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Tony 845

Ok someone wanna break down what egoic

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Enlightenment is please? I've heard a couple different people talk about it now...go ahead enlighten me lol ?

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2 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

Enlightenment is please? I've heard a couple different people talk about it now...go ahead enlighten me lol ?

This is like Socrates asking for a definition of Justice in a few short general sentences. 

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2 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

@Joseph Maynor Thanks lol 

I mean you can do it, but it's gonna have the same kind of limitation of defining Justice in a few sentences.  It will be nothing more than a conceptual pointer to/about Enlightenment.  The problem with formulating those kinds of models is people believe in them.  It's just like the answers people were giving Socrates when he was looking for the essence of Justice in a few sentences.  

Read the "Republic Book 1 below, it's very illustrative about how a few general sentences can't really capture Enlightenment.

I can define Enlightenment as discovering the true Self, realizing the illusion of Ego, and accepting the paradox between Ego and no Ego.

Now, how would Socrates rip apart this definition of Enlightenment?  Now, I'm not assuming this is the essential definition of Enlightenment, as Socrates wants.  I'm perfectly ok with just a useful definition and I'm open to there being many definitions of Enlightenment, equally as good as my own.  So, Socrates and I aren't operating on the same premises.  He wants the one right essence of Enlightenment in a sentence or two definition.  People like Wittgenstein drove a truck this kind of expectation, through Socrates' project.  It's what Socrates was looking for that was the error; It's the way Socrates framed the kind of answer that he was looking for that was the error.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Enlightenment to the Buddha was waking up from the dream of existence. He understood that what is perceived as separate is an illusion but what is infinite and the whole is not. The all, wholeness, infinity or nothingness (unified indifferentiable being).

He also understood that all things arise from the mind as we project purpose and meaning to those concepts the self interacts with. We do this to define ourselves and orientate in the world of things and survive.

Without self, identity ceases to exist and you and the whole be one, timeless, beyond time, beyond being born or dying. He understood that "we" will all return to this state as impermanence is in all things. 

As a result, one will see that suffering is due to attachment to the self, and this suffering will cease when the mind is empty and disidentifies.

Disidentifying from the illusion, understanding that he is infinite and not confined and that he is nothing as a thing compared to everything.

Human-life is suffering as we attach ourselves to many things due to what we love and pursue and suffer when we cannot attain those things. Key is to understand these attachments are something to strive for but should not makes us suffer and when they do make us suffer we should take responsibility as it is us we clings to those.

Nirvana is selflessness, Samsara is ego (I must).

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5 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

Enlightenment is please? I've heard a couple different people talk about it now...go ahead enlighten me lol ?

The meaning of "enlightenment" depends on what teaching resonates with you.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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The topic is phrased weirdly so it is not clear whether you want a definition of Egoic Enlightenment (a term commonly used by Hellspeed) or whether you want a definition of Enlightenment (you can watch Leo's videos).

You see, the reason you want to be better, is the reason why you aren’t. Shall I put it like that?

We aren't better, because we want to be.

                                                                                                                                                 ~ Alan Watts

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@Flammable Guys yes, I am talking about (Egoic Enlightenment) according to @Hellspeed there is a difference, but he's never detailed it for me...

Edited by Tony 845

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@Tony 845 egoic enlightenment is learning how to use spiritual gibberish to find excuses for petty choices.

unborn Truth

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