
Free Enlightenment Course

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@luckieluuke   I mean I know most of the stuff he is teaching just from enlightenment and transformation study in general, peter ralston, ruper spira, all the stuff on Leos book list... but he has a really cool way of presenting the teachings, cool little twists on these perspectives.  

Just got to give it a try and see if it resonates with you or not :)

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2 hours ago, luckieluuke said:

Use temporary email:

Also, you people who claim its useless and you who claim it helped you: Please elaborate!

Thanks for sharing, didn't know that and was sick of keeping track of tons of emails. This will be useful for my business.

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23 hours ago, Nexeternity said:

@Shin  Hey Shin!  I am doing the course and really enjoying it.  Thanks so much.

It is good isn't it ? :) 

I think it's the perfect course to share to a newbie who understood and accept intellectually The Absolute.

First you share this video, then you see the reaction, then you share this course B|

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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@Shin I've also started watching the videos. He is very genuine and has a gentle approach - he doesn't get into intellectual theorizing at all. From what I've seen so far, he stays grounded with the practices. I think a lot of people would resonate with his style. 

Thanks for sharing it!

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3 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Shin I've also started watching the videos. He is very genuine and has a gentle approach - he doesn't get into intellectual theorizing at all. From what I've seen so far, he stays grounded with the practices. I think a lot of people would resonate with his style. 

Thanks for sharing it!

Yes that's why I like it.

It's very practical and without any dogma.

It goes straight to the core of all non-dual teachings :) 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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Everyone can benefit from looking into this I feel. After I had a major awakening I thought it would be interesting to see how teachers in general present their own method of bringing people to awaken to what they themselves discovered, since it was an interest of mine at that point.  While I treated it like a research project, I found it very opening, deeping of my own experience and helpful.  I got through the first 2 course and skimmed through the rest.  I found tangents with his own experience of realizing at one point that there is more then he initially realized which I think he points to in his last teachings as god/infinity.  Very fascinating.  There seems to always be more in this development life game, I really do wonder if one can truly claim enlightenment by most traditional definitions since there always seems to be more to this infinity.


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22 minutes ago, Mu_ said:


There seems to always be more in this development life game, I really do wonder if one can truly claim enlightenment by most traditional definitions since there always seems to be more to this infinity.


That's something I thought for a long time.

I don't think there is an end to anything, you can always go deeper.

So whenever I hear a teacher say his teaching or practice, or realization level is the best or the most deep, I'm wary as fuck.
If he really grasped what infinity means, how could he claim this, there is no way there could be an end xD 

Only from their level of realization there seems to be a limit, just like when I thought there was nothing more to be aware of of my ego.
They think they have nothing more to realize than "Awakening" or "God realization" or "Coral stage" or whatever, but if you got mindfucked once or twice, this should be an hint that maybe there is no end to that xD 

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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A forum member just pm me to say he realized his true nature while doing the course.

You still sure you want to discard this course because the teacher has 11/10 girlfriends, smoke cigars and ride Teslas ? 


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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By the way, you can listen the course instead of reading it.

At the end of every page, there is a soundcloud link :)

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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«To help you realize that the body is just an appearance, the following analogy may make this truth really palpable for you.

When you dream at night, your consciousness creates a body to explore the dream-world with, using subtle energy (non-physical Presence-Energy).

In your dream at night, you use your fake ears to hear somebody call your name, even though your ears are dreamed up and don’t actually exist. What do you use to hear in your dream?

You can taste a peanut butter sandwich in your dream, even though your tongue is itself an appearance with no real ability to taste anything. What are you using to taste in your dream?

You can see far and wide in your dream, even though your dream-body’s eyes are simply subtle-energy phenomena created inside of your consciousness and don’t actually have nerve endings that see a world outside of itself. What do you think sees the dream?

You can touch the Earth in your dream, using your dream-hands, and you can feel the sensation of touching the Earth, even though your hands are “unreal.” What do you use to feel in your dream, if your hands are unreal?

You can smell a dream-rose using your dream-body’s nose, but you know upon waking that your dream body was imagined—so was the nose, the rose, and the smell. What was doing the smelling, if not consciousness directly, without an intermediary or medium?

You see, the medium of the body was simply a “permission slip”—an excuse, if you will—a symbol for consciousness to experience a certain thing, time, or location. It doesn’t actually need, nor does it in actuality use, a body to experience things. It experiences appearances directly.

This can be hard to viscerally understand in physical reality, but if you remain open to the idea that this might actually be how reality is set up, it will show you how true it is and it will become your lived experience.

Consciousness directly experiences all sensations, stimuli, and phenomena, with no real intermediary.

The body is a beautiful illusion»


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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