
If there is no self, who is happy?

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41 minutes ago, who chit said:

@Preetom That's the stuff B|

It now makes sense what I heard from Shinzen Young once

''A day in Enlightenment is more fulfilling than a hundred years of living in egoic delusion'' 

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Yourself is happy, not your-self :) haha

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Rupert spira says that the purpose of life is to be happy, not empty... he further says that pure awareness is inherently free, and peacefull... however, I dont see one good and logical answer in this post, not do I know it...

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4 hours ago, Dodo said:

The thing is, after no thought, there is still someone experiencing life. It's just that this person has a quiet mind. I don't get why it's so popular to state that Enlightenment means no self, if it actually means no thought. 

I don't think enlightenment is no thought. Enlightenment is detaching yourself from the thought. Making a space and just watching it from a far. Like what sadhguru once said he said its like watching traffic jam from a plane. It doesnt bother you but its there. He also said trying to stop thoughts is not the right way cause human being got to this point of thought and intelligence through time. Why do we wanna go back?

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1 hour ago, Dino D said:

Rupert spira says that the purpose of life is to be happy, not empty... he further says that pure awareness is inherently free, and peacefull... however, I dont see one good and logical answer in this post, not do I know it...

I actually watched that video the other day and it touched me personally. Cause i remember i came to this conclusion that my purpose in life is to be happy around 8 years ago while being a total muslim. But everyone around me said im naive and lazy and just wanna live my life freely without working hard. So after all these years when i start seeking answers and see that the path im following is leading me to the answer my heart already came to years ago, i know I'm on the right path :3

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I can only speak through of my understanding and limitations:

Even if experiencing the absolute and becoming everything that ever was and ever will be, for a microsecond, it is beyond time and space. It is there with you always, and what happens is that from there you live in existence and non existence. The things that used to bother you become meaningless, and the things you used to strive for become undesirable. Almost as if they no longer have any effect on you. There is this pull that is always drawing you back to that place, where everything eminates from.  But you are still in human form and in life as we know it here, so you are in a society where you have to deal with everyday situations, responsibilities towards others, other peoples egos and so on.  And you understand that you are here for a reason, otherwise you wouldn't be.

But now you live without fear, because you know that whatever you experience in life is just that, an experience, so you are no longer caught up in life like everyone else seem to be. You are weightless in the flow of life. So yes, there is happiness, if you would call it that. In actuality, it is just what is. Its more like you are just observing as life happens, knowing that your eyes are just lenses. You have more control over the outcome of your actions and can observe how all the subtle nuances in your behaviour effect the reality around you, so there is a great responsibility in being given this gift.

I could go on about this, but i do not what to take up to much of your time.

But lets say this, even though you have reached that state, or awareness in existence, it is just a glimpse of the magnitude of reality. What you do with that insight is up to you, because you can also get lost if you are arrogant and the ego starts making you believe that you are enlightened because of your experiences. Just because you have been shown the sea, and know that it exists, does not mean that you know how to get there at will, or about the laws of reality. If you are lucky to experience it, know that you still know nothing, you are nothing.

Edited by furashido

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7 hours ago, Preetom said:


From the few short glimpses I've had from meditation/self inquiry, what I found from my experience is that 'happiness' is sort of a misleading word when it comes to this Waking up business. I have no idea why these juicy words and sales pitches are used in teachings by gurus...probably to attract the mass crowd like bees are attracted by honey or like muslims are promised with 72 virgin whores for their devotion etc.

In those silent few minutes of dissolving reality, everytime I found myself not caring about anything let alone a thing called happiness. It's always like an uninterrupted, shockingly lightweight state of being and trying to use words to describe/formulate it, is an utter dishonor towards that realization. There is not even a tendency to 'figure out' conceptual stuff like is there a self or what is the name of this state or is it the absolute? Its just cessation of all grasping and clinging and trying to figure out.

I don't know if Enlightened people live in this state all the time. And also I'm pretty noob. So my experiences could be only some states or meditative high and not an actual Awakening. 

But the funny thing is, during those few silent minutes, all this cherry picking ceases to exist. :P

I've heard that the Indian translation of Bliss is more accurately described as peace.  Western society associates bliss/happiness with pleasure and fulfilment (sayings like 'fat and happy'.  So of course a materialistic society would see enlightenment as a "goodie" when it's far beyond conceptual understanding, I think we've misunderstood pleasure and being satiated with happiness and fulfilment.  Just my opinion.


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1 hour ago, MiracleMan said:

I've heard that the Indian translation of Bliss is more accurately described as peace.  Western society associates bliss/happiness with pleasure and fulfilment (sayings like 'fat and happy'.  So of course a materialistic society would see enlightenment as a "goodie" when it's far beyond conceptual understanding, I think we've misunderstood pleasure and being satiated with happiness and fulfilment.  Just my opinion.

But I've had experiences where I've been extremely happy while high on weed (aka pleasure) and some gurus say Enlightenment is like the higheest high always. Maybe they're chatting shit. 


🌟  The  🌟 Logos 🌟


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1 hour ago, MiracleMan said:

think we've misunderstood pleasure and being satiated with happiness and fulfilment.  Just my opinion.

This is so.

To seek satisfaction/fulfillment through pleasure (to indulge in re-experiencing a past experience through the movement of thought)...This is a movement of psychological time. A movement of fear.

Seeking pleasure ‘happiness/fulfillment’ is a movement of escape from its opposite. A movement of the psychological entity who seeks security to escape its insecure state of being. 


The self seeks pleasure. When there is a movement to become secure by means of gratification/pleasure, that is an invitation to it’s inevitable opposite. Pain,suffering, sorrow. 

Pleasure and pain are really one and the same movement. Only thought breaks everything up.

The ending of all this is the ending of time/fragmentation.


Edited by Faceless

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It’s not an opinion.  :)

It is what is happening. It’s the way the conditioned conciousness opperates. 


Edited by Faceless

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