
Conscious Shifting (timelines, parallel realities and imagination)

9 posts in this topic

In my previous post I touched upon vibration and density. Light and frequency. I shared a perspective on what's going on "behind the scenes" during our every day interactions. 

I feel like expanding things a bit more now.

This post is not about the game and the relations in it. Rather; it is focused upon the very mechanics of reality. 

It does not necessarily act as a guide - instead, it offers an understanding of what's already going on. 

I aim to take a good look at the precise point where the "conceptual" ties into the "actual". See how they are One... but not the same.

A good place to start from would be with 


Why do we think? Ever thought about that? Why are thoughts a necessary component of reality? Where do they come from? Where do they go? 

What if I told you... that you are not actually thinking... but really perceiving parallel realities that are all happening simultaneously; right now? What if this very moment before you is... a thought? 

What if the words, sounds and images in your mind is simply how you translate frequencies? Frequencies that are actually whole realities? 

What if this is your navigation system that you don't even know about yet?

Let's do an experiment;

Think about raising your hand - for example.

Now actually raise it.

What happened there? You did not think about what you were about to do. Instead, you perceived a parallel reality in which your hand is already risen and shifted to it. 

It happens automatically. Unconsciously- if you will. But as you become fast enough and conscious enough, you can actually catch yourself doing this all the time. Constantly. Continuously. 

In fact that's exactly how time is possible in the first place. That's how the effect of time-space continuum is created.


Thus the only way you can move from this to that and create and effect of movement is by shifting between already manifested realities. Which are infinite in number. Complete, unique and whole.

In that sense; it is all already "pre-manifested". "Predetermined". But you have the freedom and the right to experience it ALL. To choose it ALL and/or any of it.

And ALL is infinite.

You can choose to experience whichever possibility, whichever reality.

You merely have to become aware of your WILL - which is limitless and free.

You must come to know yourself. 

Ever wondered why gurus want you to "empty your mind" and "stop thinking" ? It's because no thought in your mind means you are one with the thought before you. The one that's already playing out right now. This precise moment. 

That's what "being present" is really all about. It's supposed to make you become aware of precisely this. 

The moment you start "hearing thoughts" in your mind again - you are giving away a portion of your attention (awareness) and are peaking into infinite possibilities. Parallel timelines and dimensions that are all playing out at once.

You do all of that through the incredible power of your imagination. 

Imagination = perceiving what already is, but is not yet fully experiential. For that; you must tune into what you are imagining completely. Dial in. Shift to it. Become it. Animate it and experience it. Play it out. Live it out.

That is how imagination is actually real. And the conceptual is the actual. 

It's all One. But not the same.

Due to constant unconscious shifting there is a lag. What's lagging is your mind. It has not caught up with your awareness just yet. It's not still enough. Not silent enough. Not in sync. It acts as if it was separate. It does not like being focused on what already is. It prefers "thinking" about potentials. Calculating endless outcomes. It's holding itself back.

No lag = no mind.

Infinite Mind.

Pure consciousness and presence.

Infinite Intelligence.

That is why you probably can't think of a luxary super-car and shift to, or manifest it instantly. Because of the lag. Because of the limitations created by your mind. 

Which is completely fine, really. It's supposed to be this way on this level. But I assure you; there are levels and dimensions where you are absolutely limitless. Where every thought you have is the very next reality you experience. What ever it may be. However it may look.

You are unstoppable. Omnipotent.

You manifest planets, stars and whole galaxies at will. And you bring it all to life by breathing through it all.

You're shifting at will. 

Faster than you can blink.

All secrets are revealed behind the projector. Wake up and step out of the projection.

Edited by ivankiss

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What are you talkin about dude? There isn't even a you.

You're not in control of anything, you don't exist.....a bird just flew over your head and you didn't even know it.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Dude!!!! Beautiful. Experienced what you’ve described, and also really appreciate the perspective on thought 


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Nicely written. Had the experience of time like this on mush

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Wow this post is really profound... The hand exercise was beautiful. 

Edited by Consilience

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Thanks @ivankiss for sharing


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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"You are the self-made liberator
You are the heart-wave generator
From death into the new
The I, I see in you
You are the light accelerator

This is your dominion"


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