Aaron p

What is the difference between "thinking" and "becoming aware."

14 posts in this topic

I don't want people's opinions, only speak of you have a well rounded, experiential knowledge of the difference between thinking and becoming aware (if there is one).


What is it that "awareness" brings to the table (that "thinking" does not) that seems to cause us to wake up from the matrix of our own mindlessness? What is the difference between 'thinking' and 'being aware'?


(No strange, alien vocabulary, keep it basic and easy to understand, I'm not familiar with all the existentialist lingo yet.)



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No point in asking us, contemplate it in your journal.

You cannot become aware by talking about it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura @Leo Gura @Leo Gura @Leo GuraGuraGuraGuraGuraGGuraGurGuraGGuraGur

(Sorry about the above, won't let me delete it)

Yes, I think I'm falling into the trap of trying to conceptualise spirituality. It's so hard to side step the utter bullshit that my mind keeps feeding me to trick me. Soooo hard.

It's like...literally, the only useful knowledge my head can come up with, is that any knowledge my head comes up with is utter crap to be completely ignored. This has helped me

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Do you practice meditation daily? Start doing that, after about a month youll become aware of what the difference is. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles i do daily yea, it's just hard to avoid trying to fit it in my skull

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What do you mean fit in skull?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Minds job is to break down,dissect and figure shit out, It doesn't know anything else.
Just ask yourself "what is awareness"? and notice the gap, while mind go's to work looking,searching it's database of knowledge,which is memory.
It won't find anything,so it'll come back with..... utter bullshit.

That gap is awareness. No Matrix in the gap.
Thinking is your Matrix.

Edited by who chit

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If you want simpler. Thought is memory. Memory is the past. What you know, and all the mind knows, is an accumulation of the past.
Thought about future is past knowledge,dressed up and projected into an imagined future.

 1.Awareness is always now. And can never be any other than now.
2.Where do you exist? Now or in the past?

If mind is the past, then you  must be Now, yes?
And what is always Now?

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well you don't often think about all the rooms and objects and decorations that you have at home 

when you come home you don't start thinking a mental list of everything you have at home before you enter the door, that'd be seriously inefficient right

but you're aware of what you have home, which is why when you come home you're satisfied to recognize your home as you know it


now how many things are you aware of that you've never even thought about? how deep is your awareness?

its infinitely deep

should you try to understand those deeper parts by constantly translating your well of aware knowledge into thoughts and concepts? 


you learn the language of awareness, which is silence, which is meditative


its like trying to cram the moon inside your room, the conscious mind is not made to translate inner knowledge into surface thoughts and concepts

imagine you're working with a super computer with a quantum processor and instead of simply using the computer you insist on writing every calculation onto paper, because you'd rather work with paper

thats what trying to understand universal knowledge with your thinking mind is like

just the first example shows how incredibly inefficient the thinking mind is, you'd be standing at the door for half an hour, trying to 1) consciouscly remember all you have at home, and 2) making a list, remembering their position


 this simple task is dauntless for the thinking mind and by contrast it doesnt even require you to pause your momentum for a single second if you rely on your awareness          

the trap is to believe that your thinking mind is more efficient in certain areas of your life, to see through this illusion, and to navigate life through awareness and being is to enlighten in my opinion :)

activate the inner spiritual infinite quantum computer, which calculates across galaxies, timelines and dimension

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Aaron p You dont have to intellectually understand it, you just observe it until its clear what it is. Direct experience is very important here. 

If you want to conceptualize you could say; You have two modes of being, one is aware and one is thinking, when youre not thinking youre in one of your 5 senses, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling. When we meditate we focus on either of these and when we ”fail” to meditate we get lost in thinking again, its like youre trying to stay awake and keep nodding off. 

But you must see this for yourself. Good luck 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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21 hours ago, Rilles said:

@Aaron p You dont have to intellectually understand it, you just observe it until its clear what it is. Direct experience is very important here. 

If you want to conceptualize you could say; You have two modes of being, one is aware and one is thinking, when youre not thinking youre in one of your 5 senses, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling. When we meditate we focus on either of these and when we ”fail” to meditate we get lost in thinking again, its like youre trying to stay awake and keep nodding off. 

But you must see this for yourself. Good luck 

@Rilles cheers dude

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Awareness can't judge upon things, unlike thinking mind does.

Awareness is simply is. You can be aware of you're thinking.


You can also think that you are observing "you think" within awareness. Which is a subtle thing. 


The big different is that awareness naturally occurs when you meditate. You can't initiate it. If you think you do, mostly you fall into thinking of being aware etc.


I like to think it as "changing sides" while I meditate. You switch your side to awareness and simply notice everything without judging or controlling. Becoming aware of what's going on in your environment, maybe your inner voice responding to some children making noise in background but when you're on awareness' side, you just observe, even the criticizing voice.

Edited by non_nothing

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