
What is love?

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Okay. I am going to organize my notes and work on contemplating these things and stop making grand assumptions at this time. 

I plan on not posting on the forum for the time being, whilst still dropping by to get some insight. This is until I get my mind settled and in a more relaxed place. I will start psychotherapy as well soon. 

I will PM you guys if I have any severe doubts or feel like I’m going crazy again. Any last suggestions you guys have for me? I might be asking the wrong question since I’ve already been given a lot of great advice... I just need to start acting on it seriously and reduce distractions...

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@AlldayLoop Observe your hands without trying to interprate what you are seeing. Without Toughts or theorizing about seen 

Just be curious as child. ?

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God/Consciousness is all the positives without oposite. 

But you still do not know that, so practises chop chop. 

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Have faith that nothing can ever go wrong and that everything that comes your way is absolutely good and meant to be.

Good luck ❤️

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19 hours ago, Aakash said:

lol your seriously unenlightened

Wow. Not only unenlightened but seriously unlightened. I can't help but take that as a double whammy of a compliment! 
Thanks bro

19 hours ago, Aakash said:

the more I realised enlightened beings calling themselves enlightened are actually unenlightened on this forum is actually hilarious. 

Do you really think a truly enlightened person would spend a second on a forum like this? I mean on what part of the enlightenment process do they go through the ordeal of signing up and confirming that link in their email not to mention wallowing in the confusion of internet experts.

You are funny bro

19 hours ago, Aakash said:

My scope of enlightened people has gone from 40 to now 6/7 active members lol. Which doesn’t include myself. 


I'm pretty sure it's zero. From what i have seen in the last 3 years... 

I haven't seen anything resembling enlightenment, not even close. 

This is pure entertainment folks...


19 hours ago, Aakash said:

The devils have corrupt their own enligntenrmnt via unconditional love and self -deception. ? it truly is a sight to behold lol. 

The irony being because it believes it is now enlightened. LOL but trying to brush it off as there is no enlightenment. 

The biggest devil is always the one who is constantly preoccupied with the devilry of others. 
(note to self)

Remember that the next time you see that word mentioned.


swashbuckler 4 life xD

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@Truthority ahaha was the spur of the moment with the serious part

secretly, it is a compliment. 

i say these things 

although i give you credit for accepting reality, i must say. 

i've thought about taking the route you did and well, its fine and all. Just not the highest truth in my eyes as you would like to believe yourself so. 


Edited by Aakash

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@Aakash We are all enlightened. 

Most of us are just too dumb to realize it.

1 minute ago, Aakash said:

although i give you credit for accepting reality, i must say. 


Thank you. 

That is the only thing that will save humanity from itself. 

So don't be surprised when people here want to crucify me... 

swashbuckler 4 life xD

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@Truthority yes you are far off it, i've already future sighted this and it won't happen for another 3000 years.

its not possible in this day and age. 


Edited by Aakash

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@Mikael89 nothingness is like 20% of the truth. So i mean yeah he's 100% of that 20% 

truth is the most radical thing because of self-deception. 

Edited by Aakash

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@zeroISinfinity Because they have the same degree of enlightenment! LOL! 

its that simple AHAHAHA

or different degrees of being should i say. 

which is defined BY YOU! 

you haven't cognised your own being. This is the issue. You don't actually know what the truth of the matter is and so you can't orient your being. But i guess it is what it is. 

Edited by Aakash

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The problem is that we can't reach a concencus of what being actually is. 

for some people being means loving 

for some people being means nothing 

for some people being means being in the present moment 

for some people being means identifying with consciousness 

for some people being means to be 


Has anyone actually contemplated? what being actually means? 

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Being=God=Consciousness =Pure infinite Love =Everything =Totality =Singularity =No Self=Infinite Potential =Vortex=Nothing =Truth=infinite Goodness=Infinite Compassion =Source=Awareness =Blackhole =White hole (dunno what this is never experienced myself as such) =YOU

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@Mikael89 I asked him that question to check his understanding. He speaks of love the emotion in his answer, and not Love or lovebliss. For lack of a better word, you can indeed be enlightened and not cognizant of love or bliss (I checked this with multiple teachers, and in my case the lovebliss came before losing identification), but that is still an incomplete picture. Considering how avidly you shield yourself against even the remotest possibility of something existing that is outside of your experience, might I perhaps suggest you to take a closer look as the reasoning behind it? Just a suggestion, nothing more. 

Lastly, I can't stress enough how the love i speak of is not the emotion. As I said, if this love does in fact have a somatic "feeling" it would be that of bliss. It's the sensation predominant in sleep. If you are able to experience lucid dreaming you'll have a great idea of what this sensation feels like. But the Love itself is not a feeling or emotion or sensation. It is recognition of the other as yourself. This is not the same thing as the pure void of awareness you may or may not have experienced. 


Edited by FoxFoxFox

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@zeroISinfinity no you’ve told me what experience being is. IM asking you a completely different question that has slipped your mind. I asked what does being MEAN

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@Mikael89 I infer that from the juxtaposition of the word love next to hate and indifference. These are all emotions and feelings. Not at all the topic of conversation here.

I said above that the opposite of love the emotion is hate, while the opposite of the love i speak of is fear and separation. 

He is certainly not talking about lovebliss.

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@zeroISinfinity no! You never answered the question again

This has nothing to do with “Aakash” 

What does “being always it” MEAN! 

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