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The place of depth psychology in non-duality

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Hello All,

I have thought for quite some time about the proper place of depth psychology in the work done here at 

It seems the work here simply advocates purification of the mind and selflessness to access Being level.  The depths of the mind are not given much relevance.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the relevance of anima development (see stages of anima development Wikipedia) and individuation @Leo Gura.  

Here is an excellent example of the application of depth psychology. 


Edited by Skin-encapsulatedego

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It inevitably bubbles up if you go far enough. Jung had some amazing insights. Well worth going into unless you'd prefer to be blindsided. Both options have their own charms. 

In my experience meditation and consciousness work eventually opened me up to experiencing bliss states, and becoming susceptible to becoming fascinated with certain things. I had an experience in a cemetery that was too strange for my mind to make sense of. I followed it through as if I was connecting the dots or uncovering clues on a scavenger hunt and what it lead to completely "broke" my reality. Following both inexplicable impulses or impulses that feel good leads to synchronicity which ties into symbols and archetypes which digs up shadow work and purifies the mind (clears karma, etc). It all flows into one. Jung explained and uncovered all these things. Becoming conscious of the law of attraction is what actually allowed this to be brought to fruition in my experience, I only learned about Jung to further understand it intellectually after the fact. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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There is value in probing and healing one's psyche and subconscious mind. It's just that you shouldn't stop there.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Are you implying that there's something beyond the conscious and unconscious? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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it’s interesting that he talks about shadow integration. that of course if you integrate it, at one point you will become it. it’s like standing at the boarder of an abyss staring into it, if you stare long enough it will suck you in and you‘ll fall that’s the power of the eye, it’s psychophysical phenomenon of the bodymind/mindbody but the other side is - if you pull long enough you also can help somebody up again, risky because you have to lean over the abyss yourself, have to reach down into the dark catching whatever will come onto you.

haha - he even says something  similar. (reminds me of lord of the rings, too)

sounds like the head is reinstalled where it belonged to O.o

a verry contradictory outcome... deeds don’t just get undone by reheadinstallations. sometimes they then try to also put a crown on top. to distract from the desaster.

Edited by remember

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@mandyjw Interesting.  The process of understanding whereby one incurs a direct experience and later finds intellectual material to match seems to be particularly effective.  

@Leo Gura Do you essentially consider this work to be far lower in priority than enlightenment work, and therefore the result is that you do not engage with it?  For example, are you not concerned about the stages of anima development?


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34 minutes ago, Skin-encapsulatedego said:

@mandyjw Interesting.  The process of understanding whereby one incurs a direct experience and later finds intellectual material to match seems to be particularly effective.  

Perhaps it happened that way because I am anima, becoming conscious of animus. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

@remember Guess that's why @Faceless talked so much about being headless. 

i guess that’s why you like so much to be the queen of hearts.

denial of the past just creates more shadows.

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@remember I just noticed this a couple days ago when I looked at my profile, I joined the forum 4 years ago on Valentine's Day. The image in my avatar came to me in a vision, it's sort of like a claddagh ring but you know what it's missing? The crown. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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32 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@remember I just noticed this a couple days ago when I looked at my profile, I joined the forum 4 years ago on Valentine's Day. The image in my avatar came to me in a vision, it's sort of like a claddagh ring but you know what it's missing? The crown. 


well yes grudges can reach far back into time even into past lives. some people like to feed that karma - it’s not even theirs but they like to create an identity of it. let’s say the awareness of phenomena is to already accept that loyalty always means to your own crown, which is not in that sense a crown but still needs always a little more work until you can wear it like a queen. maybe that’s why you are missing or not missing a crown, the moment you can wear it you don’t need it anymore. the good point is no one knows what is the case and you also don’t have to explain for what reason it is not showing on the picture.

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18 hours ago, mandyjw said:

@Leo Gura Are you implying that there's something beyond the conscious and unconscious? 

The way that psychotherapists use those terms is so limited that there is an infinite ocean of "stuff" beyond that.


@Leo Gura Do you essentially consider this work to be far lower in priority than enlightenment work, and therefore the result is that you do not engage with it?

No, it's part of the work.


For example, are you not concerned about the stages of anima development?

That's one particular model and way to looking at things. There are hundreds of different models. You simply won't have time or the need to learn them all.

The best work is done beyond all models. But if this model helps you, use it.

Just don't expect me to cover every model on my channel. The stuff I'm into now is beyond any human models, science, or even the ability to verbalize. That's just where I'm at.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The way that psychotherapists use those terms is so limited that there is an infinite ocean of "stuff" beyond that.

If you're trying to fix another "self" to live up to some nonexistent ideal for what the "self" should be, then you're building off of a flawed assumption as most psychotherapists are.

I believe that there is great value in having someone to "listen", which is magnified exponentially if they have a deep knowledge of non duality. It's where the deeper meaning of "this work must be done alone" is revealed and it is seen that "alone" or "together" are false mind made conditions. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Jung goes into non-dual lands quite often, especially when dabbling with the self. I quite like those parts.

Regarding the dual part, this is the quote, yes it is this one. Even his dualism almost always points towards non-dualism.

-The amount of light one can create is proportionate to the amount of darkness one is willing to confront.
-No tree is said to reach up to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.

Mr Yggdrasil, where do your roots begin and your branches end. A never-ending torus of wood-veins.

Climb towards the light , fall into darkness.
Fall into darkness, reach the light.


Edited by Yog

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