
The Epic **** of Leo Gura

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I just saw These Videos on YouTube on Leo.

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3

Especially in part 2 and 3 he makes some interesting Points. 

Notice that the guy doesnt hate About Leo. He actually says in the Videos that he thinks Leo made a lot of helpful Videos in the past and is positive About his Website and book recommendations. I looked into him and appartenly he was a non-Dualist for over 20 years because his parents were into this. And he realized this was nonsense and an Escape in the mind after all. Repackaged new-age he calls it. Now he seems to warn People About non-Dualist teachers preaching what they say is the truth. Although These teachers might say to go into your direct experience, this experience will not be objective as the teacher dissmisses every other way. They often tend to promote psychedelics in the quest which inhibits any objectivity. Which is especially potentially dangerous for troubled Young People.  

What do you guys think?

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Yeah ego starts to attack so it avoids the work of finding out its a complete lie...this will go on for eternity...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, Emanyalpsid said:

I just saw These Videos on YouTube on Leo.

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3

Especially in part 2 and 3 he makes some interesting Points. 

Notice that the guy doesnt hate About Leo. He actually says in the Videos that he thinks Leo made a lot of helpful Videos in the past and is positive About his Website and book recommendations. I looked into him and appartenly he was a non-Dualist for over 20 years because his parents were into this. And he realized this was nonsense and an Escape in the mind after all. Repackaged new-age he calls it. Now he seems to warn People About non-Dualist teachers preaching what they say is the truth. Although These teachers might say to go into your direct experience, this experience will not be objective as the teacher dissmisses every other way. They often tend to promote psychedelics in the quest which inhibits any objectivity. Which is especially potentially dangerous for troubled Young People.  

What do you guys think?

What are these “every other ways” instead of direct experience which you imply? Very interesting statement. 

What is this objectivity you refer to?


“These teachers might say to go into your direct experience, this experience will not be objective as the teacher dissmisses every other way. They often tend to promote psychedelics in the quest which inhibits any objectivity. Which is especially potentially dangerous for troubled Young People.”

Which teachers are you referring to? 

Which teachers, specifically, are promoting psychedelic use, without communicating that “troubled young people” should not be engaging?

Thanks in advance for you response and for as much brevity and clarity as possible.



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21 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Yeah ego starts to attack so it avoids the work of finding out its a complete lie...this will go on for eternity...

"perseverance in stupidity can become a quality" 


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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26 minutes ago, Nahm said:

What are these “every other ways” instead of direct experience which you imply? Very interesting statement. 

What is this objectivity you refer to?

Did you even watch the Videos before asking this? 

26 minutes ago, Nahm said:

“These teachers might say to go into your direct experience, this experience will not be objective as the teacher dissmisses every other way. They often tend to promote psychedelics in the quest which inhibits any objectivity. Which is especially potentially dangerous for troubled Young People.”

Which teachers are you referring to? 

Well if a teacher says it is all Consciousness or any other word he or she might use for this, he or she dismisses everything else as existing as is.

26 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Which teachers, specifically, are promoting psychedelic use, without communicating that “troubled young people” should not be engaging?

Thanks in advance for you response and for as much brevity and clarity as possible.

Look on YouTube or Google for psychedelics and non-duality or psychedelics and spirituality. 

Does Leo, everytime when he speaks or writes About psychedelics, warns People About the dangers of them? Also, because he believes in non-duality he can not really warn others for the potential dangers of them as he believes in the use of them to reach non-duality. 

Please watch the movies first before discussing them.

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1 hour ago, FredFred said:

How does psychedelics inhibits objectivity?

The psychedelic substance does not inhibit objectivity, however any Interpretation drawn from the experience is highly subjective. Because the experience is so strong, the intepretation will therefore be very subjective and forced deeply into ones being. Unless you are constantly on psychedelics, the experience is not reality as we are Living it.

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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1 hour ago, Richard Alpert said:


Interesting, did not see this one yet. Thanks. Well not much needs to be said after watching that one I suppose.

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@Emanyalpsid The questions were specific to your accusations, you didn’t answer at all. “Watch the videos” is like “read the Bible” no? Have you clarity on these things, yourself?  I appreciate the reply though, have a great day man! ??



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Leo is running a business (Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange as the people here would say). That's actually all you need to know.

There are many things you can criticise on actualized.org, and many of the critique is valid, while many of it is nonsense. But i can see that he is still human and this here is his living. So i have no ground to judge or call out most of what he's saying.

But one thing needs to be said. I can't help myself:

If anything about enlightenment, awakening or self-realisation is true, why do you feel the need to go online and "prove it to the world" while it is happening? I mean... this is the most profound and most important experience you can have in your life.

First time of having sex or marriage or even the birth of your first child are intimate and deep touching and personal experiences. At least it should be like this, right? Why would someone having those experiences go out and stream videos of it while it is happening?

Enlightenment is even a few step above this, so sorry but, it feels extremely fishy for me.

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1 minute ago, Sockrattes said:

Leo is running a business (Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange as the people here would say). That's actually all you need to know.

There are many things you can criticise on actualized.org, and many of the critique is valid, while many of it is nonsense. But i can see that he is still human and this here is his living. So i have no ground to judge or call out most of what he's saying.

But one thing needs to be said. I can't help myself:

If anything about enlightenment, awakening or self-realisation is true, why do you feel the need to go online and "prove it to the world" while it is happening? I mean... this is the most profound and most important experience you can have in your life.

First time of having sex or marriage or even the birth of your first child are intimate and deep touching and personal experiences. At least it should be like this, right? Why would someone having those experiences go out and stream videos of it while it is happening?

Enlightenment is even a few step above this, so sorry but, it feels extremely fishy for me.

because at first he wasn't talking about enlightment, and he is currently on his own path, look his old video / speech. and see his own transformation.

next time you will learn before having something smart to say


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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20 years balls deep in nonduality plus having family background supporting this, and yet this guy hasn't been able to crack the nut? I feel pity..

Nonduality is a very defined philosophy with defined methodology. If you wanted to be a swimmer but you instead jogged for 20 years and then wonder how come you can't make it as a swimmer, then I hate to break it to you that you need to see your own error instead of bashing against swimming.

The instruction says unbroken self-inquiry/witnessing is necessary to break free the prison of the mind. Am I doing that? No? Then why the fuck am I complaining? Is it the fault of the method or fault of myself who isn't following the instruction?

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Strikr So you are saying, that he didn't know what enlightenment is, while having that experience?


My point is: He is brushing off experiences other people have and judging them, while stating he found all out what is real. He can do that. That's fine and i don't care as much as it seems. But the truth must be strong enough to be questioned, without falling apart.

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3 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

@Strikr So you are saying, that he didn't know what enlightenment is, while having that experience?


My point is: He is brushing off experiences other people have and judging them, while stating he found all out what is real. He can do that. That's fine and i don't care as much as it seems. But the truth must be strong enough to be questioned, without falling apart.

I agree, so ask the truth & only the truth for 10 years

Edited by Strikr


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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13 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

Leo is running a business (Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange as the people here would say). That's actually all you need to know.


No, specifically because he is running a Business which is funded by People following him and watching his Videos this is important. Is he not trying to convice People a bit by saying "you are wrong, it is this and that…," especially if you are in a state where you have less Knowledge and are searching for a truth?

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12 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

My point is: He is brushing off experiences other people have and judging them, while stating he found all out what is real. He can do that. That's fine and i don't care as much as it seems. But the truth must be strong enough to be questioned, without falling apart.

The Point he makes is that non-dualty is the believe in a truth. This truth is Consciousness (or a repackaged Version of god, what he calls it).

Did you watch the Videos? Does anyone watch the Videos? Or is everybody just defending their beliefs from their beliefs?

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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I do believe that Consciousness is the fundamental underlying truth to reality. That's actually my experience as well. But non-duality not necessarily. And that's where my critique is coming from. There are many concepts out there, and many of them are equally convincing as non-duality. But Leo is brushing them off, like everyone who's making different experiences is just hallucinating or something.

And thats why i'm asking: Is he enlightened or is he just pretending or thinking he is?

From my perspective i can't tell for sure.

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35 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

Leo is running a business (Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange as the people here would say). That's actually all you need to know.

There are many things you can criticise on actualized.org, and many of the critique is valid, while many of it is nonsense. But i can see that he is still human and this here is his living. So i have no ground to judge or call out most of what he's saying.

But one thing needs to be said. I can't help myself:

If anything about enlightenment, awakening or self-realisation is true, why do you feel the need to go online and "prove it to the world" while it is happening? I mean... this is the most profound and most important experience you can have in your life.

First time of having sex or marriage or even the birth of your first child are intimate and deep touching and personal experiences. At least it should be like this, right? Why would someone having those experiences go out and stream videos of it while it is happening?

Enlightenment is even a few step above this, so sorry but, it feels extremely fishy for me.

it was psychotic episode. If you actually have an awakening you dont have the need to go yell people that you are nobody

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