
The $100 Million Question

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 In one of his earlier videos, Leo asks the question “If you had a hundred million dollars right now in your bank account, you woke up with a hundred million dollars tomorrow, what would you do?” With that money, I wouldn't blow through it right away and dig myself into deeper debt. I will use the money as a tool to create financial independence for myself and spend the money on my deepest passions like travel and theater. I will give a good deal of the money to theaters that I strongly support and to fund young artists. When I have the money, I will be focused entirely on pursuing my passions like mastering creative writing and mastering self-actualization. I would use my time and money to discover a wide variety of passions and experiment with life purposes. I will deepen my fascination for life and discover what I love the most about life. 

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I would keep 1 million dollars for me and the rest 99 million dollars to feed some unfortunate kids who do not have access to adequate food.

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Zane : a lot of stuff you have mentionned in your post is accessible without 100 M.

Edited by Soulbass

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@Hardik jain @Zane I watched the video also but I had a different interpretation. I don't think it was about how to deal with money. I think it was the question "what would you do (with your life) if money where no object". It is possible that your brain would at the background think "but money is an object". That's why he just asked "what would you do if you had 100 million", because than the sitiuation is really concrete and fictive (didn't ever think I would use these 2 words in the same sentence :-)), so the safety-voice of your brain doesn't hold you back from recognizing what you "truly" (=with wich I mean in this context: without needing to worry about "And how will I get paid doing this?") want. 

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If I had $100 million, I would continue on my journey to self-actualization. I wouldn't need to work a job so that would free up a lot more time for me to focus on my personal development work. I have a deep passion for business, and entrepreneurship so I would most likely use the money to start up a few different businesses and do a lot of investing as well. I would create systems for building the businesses by outsourcing a ton of the work. I would mainly be generating ideas, strategizing, and bringing in the vision of what I want to implement. I would position myself so I only need to be involved with my businesses for 20 hours a week at the most. I would also have periods of unannounced and sudden leaves of absence and the businesses would still be able to run perfectly fine without me.

I would spend a large portion of my time with my personal development. I would also set aside a lot of time for my friends and family.

To be honest, this is a big part of my current vision. I know it seems lofty, and idealistic, but for some reason I believe I can make it happen.

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@ZenBlue I love your answer to the question and I love how you balance self-actualization with starting your own business and applying outsourcing and focusing on self-actualization, personal development, friends and family and vacations. I know it does sound lofty and idealistic but that's exactly what Leo wants us to aspire to! I feel like my personal development approach would be created by me but inspired by Leo, Robert Greene's "Mastery", elements of Tony Robbins, and many other strategies. 

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On 4/10/2016 at 10:27 PM, ZenBlue said:

If I had $100 million, I would continue on my journey to self-actualization. I wouldn't need to work a job so that would free up a lot more time for me to focus on my personal development work. I have a deep passion for business, and entrepreneurship so I would most likely use the money to start up a few different businesses and do a lot of investing as well. I would create systems for building the businesses by outsourcing a ton of the work. I would mainly be generating ideas, strategizing, and bringing in the vision of what I want to implement. I would position myself so I only need to be involved with my businesses for 20 hours a week at the most. I would also have periods of unannounced and sudden leaves of absence and the businesses would still be able to run perfectly fine without me.

I would spend a large portion of my time with my personal development. I would also set aside a lot of time for my friends and family.

To be honest, this is a big part of my current vision. I know it seems lofty, and idealistic, but for some reason I believe I can make it happen.

I feel like many of us in this community by nature share these similar entrepreneurship-type goals. Starting a business is difficult work, and I'm starting to think we should start networking a bit to see if there's any overlap in people's ideas or goals, and can maybe start collaborating on something together.

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@Zane Thank you Zane, Yes, definitely I'm also inspired by the works of other people, and that's where a lot of my ideas come from as well.

@Neill Yea starting a business is hard work and it's not easy to do it by yourself. Having the right business partner would help a lot. I currently don't have any business partners so networking, and collaborating would be great. I remember you said you were working on a project of your own. Let me know if you want to discuss any business ideas or anything.

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I would use the money to make a utopia. First of however, I would make my self even more rich with the 100 million. I would start a buissness so I would have a steady income. Then I work on utopia.

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On 4/12/2016 at 0:13 AM, ZenBlue said:

@Neill Yea starting a business is hard work and it's not easy to do it by yourself. Having the right business partner would help a lot. I currently don't have any business partners so networking, and collaborating would be great. I remember you said you were working on a project of your own. Let me know if you want to discuss any business ideas or anything.

check it out! 


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@Zane I could live on 1mil comfortably by using that money to start a business. The rest can go to those in need. 

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if you had a 100 m you would be just like those who do.  you dont have the 100m because you are not like them.  its sort of like a sheep talking about what he would do if he was a wolf.

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4 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

if you had a 100 m you would be just like those who do.  you dont have the 100m because you are not like them.  its sort of like a sheep talking about what he would do if he was a wolf.

The whole point of personal development is to become the person you want to be, and change from the person you are now. No it's not the same thing as a sheep talking about what he would do if he was a wolf. We are all people with the capabilities to do and be so much more than what we are now. If you fail to see that point, then you fail to see the big picture of what is possible with personal development.

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3 minutes ago, ZenBlue said:

The whole point of personal development is to become the person you want to be, and change from the person you are now. No it's not the same thing as a sheep talking about what he would do if he was a wolf. We are all people with the capabilities to do and be so much more than what we are now. If you fail to see that point, then you fail to see the big picture of what is possible with personal development.

in order to become self realized i had to drop what others think about things, feel, believe in, practice, opinions,  throw all the books away that i read,  to find my real self.  Most of the things i write about have a deeper underlying meaning that is overlooked or cant be seen by many others but i understand that identity cant understand reality because the identity cant inhabit the space of being where reality exist.

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@charlie2dogs You speak in riddles in trying to sound wise, but your message gets obscured by your pontificated speech. I do agree that in order to find your true self, you must ignore the voices of others and listen to what is inside of yourself.

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1 hour ago, ZenBlue said:

@charlie2dogs You speak in riddles in trying to sound wise, but your message gets obscured by your pontificated speech. I do agree that in order to find your true self, you must ignore the voices of others and listen to what is inside of yourself.

the first part of your reply leads me to think you are very young and inexperienced or very foolish.  The problem may not be my speech but rather your ability to hear and understand it, did you ever consider that part of it.

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@charlie2dogs Don't make assumptions about people based on your ego. Actually I did consider that my ability to understand your speech may be the issue. Rather than question my ability to comprehend your speech, you should look at the deeper point I was making. Maybe you're ego won't let you see it, but your speech is obscure and sends a message that will confuse more people rather than give them clarity.

Also your initial post was not helpful to this discussion. This topic is to invoke a sense of imagination in people and allow them to visualize a life where money isn't an issue. What type of lives would people live if they weren't so busy caught in the vicious cycle of working to pay bills, feed their kids, and provide a better life for themselves and their family? I see money as a tool to provide for the life I want to live. That is why I visualize a life of abundance so that I can be in alignment with myself and my calling in life.

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I would multiply it to become richer than entire Rotschild family. Then control the planet and become the king of European Economic Area.

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