
What is this?

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Yesterday I vaped weed for 10minutes and just observed the high getting stronger sitting in silence. I tried to let go of everything, detaching from social stuff and ego things I had, cravings, purpose etc. I sat a bit and everything started to get a bit psychedelic, the walls were as I was on LSD, super 3D. I was in non-duality at that moment, I touched everything and spoke to myself as I spoke with the walls and wood which were decorated and I looked up in the sky and was again in non-duality. I felt such a massive blissful state, as like an Enlightenment state, but I noticed that NOBODY got enlightened meaning my ego was not in the picture, there was just a super blissful state being observed.

What is this?


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To my understanding, you can begin to realise non-duality without having a complete ego death.  ( Sounds contradictory )

Obviously your ego was somewhat in the picture, it wasn't completely obliterated. That is very uncommon with weed alone. 

The blissful state you are describing sounds like Astral Being ( a term Nahm introduced to me ) 

I have used weed to enter similar states, but IMO it isn't as real / profound as a proper psych.  

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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@SamueLSD the thing is that I noticed that I wasnt screaming inside like oooh Iam going somewhere, but there was just observing going on, experience of the bliss, but without the ego-I.

My deepest awakenings were on weed, psychs hit me too hard. But I dont poo poo them, it is a very powerful tool, but probably not for me.


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30 minutes ago, inFlow said:

What is this?


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@inFlow This is Light. Quite literally. Right now, right here, all around you and including you - All Light. 

Imo, that is what you became conscious of yesterday. Hence it seemed like "nobody got enlightened". 

Indeed, that is true.

No body. And nobody.

Just Light.

Edited by ivankiss

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Sounds like you had a glimpse that “my ego” is a thought, rather than a separate entity, self, or actual part of you. Now, if interested, you can notice thoughts arising which ‘claim’ there is, are also only thoughts. 



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@Nahm Can you describe this "Astral Being"?


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Not as a separate body, though every word is dualistic, distinction making, and implies it is, similar to how the usage of the word “ego” creates the belief there is a separate entity which is the ego. 

Bliss of feeling and thought arising. An energy traveling up and down the spine, mind & brain. Less dilution. Like removing mud from water reveling mud is made of water. Words create the distinctions which lead you away from where the words are intended to point you. Good to communicate & inspire at best, but after reading them look around where you are now and ask, wtf even is this?

With proper singing, one learns to control the breath, expand the stomach, and feel the vibration of the registers, to produce a vocal ‘note’ of music. We can say, what is that note though, what is it actually? We can talk about pitch, tone, inflection, intonation, ideas baked into the single note conveying in feeling what unsung words can not...yet all of this points to the shocking effortlessness of singing, and that the doing was veiled by the claiming of singing. Yet even that, points to the wholeness of the single note, vibrationally inseparable of all vibration which appears to produce it. Nonetheless, one who does not properly stretch the stomach will not get to far, due to a clenched, tightening of the throat, in ‘efforting’ to compensate. There is no separate note, one creates it as one be’s it, as such, you’re discovery how you’ve been creating the ego. There is no note, and so “with” - in with proper singing is revealed to be a misnomer, and is none other than vibrational, and not even. 



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@Nahm Good pointing, but Im yet not on ur level of awareness, but thank you for writing, I will contemplate these words.


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It is you entering samadhi.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Is it possible to experience samadhi state using weed? It isn't psychedelic, is it?

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@bazera It is. Some people react differently to it. I have had insane experiences with weed. Samadhi, non-dual states, all of that. Even crazier than I have had with mushrooms. I don't know why I react in that way, it must be part of my brain chemistry or something. 

Last time I did it I looked outside of my window and I literally knew that I was connected to everything. The bus stop I was staring at was a part of me just as much as my hand. 

Edited by QandC

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@bazera I've worked with this substance for a while now and have the concentration to not get pulled into stupid behavior such as watching videos, listening to music. The setting must be perfect. Though not every time I can tap into the mystical. But I've noticed that if I work hard for the given week (do consciousness work) the experience is so profound, the intention must be also put in check. Anyway it must be used ONLY from time to time,  because it can get into addicting behavior, which it probably will. But it's a wonderful contemplation tool for me. Too bad it has side effects which is why in the future I will have to drop this habit.


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