Adam M

Thai Jungle Shrooms Trip Report

7 posts in this topic

Here it is:

@AdamDiC and I are staying at a place called Pai in northern Thailand. We got many reccomendations from many people to try the 'mushroom shake' from this little jungle shack called "Valhalla."

So we woke up early one morning, skipped breakfast and meditated for an hour before riding our bikes towards Valhalla.

The shroom shake tasted like banana and cocoa and it's impossible to tell how many grams or what type of shrooms. However the guy said that it was enough for one person. I'm pretty sure they were not dried, but fresh. 

After downing the shake we went for a short walk where a nice dog followed us and we found a little sanctuary in the middle of the jungle just off the path as the shrooms started to come on. 

I set the intention to connect more with nature on this trip.

There wasn't much nausea but I felt a strong body load and a little dizziness as I began to see the shroomy patterns on my hands and other surfaces. There was noticable speckles, lines, and patterns on my hands.

A giggly feeling began to take place as I enjoyed the wavy vibe and began experiencing different types of energy and body sensations flowing through me. 

I surrendered my body to these sensations and allowed my arms and upper body to flow with the energy and it felt sublime. 

I noticed the beauty of the jungle plants, insects, birds, and salamanders that surrounded the hut. 

I could feel my conciousness expanding as I allowed my thoughts to flow freely. The shrooms began to take my thoughts into deeper and deeper territory until eventually I was having profound insights about the nature of existence every second. 

There was very little nausea at this point and I was mesmerized by the sheer beauty and vibrance of the trees and animals that danced in front of my eyes. 

I continued to have thoughts about the Garden of Eden and the Genesis story in the bible. I slowly began to understand how conciousness and what Lao Tzu calls "the ten thousand things" are related to each other and require each other to remain balanced like yin and yang.

For some reason I equated the beauty and form of nature (and of all things) as feminine energy and conciousness as that masculine energy which allows all phenomena to exist.

There cannot be anything without conciousness. Without the primordial knowing of awareness.

I began to see myself as an instrument through which reality can observe and enjoy it's own beauty.

I noticed a deep sameness in all things and also that all things are different.

All the beautiful trees and insects and animals were different. But they were also all the same. 

My trip partner and I were constantly laughing and giggling and enjoying the awesome feeling of love and wonder that came with every mystical insight.

I noticed how important my vipassana meditation practice is for allowing me to differentiate concept from actuality. 

I also noticed how important my philosophical understanding of certain metaphysical ideas was for helping me make sense of what was happening to my conciousness.

I began to stand up and allowed the shrooms to move my body and mind any which way they liked and the surrender felt amazing.

I also began to talk in a very rhythmic and poetic and also musical tone that both my trip partner and I were able to tap into at the same time. 

I would say shit like...

"Sameness and difference... is the dance... that allows... shit to be."

"Sameness... is always the case."

"Tune into the music of now"

"I AM an Instrument"

There was one point where my trip partner and I looked at each other and we both realized at the same time.

"I'm scared of you..."

"I am you."

And we both started dying of laughter as we enjoyed being each other.

We were basically thinking the same thing and we were able to finish each other's thoughts.

I kept saying:

"It's all the same...but different."

And it was very profound.


We sat and danced and sang in our hut for about three hours as we continued to peak over and over again.

It felt almost as if I was continually being separated from God and then reconnecting again with a beautiful "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH"

And it appeared that this was one facet of the trip as my identity continued to expand and retract and expand and retract over and over again.

The best way I can explain it was like fucking God in and out in and out over and over again and it was bliss.


"The separateness creates (me and all things) and allows the oneness to be rediscovered. In this way, reality continues to fuck itself through me over and over and over"


I was very calm and tranquil and blissful. I also moved very naturally, relaxed, slowly, and mindfully. I felt like an 80 year old tai chi master.


After about four hours we started coming down and we noticed that the entire time we were sitting under a giant hornet's nest (LOL). Of course the giant hornets didnt want to interrupt our communion with God so they left us alone as we left them alone.

The entire time the dog stayed with us and protected us in our vulnerable state.

The come down was pleasant and we were very tired. I went for one of the most scenic walks of my entire life afterwards and then we stopped in on a beginner's yoga class.

By that time the shrooms were almost completely out of our system.


Words cannot describe how amazing and profound the peak was. The part cannot encapsulate the's so obvious.

But I tried my best :)


Hopefully y'all enjoyed hearing about my most enjoyable and profound trip thus far in my spiritual journey.







I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Magnificent,  absolutely beautiful

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Awesome! Going to Thailand next year, Pai is one of our destinations :) can you tell me a littlebit what is the practical status of weed/shrooms/psychedelics there. I know the laws, but still there seems to be quite of an open culture about them at some places

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:o  Duuuuude…..that was an excellent report. Wonderfully written. I could taste your thoughts, man.

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Sure sounds like mushrooms

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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