
[book] The Power Of Now-eckhart Tolle

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What are your thoughts about this book? I think it's a great book. The only thing that I didn't like about it were all those "spiritual" beliefs like Collective conciousness, The energy fields etc. I think it only distracts you from the main thing - and that is to be always present. Plus, In my opinion it can discourage someone who isn't familiar with true spirituality and someone can quickly classify it as another "new age nonsense".

What is your view on it?

Edited by Kuba
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My thought is

A) Tolle is not actually Self - Realized, so why he is talking about enlightenment is anybody 's guess ?

B) The teaching doesn't mean anything because he is under the impression that all paths lead to the same goal, which is not true, for example Buddhism and Vedanta ' s descriptions of Self - Realization are different.  So this tells me he either has not studied the teachings, or he has studied the teachings and misunderstood them, or he has stolen his information from another source.  Either way, he cannot point you towards enlightenment because it has nothing to do with being in the present moment, why?  Because there is no present moment!  You can verify this for yourself in your own experience.

C) He makes reference to "Spiritual Methods" like A Course In Miracles, which is if you read it just New Age ideas and again is very unclear on enlightenment.  If ACIM, Buddhism (and all its different schools) Vedanta and the work of CG Jung all lead to the same goal, then why is there an age old debate going on between (especially Buddhism and Vedanta since the dawn of Buddhism itself) that has never resolved itself?  Yet Eckhart Tolle finally came up with the solution over the course of 20 years between the first awakening in 1977 until the publication of his book in 1998? He must be a genius.

Its like asking us to believe in fairy tales.  And that's probably why he has been so successful, because people will believe anything.

D) He sure made a lot of money selling his books, charging for retreats, selling products.  Enlightened people never charged a penny for transmission of state or the teachings, all you had to do was be sincere and ready for the teaching.

What else....?


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Well his work helped me greatly and introduced me to the spiritual path. His teachings made me realize important things in a simple language. I dont agree with your opinions, but whatever. Its just your ego, its not who you are :D


Anyway, I would give the book 10/10, but i would give his videos on youtube 1000/10, because they are free and you can start practising the teachings while listening to his calm voice. Its beautiful.

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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One of my two favorite books (I Am That by Nisargadatta is the other).

The Power of Now doesn't speak to your mind, it speaks to your soul. Amazing!!!

As long as you are sleeping, you most probably won't get it.

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One of my first books, this changed my perspective on life completely. It led me into becoming really interested in enlightenment and self development.

So I'd say read it!

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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4/10 There is some decent knowledge in there, but many new age concepts that don't resonate with me.

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@Kuba I almost feel like a guy on AA meeting admitting that I drank 6 bottles of vodka last week :D. I am not that much of a book-person. I have read like 2 books this year I think. However what I have been more tempted to do is watch videos and lectures of non-dual teachers. I feel like you can get much better gist of what they are actually teaching. Partially because your mirror neurons just might fireing off the state of mind they are in, giving it extra value. 
And Eckhart TOlle has massive video-library on youtube with Q/As.
I bought the power of now, and gave it to my parents because they cant speak english. I read it. I liked it... kinda. But it was just so very... lets say shallow with the depths and beauty this topic goes into! :-)
So I recommend following his video-content.

Edited by Martin123
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in a Tolle-voice: "well, if you are thinking about the book, then you are thinking and that is what you need to stop".  I read 10% Happier, and while the author (Harris) is completely wrapped in himself he also makes good points on Tolle not really providing much insight beyond not thinking.  I've found Mark Epstein's Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart to be much more applicable and probably a better first book if you want to share the idea of enlightenment with someone...


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@Splion Tolle is not saying you should stop thinking. He says that the mind is an incredible instrument if used correctly. Only when thoughts become destructive it is only natural you want them to disappear. He teaches how to become the observer of the mind ( who you already are )

A lot of people love Tolle's work, A lot don't find it useful. But for those who do get something great out of it. it is awesome.

Everyone has his own opinion and prefered teacher, so if you don't like him that's completely fine :) 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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