
Inside Mooji's Cult

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34 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Leo Gura  

I’m having the most biggest ego backlash of my life. Ever word I’ve ever heard from all you enlightened people nahm, ajay, winter soldier, foxfoxfox it’s all bullshit.  



There is no enlightenment without David "the enlightened master" Hammond! ?

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@Leo Gura so when you said that consciousness was boot strapping itself up to gear higher consciousness. It was an attempt to word absolute truth. 

Making it an absolute truth in conceptual terms . But it itself is can’t be the truth because this is a subset again. The words itself can not lead you to the truth

so then by definition, what is a relative truth you speak ? Anything that doesn’t have roots in a part of absolute truth ? 

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14 minutes ago, Aakash said:

so then by definition, what is a relative truth you speak ? Anything that doesn’t have roots in a part of absolute truth ?

In the end, there is only Absolute Truth. Relative truth isn't really real. But also it sorta is ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura i see, so all this work , with actualised.org is to get people to the point to get the person to admit to themselves, that anything they know, the truth is not that. It can only be known by surrendering completely 

so was it the 5-meo that made you realise absolute truth or was it the practices you did like self-inquiry etc, since 5-meo the consciousness is like a spike, it goes up and then it drops ? 

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1 hour ago, Aakash said:

@Leo Gura i see, so all this work , with actualised.org is to get people to the point to get the person to admit to themselves, that anything they know, the truth is not that. It can only be known by surrendering completely 

so was it the 5-meo that made you realise absolute truth or was it the practices you did like self-inquiry etc, since 5-meo the consciousness is like a spike, it goes up and then it drops ? 

There is much more to this work than simply realizing Absolute Truth. That is important but you need many other minor teachings as well, which I offer. Not everything is about enlightenment.

Not just 5-MeO. Other psychedelics and also meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, and study. All that adds up to be larger tham the sum of its parts.

But of course 5-MeO is the ultimate, if you can handle it. It is not for newbies. It requires a significant foundation to appreciate. Other psychedelics are better for newbies, yet still very powerful and truth-revealing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura yeah that makes sense, thanks i'm going to get started asap, since there's now a very clear path. 

Yeah i realised, i say me smoking weed was good for a lot of contemplation, but it wasn't actually that started my spiritual joruney, it enforced it after i went to amsterdam to smoke weed but i took truffles, the truffles gave me the biggest dejavu i've ever had in my life, i literally remember the dream i had, that i was living out step by step. This lead me to question, if we're actually just living out our dreams in reality and that everything is predetermined, and when i smoked weed, i thought what if god is giving me singals every moment, thats directing , so i started looking around at my environment and thats when i noticed karma, every time someone done something that was "bad" back then , they would get hit with karma within 24 -48 hours. But i was doing this all in my head, so lol, they weren't the best definitions of what it is. However, none of this would have happened if my mind wasn't naturally curious about figuring what makes up reality itself, god or atoms! 

so i actually have no doubt that 5-meo is something amazing. 

Edited by Aakash

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Aakash To me it is clear what the Buddha realized because I have realized it. But it cannot be said or even taught. It is totally impossible. I don't even know why I bother talking about it. No one will understand. As the Buddha is said to have said. No one will understand.

Cause of duality?

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9 hours ago, Preetom said:

What do you mean as total Omniscience?

Is it total transcendence of knowledge or is it the religious omniscience like knowing everything under the sun, like you were knowing my thoughts and having the same subjective experience of me, instantly knew whats the result of 1\84849593 instantly etc. at that time as well?



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Just now, tedens said:


Huh what do you mean?

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Everything about nothing that You could ever be.

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4 hours ago, Preetom said:


There is no enlightenment without David "the enlightened master" Hammond! ?

WHERE HAS DAVID GONE? I think I understand him now. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Aakash To me it is clear what the Buddha realized because I have realized it. But it cannot be said or even taught. It is totally impossible. I don't even know why I bother talking about it. No one will understand. As the Buddha is said to have said. No one will understand.

What exactly do you mean when you say you "realized" it? Do you mean that you have this permanent knowing 24/7? 

If so, then why do you claim that you are not "enlightened"? 

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I don't know Mooji. Not very familiar with his teachings, oh wait... I think I've seen some Eckart videos. Same thing.

[this belongs in the "Enlightenment Jokes" section, but hey I'm a rebel]

...speaking of humor - I knew this one dude on the internet for a while who said, "I think non-advaita is really just 'non-sense'" hehe. I guess when you get down to brass tacks everything is. Everything IS'nt.

Anyway, by now hopefully this post has become its own parody, so I'll spit out the meat pre-chewed:

One time I was having a very hard time with Insight driven negative emotional states. In Vipassana/Therevada practice you hear "clinging to Insight" or 3rd or 4th dark night of the soul...maybe 25th, who knows. During that time I viewed Mooji's short video entitled, "Mind Attacks - Don't give up."

That video gave me strength.  Thank you Mooji.

With Compassion and Humility.


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9 hours ago, whoareyou said:

What exactly do you mean when you say you "realized" it? Do you mean that you have this permanent knowing 24/7? 

If so, then why do you claim that you are not "enlightened"? 

Realization is realization. It happens at the moment it happens. What happens afterward is another matter. In that moment there actually is no afterward because there is only the eternal NOW. Future is imaginary.

You can realize that 2 x 2 = 4. You can also forget that realization. Then you can re-realize. And so on.

It is possible to experience what the Buddha (probably) experienced and then know it.

Of course in the end we cannot know with 100% certainty what the Buddha experienced or realized. It was not necessarily the highest level. But if we give him the benefit of the doubt, let's assume it was the highest level. You can experience it too.

You actually ARE the Buddha.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Realization is realization. It happens at the moment it happens. What happens afterward is another matter. In that moment there actually is no afterward because there is only the eternal NOW. Future is imaginary.

You can realize that 2 x 2 = 4. You can also forget that realization. Then you can re-realize. And so on.

It is possible to experience what the Buddha (probably) experienced and then know it.

Of course in the end we cannot know with 100% certainty what the Buddha experienced or realized. It was not necessarily the highest level. But if we give him the benefit of the doubt, let's assume it was the highest level. You can experience it too.

You actually ARE the Buddha.

I don't disagree with you on this. Yes you ARE the Buddha, you ARE God. 

I was just using different wording (dualistic) and trying to make a different point.

Usually when other people refer to "enlightenment", or "liberation" they refer to what happens afterwards as well. 

This matters, because this effects your entire day to day experience. 

Example A: You have a realization, you return to your day to day life and nothing changes.

Example B: You have a realization, you return to your day to day life, and you notice some changes. 

Example C: You have a realization (after many other realizations) and you notice a permanent shift. You are embodying what you have realized in your day to day life.

With Example A and B - people refer to them as "enlightenment experiences" or "nondual experiences". Of course all of those lead up to Example C, and are important, but I am saying this to be clear.

With Example C - people refer to "enlightenment", or to "enlightened" individuals. At that point, you would stop taking psychedelics, like Martin W Ball did. He also made a clear distinction between "nondual experience" and "liberation".

And of course it all happens NOW in the present moment, and I am describing it right now in dualistic terminology. 

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People who want you to walk on eggshells or not question are never your friend, and there are many, many like that

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Also how do cults like this get started? Does one person just start talking to people and convinces them to join?

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On 6/12/2019 at 10:00 AM, tenta said:

Also how do cults like this get started? Does one person just start talking to people and convinces them to join?

Maybe on the surface at the beginning. Personalities have defilements that lie dormant in uncognized "mind". Often they have a proclivity to following. Sometimes the "leader" has complimentary delusion which helps facilitate further sleep on the part of the dreaming followers, and more often than not, the "guru" figure has not completed their work, but has fallen in the juicy trap set by those who have assembled, further deepening the illusion that the "leader" is finished and no longer in need of Skepticism's prime directive -- To see through the falsity of the self....through to the Self/Noself, whatever your persuation/cultural background.

I have observed this happening in cults, to the extent that not only were all the "thralls" under the spell of the partyline delusion the cult was "selling" but also the guru his/herself was bought fully into the dream of the cult, even if he/she contrived it from the outset.  :) Oopsiedaisy.

One guy who seemed to know a lot of about this phenomenon and the energetic support it receives in "being", was the late Bill Hamilton.

For further reading check out his book, "Saints and Psychopaths"

That guy was a character, who used to run around with Ram Dass in the 1960's and they did wanderjhars in India etc. But he did a 2 year retreat solo in Hawaii, and according to some, made it to Therevada Arahantship, (4th path) for those who understand or have that interest.

You can see kids doing that on here... ...clearly not doing the work, but waiting for Leo to serve another rivulet of Gerber from the damn baby food jar, with a tiny spoon like newborn dodo birds right out the shell.  :D  One of the traps of a Vedanta flavored community/practice model (esp. in the lazy West).  --sit and wait for Enlghtenment to pour from the guru, line up for shaktipat, bend over? On the other hand, with Zen, some real Vipassana environs, you either do the work...or you gets nothing. The teacher gives you nothing. Do the work right, you gets Nothing.


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