Nak Khid

Trump, July 30, Sorry Biden, Election called off + Portland Ultimatum

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In other Trump news the Mayor of Portland has a couple of days to clear out the "beehive of terrorist" protesters 
"If they don't do it we're bringing in the National Guard" 
 (25:32)- Ultimatum to Portland 

Edited by Nak Khid

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It makes sense. 
Imagine the Mail-In Voting becomes a scandal and we get a civil war.

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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The facts don’t agree with trump, per usual

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He's panicking and just flailing around in the dark hoping something works.


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Portland LIVE now, 7/31/2020


Portland LIVE now, 7/31/2020  2:00 AM hit play on both at the same time

Protests Continue in Portland After Announcement of Feds’ 'Phased Withdrawal'

The protesters are out. They don't seem to be setting off fireworks yet or pushing on the fence. That may or may not come until  around 3 Am typically

That may or may not happen. Suppose it doesn't and it remains peaceful ?  Trump may or may not acknowledge that difference and want the Portland police to clear the area of "terrorists"  if not the national guard in a day or two.  Agitators could also mess things up

I just heard two shot-like go off .  fireworks going off now an then, you cant hear them but not see them 

Not clear if Feds are still in building or Oregon State Police ,  they seems to only come out when the fence is being breached.  - but they may be under pressure to attempt to get the protesters out of the area entirely at some point 





Edited by Nak Khid

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8 hours ago, UDT said:

It makes sense. 
Imagine the Mail-In Voting becomes a scandal and we get a civil war.

anything and everything is a scandal with trump

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@UDT idk man i dont think factions are organized enough to have a civil war in this day in age. we are definitely in a cultural cold civil war as we always have been. maybe 30% of the population is willing to die to keep trump in power but thats not enough, plus the military certainly is no fan of trump and will most likely not let him deny the results.

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The proposed delay represents a tiny crack in the political structure. I worry that sinister forces will exploit such vulnerability.


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Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany just condemned Hong Kong for delaying their election.

Can these people not see the blatant hypocrisy or do they just not care?

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the spelling of her name is also annoying  

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