
What is God FAQ

106 posts in this topic

6 minutes ago, nado said:

How about God being eternal? Do we mean he spans from minus infinity to plus infinity on the time spectrum or does time not exist outside or minds?

Eternal is just the realization that time is a concept. Eternal means: outside of time. As Einstein correctly explained, time does not really exist. Time is a relative measure of motion and distance. If the entire universe stood still, it would be impossible to tell what time it is. We can only measure time through motion.

Every moment is in fact eternal. Since past and future are just imagination, they do not actually exist.

When you look at a clock, realize, it is not actually measuring anything. It is merely a spinning object.

In fact, all measurement is imaginary. It's a story we made up. Measurement tells you absolutely nothing about reality. It's just a relative ratio of two arbitrary things.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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At least twice "in my life" I got really angry at someone and something "bad" happened to them within minutes. For example a coworker pissed me off, then spilled his water on himself. Did my anger trigger this or were we both in a pocket of negative energy that expressed itself in these two events?

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2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

If it's all you, what the hell's the point of wasting time teaching this sh*t, let alone talking about it to anybody?  

What else is there for me to do? Watch the Super Bowl?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Plants seem much more limited than we are... Are they closer or further from union with God (i.e. I don't think they have an ego getting in the way)?

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3 minutes ago, nado said:

Plants seem much more limited than we are... Are they closer or further from union with God (i.e. I don't think they have an ego getting in the way)?

what’s your measurement for limitation?

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I interpret the Bodhisattva vow to liberate all sentient beings as helping all humans and other sentient beings getting direct experiences of God. Is this religious hogwash disconnected from God, am I misunderstanding it or does God want to be revealed to everything?

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@nado well as long as you don’t expect that to happen and force that onto others against their will - can everything reveal itself in revealing what that means in a direct consequence.

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force that onto others against their will

@now is forever Would you by any chance have a potential question for the FAQ episode regarding God's will vs individual wills?

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@nado ;) today is my truth day. ego got carried away.


just put an questionmark behind all sentences - they accidentally got lost in another dimension?

Edited by now is forever

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Does thought processing (e.g. converting words to symbols and labeling eating with your mouth open as bad) happen inside the human mind and Consciousness or only in Consciousness? If the latter, what does the mind actually do?

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if the mind is completely occupied with nothing, will it just eat everything that’s served? or maybe cook on it’s own?

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How do you know the experience is God, and not some other supernatural influence? The Buddha remarks on numerous lesser enlightenments. What was with the non-human influence in another thread?

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After having a little direct experience of God myself, having a technical background, the simplest way I can communicate God to people is by resembling him to a software language like C++ or Java, and all of creation is a program written in that language. Objects are let's say classes and such. 

A computer language is a non tangible thing by itself, yet it can create all tangible apps and programs.

The language is a set of rules and structures to be realized by programs in order for them to become real.

A program cannot do something that is not dictated by the rules of the language. 

Everything the program is, it's the language.

The existence of the language implies the "let there be code" primordial principle.  It's like all cutting was created the moment the first knife was created.  

The language does not care what a program does, neither it can prevent a program from being created. 

You cannot point your finger to it. It's everywhere and always, "waiting" for programs to use its rules in order for them to become existent. 

Lastly, the most counter-intuitive property of this language is that is itself written in it's own language 


I think using the above examples we could create a nice and funny collection of similarities between god and computer language, but let's make it as less technical and nerdy as possible. 

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@Kensho Thanks for this analogy, I'm a code monkey too... C++ and Java make evil and good crystal clear ;)

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Does the world we know as humans have any value to God other than entertainment?

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Since our existence is indifferent to God, doesn't that entail that the only healthy relationship we can have with him is him being indifferent to us?

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Is it possible for a sub component of god to expand until it occupies all of infinity? Like a tumor. 

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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So why does it create this mess and not something else? If God wanted to create something of itself, then why not itself enjoying itself.

@Jed Vassallo what if what humans label as a mess was actually hilarious to God and was exactly itself enjoying itself?

I have no experience to claim this is the case, just a theoretical possibility...


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