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I don't want to do anything. I am bored of college in germany. I just want to chill all day long at home in Romania. 

I don't want to have to work. Only when i want to.

Anyways i still don't understand how life works. How and why is everything the way it is. It's frustrating and scary.

The scariest thing for me is getting old or ill in some way. How terrifying can it be to slowly die from an illness ... 

Idk what to do right now. I just had to post this


Edited by Jonson

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When i was 16 and discovered this phenomenon, i thought i will become enlightened  in every way and become super skilled and build the best life. I am now 19 and haven't done 10% of what i imagined i would do.

Edited by Jonson

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That's all very broad.

What is it that you imagines that you would have done, which you have only done 10% of?

What is it that has been stopping you from doing "all that"?

And why is it that that "what" has stopped you?

And what kind of internal work have you done to make anything happen?

Do you feel that "enlightenment" is the fix all solution? And what do you imagine would happen if you suddenly would find yourself being "enlightened"?

There are a lot of questions, contemplation is key in order to help taking us "somewhere".

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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Sorry to hear that. 

But there are always ways to be positive in every situation. 

Deep down you crave for progress. 

I will suggest a few things. I was going through a similar kind of frustration 2 years ago on this site. But writing a journal helped and I have come so far. 

There are days that I struggle but my progress since 2018 is remarkable.. 

So this what I did 

  • Keeping a journal 
  • Keeping a vision board. Refer @Nahm
  • Tracking my progress every day both in terms of productivity and spirituality 
  • Looking back to see if I achieved my goals
  • If I didn't achieve my goals then listing reasons on what is sabotaging my efforts
  • Cleaning those toxic factors that are obstructing my path towards my goals.. 
  • Finding new ways to motivate myself like for example I keep a reward tip jar. I call it the charms jar. If I achieve a daily goal, I put a coin or charm into the jar. 
  • At the end I know how much progress I have made. 
  • Prayer helps a lot for believers. 
  • Maintain steady focus by constantly writing out your goals in your diary 
  • Mark dates on the calendar by which you want your small goal to be achieved. Baby steps. 
  • Like I have marked March 5 as my next target date by which I will achieve my goal.


Hope this helps. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

Sorry to hear that. 

But there are always ways to be positive in every situation. 

Deep down you crave for progress. 

I will suggest a few things. I was going through a similar kind of frustration 2 years ago on this site. But writing a journal helped and I have come so far. 

There are days that I struggle but my progress since 2018 is remarkable.. 

So this what I did 

  • Keeping a journal 
  • Keeping a vision board. Refer @Nahm
  • Tracking my progress every day both in terms of productivity and spirituality 
  • Looking back to see if I achieved my goals
  • If I didn't achieve my goals then listing reasons on what is sabotaging my efforts
  • Cleaning those toxic factors that are obstructing my path towards my goals.. 
  • Finding new ways to motivate myself like for example I keep a reward tip jar. I call it the charms jar. If I achieve a daily goal, I put a coin or charm into the jar. 
  • At the end I know how much progress I have made. 
  • Prayer helps a lot for believers. 
  • Maintain steady focus by constantly writing out your goals in your diary 
  • Mark dates on the calendar by which you want your small goal to be achieved. Baby steps. 
  • Like I have marked March 5 as my next target date by which I will achieve my goal.


Hope this helps. 


Great post there :)

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You're still a baby. Brain hasn't matured yet so you're still not balanced out in the risk vs. reward yet.
Just find 1 interesting productive hobby to work on, learn about mastery (Mastery by Robert Greene, Ted Talks, Leo videos), and undo some neuroticism through reflection, awareness, self-actualization work, meditation.
Keep up like 2 basic habits of doing that, and really just spend more time doing that each day. Put Leo's audio version videos on your phone or something to listen to, run it in the background, whatever. 
I feel like the hard part is penetrating the subconscious mind, and for that you really need a lot of input (Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis) and low anxiety (Noam Chomsky on his language acquisition device and Krashen on the filter). Whatever you lsiten to a lot of each day, you'll slowly gravitate towards.


All those type of goals like doing the vision board, doing a journal, etc. can be good but you need a core foundation of inputting a lot to have the concepts down, and 1 productive hobby to actualize those. It could be language learning, exercise, piano, whatever. Then you can apply it to the rest of your life. I found that the journaling and vision board stuff gave me paralysis by analysis. I do a lot of notes using Google Keep with ideas and my todolists, and from watching more of Leo's videos, I found this to be a better use of my time. Not to knock it, but you have to create habits that are easy first, and give you that feeling of "I just need to show up, and it's a free win."
For me, this means I listen to Leo, audiobooks, political ideas, and focus on my language learning, go to the daily meat grinder and keep writing down ideas for when I can escape the capitalism wage cuckery.

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15 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:



Leo conflates growth and truth with being passionate about something.

And there are many more things that he is wrong about or doesn't know about.

Don't let him fool you.


Read this first (free article):


Then, if you're still interested, read the original trilogy:


And then all the rest.

That's fucking awesome. Just read the first link. Relates nicely to my.12 step AA programme. 

Thanks for that. Really resonates me. Big time. 

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6 hours ago, Jonson said:

The scariest thing for me is getting old

Honestly, don't waste your mental energy on this thought. Be old, when you get old. Worry about it when you get there, not now. Take advice from an old(er) person. Plus, it really ain't that bad!

As for illness, it's 99% diet, fitness and good mental health.

57% paranoid

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Guys thank you for all the responses . I am very thankful :)

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