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About appleaurorae

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  • Birthday 11/02/1994

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    Gdynia, Poland
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  1. Yesterday, I came to a conclusion. I don't control myself. Many of us struggle of some kind of addictions or bad habits. We do them subconsciously and regret after the fact. I can group them into two types: chronic and constant. Chronic are those which seem like you have quit them, but after some time, you happen to do them again and quit them for a while with the illusion of victory. Constant are the ones you didn't quit ever. Chronic One of my chronic addictions is of course laziness and junk food (in my case popcorn, chocolate, bread and coffee). I overcame them several times but fell into the trap again. Similarly with giving away sexual tension too often. I can keep it in control for 3-4 weeks doing it like once every two. But then comes the time of doing it 3 times a day. One of chronic addictions I won with is an MMORPG (i.e. Tibia). I often just "refreshed" accounts (you need to login once a while in order to prevent account deletion), but it ended in playing and wasting long hours. Now, I didn't login since several months (I started playing like 11 years ago!), this is the longest break I have ever had, so I assume it finished. How did I cope with it? I somehow convinced myself that it has no value whatsoever. That it just contributes to waste of precious lifetime. Today, I try to convince myself that bad food I eat is bad for my health. I see that during the latest break-free from this subjection, I just threw one coffee and one chocolate bar into trash without regret. That might have helped a bit. Constant My constant problem is need to comment and to troll. Yes, I am addicted to trolling. It's just too automatic. I enter YouTube and comment on politics and religion, spread hatred, sometimes to fill others with my ideals and sometimes just to troll. And the worst is when I comment on Facebook, because then, I am not anonymous and it's very easy to track me down. I tried multiple times to quit it, but this just happens too fast. What did I do to fight this? Firstly, I unliked and unfollowed any political pages on Facebook. On YouTube I added a separate channel, with a lovely name and only post comments with blessings. I also recently had a problem with writing too much with two (best) friends on Facebook. I just had to complain about something, write simply anything, any stupid words, emoticons. For two weeks I logged out, deleted Messenger and other apps from my phone. The idea was to see whether they care as much about me as I about them. None of them wrote to me since three weeks. I think I just freed from toxic relationships I was keeping alive myself. So, basing on above description, what are your constant and chronic bad habits, how did you cope with some and what do you want to do about others? Share you experiences and ideas.
  2. Imagine being in there and enjoying the event, the surroundings. Do it for own pleasure of moment not for some kind of analysis or planning. Even if it's not real, experience it.
  3. Maybe an example: you have an overclocked CPU with standard cooling. You know that if you keep it that way, the CPU will break in some time. You can underclock the processor and have it slower but working. Or you can choose an expensive option to buy a better cooling and keep it overclocked which will profit in the future. What is you choice: to be in the same place and work slowly or to "invest" in yourself and perform better?
  4. @Hussein Murad At first he was talking about cutting down on activities, then he started about completely removing everything. But from what I have seen, Leo changes his mind quite often, he changes directions and versions in like every ten videos.
  5. You have started a business and want friends who will help you with it? What? If you had no problem with starting it yourself, why getting new people? If what you mean is free marketing then you should have thought first about looking for local interest groups and then starting a business. However, it's not too late yet, just search for people in your field over the Internet like forums and maybe join two one-person companies.
  6. This thread is to discuss Leo's video. My comment: But... why? Why slow down, there's so much to do, so much to see and SO LITTLE TIME. I am already 22 and if I slow down, I'll be late. After watching Leo's videos, I started taking up productive activities and remove unnecessary. And that's when I started to have no free time (not even to have time and energy to do all of the activities). And these are: running, magick, 1h+ meditation, game development (plan A) and shit-activities like going to university and working (plan B - strategy anyone?). Why two plans? If the first fails I need to keep being alive somehow. Or become homeless and die. Ok, I'm overreacting. I know that slowing down will feel much better, but first you say: "work hard to get success" and then "slow down to enjoy life". But what's better: everyday good feeling or having giant doses of excitement and sudden relief when you achieve success? Or even better, why not merging the both: going fast (like sanic) and living happily, to show, to believe, that one is able to perform that fast and maintain sanity and emotional/spiritual side. Sounds like hypocrisy, especially after what I wrote before, but I feel it must be possible somehow and get double fulfilment. I know that materialistic life is pointless, but it's in 21st century vital to actually stay alive, to have freaking water and food. And again you start with education, how can one slow down to educate, at least on university - impossible - they are created to destroy people and make them cheap workers for the wealthy. Simply, I see that if I followed your rules, I will die in like two weeks. That's how this world is already formed. It just doesn't make sense in physical world.
  7. @Markus "Last visited: 25 April", you are right
  8. Bumping thread, because it seems Leo might have forgotten about it ^^.
  9. Your life purpose must come from the inside. It's not that you want enlightenment, because Leo said it's his life purpose (I don't even know if he did). It's just an extra, a side story to the your real lifetime adventure.
  10. 30 day nofap? Without (again my beloved!) chasteberry: not doable (at least for me). Eat healthy 99%. Allow sometimes to eat a bit of chocolate as a prize (like 1/4 bar a week). Fasting is hard only during first 6~8 hours since first hunger feeling, after this it's a cakewalk. But I recommend drinking juices and teas while doing it. Entertainment - super-easy. Read books. Write, paint, build, sculpture. Find new interests or maybe even join some group and socialize ;>? I wake up sometimes at 5:30 to go running and it's enough early.
  11. I think it's a troll. Or a psycho. Or a 14 y/o kiddo. Brazil nuts contain the largest density of consumable natural selenium on earth. Yeah, this is totally a joke. I don't even want to comment on all of this BS. It's most probably a copypasta of some troll from 4chan.
  12. Tips for preventing masturbation: buy chasteberry, eat it and/or make tea from it, this will work for several months, but after some time your tolerance will rise and it will stop working be more positive about yourself, keep on positive thoughts stop watching porn for the sake of it don't look on girls' breasts, legs, butts, rather look into their eyes find a true passion meditate believe that you can win with it After you follow these steps (maybe except chasteberry) you will need to give away sexual tension once a week or something.
  13. 3 versions: 1. You reincarnate and start all over. 2. Your soul is too weak and you will be eaten by Liches (interesting concept in: G. Travels - Techniques of Astral Combat). 3. You will lose opportunity to do what's possible here and what won't be possible there. Better live until you die naturally or by external influence. Or the strong rationalist+scientific+atheist concept: doesn't matter, you will cease to exist. As you see, none of these provide enlightenment except from the third (which is not guaranteeing even possibility to get it).
  14. @Ross If you meditate twice a day, try using one of your meditations for affirmations rather than clearing mind. Convince yourself that you are confident, amazing, that people love you, that you love yourself - find internal love. Or maybe you just feel like this because your subconsciousness wants to pull you away from people you are around, maybe because they are negative and might restrict your path towards self-development?