... or maybe you aren't willing to entertain what's most likely given all the facts presented from different narratives/perspectives? either way i don't really give a damn, i laugh because i see you still trying to disprove and hold onto your world view, cute but limiting. 

If it makes you feel better, leos in the same boat, it's his realistic nature. Sure as hell doesn't make him right

@louhad i can troll you to sleep if you weren't already asleep. Pleasant dreams my dear

Edited by DrewNows

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Slowing population growth just means ensuring access to birth control and giving women access to education. These things slow birth rates in most of the world to the point where populations become pretty stable. We have to stabilize world population if we're to have any hope of surviving as a species. And the nice thing is, this all happens voluntarily when women's rights, access to education and birth control, and economic conditions are improved.

The Bill + Melinda Gates foundation has saved millions of lives since 2000 by reducing the rates of malaria around the world. It saddens me that he's become so ignorantly vilified. He's a hero who has been looking after world health in places that don't get attention otherwise, and he'll be remembered far into the future for this.

The real conspiracy is that there are a lot of nonsense memes being pumped into mass internet culture right now in order to create confusion and disagreement, and basically cripple american+western society, create division, and distract from the real issues at play. There are many different forces at work, with different motives. Most of these conspiracy memes are "naturally born" and then amplified by agents for whom their outcome is beneficial, and also just by appealing to human paranoid fantasies.

We're living in the midst of information war and cultural battles.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@r0ckyreed Youre right the government can and probably is full of a lot of people who are corrupt or are just in it for power and money. But i would say this almost a natural thing that would happen given the stage of our development as a human race, until we get to higher levels of green and then yellow, we will as a collective be quite self-serving and corruptible. What should give you some solace is that we have progressed immensely over the last few 100 years, imagine how corrupt things were 50 years ago or 100 or 500 years ago when humans were in deep purple and red, so things have and will continue to improve, you could even feel empathy for those that are stuck in lower stages. 

In terms of knowing who to trust and believe i would just say dont follow anyone blindly, the reason why most get into cult like situations with people like Ralph Smart is because he said some stuff you liked and that helped you and now he can do no wrong, hes become a false idol. Go by the content of what people say, if it doesnt make sense to you research it and find out why theyre saying it. I guarantee you most of Smarts followers are not even thinking about questioning what he says, that becomes cult behavior when if you question the leader youre thrown out of the group, its a known tactic. 

Try and look at things objectively without saying things like the government is all bad or is all good, what ive learnt is every situation is very complexed and is never binary, its important to learn the nuances of situations and how they fit into systems. But youre doing the right thing questioning things

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@outlandish Who's research are you spitting? What do you gleam of this?

I dare you to do more research (off the google search engine) on the gates foundation and find out what exactly is being hidden from the general public 

2 minutes ago, outlandish said:

The real conspiracy is that there are a lot of nonsense memes being pumped into mass internet culture right now in order to create confusion and disagreement, and basically cripple american+western society, create division, and distract from the real issues at play.

don't forget it's only a conspiracy in your eyes...nice speculation but you have no idea. 

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I've shared this before, watch any of these videos and do some research then get back to me and i'd be happy to talk

This one here's a lot of fun :o 9_9 (sarcasm)



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2 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

I apologize.  I already posted this topic in the wrong section: Meditation, Consciousness, Spirituality.  If you have already read that one, then you can stop reading here.

Anyways, I have been following Infinite Waters' Youtube channel hosted by Ralph Smart.  He was another "spiritual" channel apart from  I have discovered that Ralph Smart's channel has become a toxic cultic environment spreading conspiracy theories and rumors.  Ralph Smart is like Jude Law from Contagion (2011), who is profiting off of this pandemic.  Ralph Smart says that COVID stands for Certificate of Vaccination ID.  The whole country will be a prison planet and we should not be wearing face masks, according to Ralph Smart.  He states that only villains wear masks, not heroes.  From my perspective, he has completely twisted everything completely around and has gained a lot of followers and serves their ideologies of rebelling to wear face masks and take the vaccinations.  These Bill Gates Covid Vaccination conspiracies could be very very toxic and damaging if they are false.  They would be psychologically stopping people from getting the vaccinations that we need to keep each other safe.  More people may rebel.  I have been manipulated by these conspiracy theories so much that it has been hard for me to see the vaccinations in a positive light.  My doubt came when his content remained the same: talking about how the government is using Covid as an opportunity for control, vaccinations altering DNA, etc.  I started to think that if nobody wore a face masks and if nobody took the vaccine, would this be the "real" prison?  Right now, Trump is not doing jack crap about Covid 19.  As a result, many people are suffering and dying.  If people refused to take the vaccine from Bill Gates conspiracy theories, then this may be another prison because this virus just from how fast it spreads will never go away and we will be kept prisoner.  

So those of you who are following Ralph Smart, beware because his Libertarian ideology is toxic.  He is doing pretty much everything a cult is doing.  It blows my mind how easy it is to be bewitched by a cult.  Cults attract you with content that you like and then slowly change their teachings and explain logical ways in which they are right.  Ralph has a point in that we cannot trust the government because the government is ran by dumbfuc**rs.  

I would really encourage anybody's support for those of you who have stumbled across his content or any other cult like experiences.  I am glad that I am starting to see the bullshit, but I am still not sure if he is right or not, at least about the government being an evil thing trying to control and lock down and take away people's freedoms.  I think this argument makes sense from Ralph Smart that our freedoms are being restricted with curfews, required vaccinations, etc.  How do you all feel about required vaccinations and curfews?  

Here is what I am struggling with from Ralph's ideology.  I understand that we need to wear face masks to prevent the spread of COVID.  If we all just demand for our freedom to not wear a mask, then the hospitals will have a 3 year waitlist for COVID.  They would have no room for physicals, etc.  But on the other hand, I do think Ralph has a point in that required curfews and required vaccinations might be a little too much.  I believe there should be a balance between freedom and safety.  I mean how many more regulations are there going to be imposed?  Maybe if Ralph is right, people will be required to stay home all day long and can only leave to pick up groceries if you have a Certificate and Vaccination.  What is this going to do with our mental health?  How can we remain social and distant at the same time?  What is this teaching children?  To avoid other humans and believe they are dangerous?  What is this going to teach children?  These are some of Ralph's biggest arguments that seem convincing.  I am kind of on the fence but I acknowledge that we cannot just grant freedom like we used to because people will  not act responsively, but the safety measures may be too imposing on people who are being responsive.  My friend is a masseuse and she got her business shut down during the lockdown, but bars and liquor stores were considered essential business!!  She still had to pay rent!  I mean our government cannot be making any more of these mistakes.  Shutting down businesses during lockdown is creating more problems mentally, physically, and financially for people and their families.  Requiring vaccinations and curfews is something I am struggling with.  This is the toxicity that government can lead to.  The government needs to be liberal, not dictatorship.

Please let me know what you think.  I am really not sure what to believe anymore.

   I used to watch his content a while back. He seemed genuine and passionate about his channel. I stopped following because I had more things to do, but it's unfortunate that he's been infected with libertarianism and whatever theories around COVID. I do think he has a point on new fears generated by this situation, but not so with the handling.

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7 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Consept you know...most conspiracy theorists are simply looking for a narrative that would make troubling facts/information make actual sense, they aren't actually in it to gain attention/fame/glory/money. I have a question for you, have you watched the documentary from the Netherlands with an open mind?

How about Plandemic 1 and 2? These have actually been fact tested by doctors scientiests, you name it, all around the world. 

Skepticism is so old, glad you're comfortable there, just know you're judging from below and not from above because you already believe you cannot know what's so... or maybe you aren't willing to entertain what's most likely given all the facts presented from different narratives/perspectives? either way i don't really give a damn, i laugh because i see you still trying to disprove and hold onto your world view, cute but limiting. 

If it makes you feel better, leos in the same boat, it's his realistic nature. Sure as hell doesn't make him right

@louhad i can troll you to sleep if you weren't already asleep. Pleasant dreams my dear

Whatever you say man, anyway look stop hijacking this thread to post conspiracies, we all get it youre enlightened and that has led to you finding the truth about covid, depopulation and whatever else, one day maybe all of us and Leo will evolve to your higher consciousness and post memes on the internet and try and awaken the other sheep. 

OP had real questions and observations that he wanted to discuss, your point is conspiracies are real, we understand your point of view, no one agrees but either way its not on topic 

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