
ACIM Journal

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"What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?" -

This quote from ACIM was mentioned by David Hoffmeister who is an expert on ACIM. It's very much in line with my model of a changeless reality.


Edited by Anderz

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The Law of One describes physics. I haven't learned much yet what it says but I heard both spacetime and timespace mentioned. Occam's Razor is the idea that if there are several theories that explain the same thing, the simplest tends to be the correct one. With both spacetime and timespace, the physics in the Law of One seems even more complicated than in today's mainstream science.

So is it just nonsense physics that the Law of One describes? Not necessarily. I came to think that if we assume that it really is very clever channeling then the source knows that mainstream physics is false in some fundamental ways and instead of saying that directly it uses spacetime to mean mainstream physics and timespace to mean the real physics. That's my current guess.

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In my model, information is absolute and not just some flaky interface, but other than that, the theory presented in this video is compatible with ACIM and the Law of One:


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Dr. Hoffman struggled a bit I think with trying to explain how conscious agents relate to inanimate objects, but compared to the common mainstream theories about reality his theory is very good and powerful.

"Hoffman's "multimodal user interface" (MUI) theory of perception states that "perceptual experiences do not match or approximate properties of the objective world, but instead provide a simplified, species-specific, user interface to that world." Together with "conscious realism", the theory that "the objective world consists of conscious agents and their experiences; these can be mathematically modeled and empirically explored in the normal scientific manner", writes Hoffman, "these theses provide a solution to the mind-body problem. They also entail epiphysicalism: consciousness creates physical objects and properties, but physical objects and properties have no causal powers." -

Hoffman even explained how psychedelics temporarily modify our interface so that we access other modes of consciousness, and that psychedelics can be seen as a first technology for hacking reality, and that later we may learn how to modify reality in more deliberate and controlled ways. This fits very well with the different levels of density described in the Law of One and also with how A Course in Miracles says that our current perception of reality is distorted by our egos.

In my model, consciousness is simply an on/off state of being aware as a self. And the state of consciousness depends on the configuration of information, like in the Integrated Information Theory I quoted from in an earlier post. In Hoffman's theory conscious agents are the foundation if I understood it correctly, but it doesn't explain consciousness itself it seemed to me. Nassim Haramein's explanation of consciousness as a feedback loop is the same as in my model I think. Anyway, really good stuff and a huge step forward for mainstream research in my opinion.

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Bruce Lipton's biology of belief can be combined with ACIM's teaching about how all sickness is caused by the belief in separation. I include, and I believe ACIM does so too, that aging and death are counted as sickness. Changing the belief in separation, then, cures even aging and death. The belief in separation is also what makes us stuck in third density, and the change of that belief makes us enter what in the Law of One is called fourth density.

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My idea is that going from third to fourth density is a form of waking up, but not in the sense of waking up to a different reality as when waking up in the morning from a dream during the night. Instead fourth density Earth is the same as third density earth with the difference that physical reality has more possibilities and capacity in fourth density.

The ego is afraid of living forever. Imagine celebrating your 1,000,000,000th birthday here on earth. I think it will be glorious! :D My plan is to celebrate my billionth birthday with Coca-Cola, maybe not on Earth but probably in this universe.

As I see it now, it's the process of aging and death that's the dream, or nightmare rather.

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Fear seems to "freeze" the heart which when chronic or prolonged causes disease. Howard Martin said that the heart rate variability decreases with age. And indeed I found mainstream research that looks correct (few reasons to manipulate the data by pharma industry etc) supporting this:

"Decreased heart rate variability in men with phobic anxiety (data from the normative aging study)

Prospective cohort studies suggest that phobic anxiety is a strong risk factor for fatal coronary artery disease, in particular, sudden cardiac death. It has also been established that reduced heart rate (HR) variability can identify patients at high risk for subsequent sudden cardiac death." -

Phobic anxiety means fear:

"A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object." -

And the biological response to fear has the same underlying mechanism, such as the fight or flight response described in some of my earlier posts. Here is another video with Howard Martin where he explains more about the heart:


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One hypothesis I have is that the ego understands gut feeling because that's something the ego actually can experience, while true heart feeling is blocked for the ego. So when people talk about gut feeling, the ego resonates concretely with that. When people talk about heart feeling on the other hand the ego puts it into a category of flowery language, poetry or as a metaphor.

Another idea I have that we need to connect our hearts to earth's magnetic field in order to get an actual heart feeling, such as illustrated in this video:


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Sadhguru can play with poisonous cobras and the snakes remain peaceful! Could be some trick but I think Sadhguru might actually be connected to earth's energy field and so the cobras sense that and feel him as peaceful.

Then what about those of us who are in ordinary ego consciousness? We can't play with lethal snakes like that. Even if we have the conscious intent to connect our hearts to the earth, our subconscious ego (which is more powerful than our conscious mind) could still be stingy, greedy and jealous so that we only want pleasant heart feelings for ourselves and not for others. The good news is that when others also connect their hearts it boosts our own heart feelings! Because it's a unified and coherent field. So even the subconscious ego wants to boost both its own and others' heart connection.

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The Law of One says that the heart is related to the green ray. Could be because the heart chakra is associated with the color green. The Indian flag has green in it and so do many flags of Muslim countries. And the Quran talks about the heart, such as:

“Have they not traveled through the land and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not they eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the chest that grow blind” - Quran, 22: 46

I found that quote in this research paper:

"Abstract.- There is a compassion connection between human beings and the heart communicates with other hearts energetically or through interactions of electromagnetic fields. Sense of devotion and deep feelings originate in the heart due to external stimuli and translate into action. It is through this connection that humanity is above most of other organisms. Functionally, the heart serves as a control room for the action and behavior. The inner conscious of mankind is activated through heart. Functionally, the heart serves as a control room and communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically, biochemically, biophysically and energetically. Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain's activity, and one’s behavior. The cause and effect condition of the heart is collectively called as the heart’s condition. Quran gives pivotal role to the heart for understanding, feeling, storing secrets and communicating with the brain, influencing speech, and other’s hearts. T" -

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Here is a scientific research paper showing that there at least is some connection between the heart and earth's magnetic field, and the connection is dependent on the quality of interpersonal relationships:

"Identification of a Group’s Physiological Synchronization with Earth’s Magnetic Field


A new analysis technique for the evaluation of the degree of synchronization between the physiological state of a group of people and changes in the Earth’s magnetic field based on their cardiac inter-beat intervals was developed and validated. The new analysis method was then used to identify clusters of similar synchronization patterns in a group of 20 individuals over a two-week period. The algorithm for the identification of slow wave dynamics for every person was constructed in order to determine meaningful interrelationships between the participants and the local magnetic field data. The results support the hypothesis that the slow wave rhythms in heart rate variability can synchronize with changes in local magnetic field data, and that the degree of synchronization is affected by the quality of interpersonal relationships." -

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In my model compared to the Law of One, densities one, two and three are all the same and are the global ego. And densities fourth and higher are the waking up to recognizing the global ego as a "Lego world" to use the Lego analogy from earlier posts.

The densities in the Law of One are like a Spiral Dynamics model on steroids. And densities 1 to 3 are similar to the first tier in that comparison.

In a Lego world there can be problems while from a larger perspective we recognize that there are no actual problems.

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I think it was Mark Passio who said that physical reality is where the rubber meets the road. That's a very good point. Fourth density doesn't mean some ascension from the physical world into an astral or spiritual world. Nor does it mean that we can disregard things like money, laws and calendar time. Instead it's about transcend and include of third, second and first density.

I believe that we will transcend the need for money already within 30 years from today. And I also believe that many of us will have fourth density bodies before that! So we will still have to use things like money in the beginning even with fourth density bodies. I now heard that Carla Rueckert the Ra channeler said that earth has already entered fourth density, the same as what Aaron Abke said. I think it means that we already have fourth density bodies! It's just that our ego minds haven't caught up with that change yet.

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Lol, Carla Rueckert said in an interview that she got an orgasm at one time when she shook hands with a man. More seriously, she could be telling the truth! And in that case I think it was a large dose of positive orgone flowing between them.

That made me wonder what the sexual energy will be like in fourth density. Probably not as extreme as in Carla's experience, and more balanced with the heart. The ego's sexuality is blocked from the heart.

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There is a lot of talk in the Law of One about the Great Pyramid at Giza. It's like the Law of One complements ACIM with an explanation of our history. I don't know if the Law of One describes what actually happened but the Great Pyramid is extraordinary in its size and in its advanced architecture of the construction. I think the Great Pyramid is a moment that shows that there is more to reality than is officially known today.

That alone is reason for taking the Law of One seriously at least on some level, because Ra said that the pyramid was built to look like it could have been constructed with traditional means. Exactly. It's a part of what they call the Law of Confusion, that some knowledge is semi-hidden so to not reveal it prematurely.

"Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids" - Arab proverb

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If advanced technology already existed back in the times of Ancient Egypt why the need for humanity to struggle on its own? My answer is: because by having to invent our own technology it becomes unique, even unique compared to the rest of the entire universe! That uniqueness is what is valuable from a bigger long-term cosmic perspective.

And technological progress is an accelerating process. Ray Kurzweil has predicted that a technological singularity will happen already around the year 2045. Here is a brief explanation of the technological singularity:

And here is AI expert Ben Goertzel talking about the technological singularity:

Because of the value in the uniqueness of our technology it's an important part of an evolutionary leap. Aaron Abke said that the current technological progress is a sign that earth has entered fourth density. I agree. So there will be some integration of technology and spirituality.

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I think fourth density will at first appear in our bodies and then much later in the external world. And in the external world, the progress will be things like ordinary third density information technology. Because the ability to manipulate the external world requires advanced conscious skills while changes in the body can be a much more automatic process. In my model everything is an automatic process but there is a huge difference between the experience of volitional control compared to what we experience as automatic processes.

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The Law of One describes (if I got it correctly) free will as the first distortion from oneness, and love as the second distortion. In my model even free will is an automatic process BUT free will is connected to consciousness in the feedback loop for the manifestation of the universe. Thus free will feeds back much more advanced information such as emotions to the universe than mere mechanical processes. So there is a deliberate and important purpose of free will. A zombie without consciousness is a mechanical process and is unable to feed back the advanced information of a subjective and conscious experience.

So now that I think of it the Law of One is in this regard very similar to my model since Ra says that free will is very important to preserve while being a distortion. I haven't learned yet what it means by love being a distortion but I guess it means the duality needed in order to experience love. So first there needs to be the experience of free will and then the experience of love for the feedback loop of reality to be advanced enough to allow an ever ongoing process of evolution.

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With this new take on free will for me, is it still valid to call free will a sin? Yes, it is. Because if there was actual free will there would always be the potential for fear since free will would then allow doing dangerous and harmful things even to the point of - through the butterfly effect - change the outcome of the entire universe! So when ACIM talks about love vs fear and fear as an ego delusion that's still valid.

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The feedback loop of consciousness is difference observing itself. It can be modeled as the manifestation of Indra's net. Consciousness is therefore a state related to infinity whereas the manifestation of reality - that which consciousness observes - is always finite.

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