
Riddle Me This: If...

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8 hours ago, DocHoliday said:

Reality is only consciousness, non-physical and only a dream, and consiousness is infinite, then how come we always wake up as the same person after we went to sleep? As Rupert Spira once said, the waking state is contracted consciousness and while asleep consciousness opens back up to its boundless form - but, why does it then always come back to the same contracted form (Me) till the day I die? 

What you’re yet to realize is the profoundity of the intimacy, the ‘youness’ of consciousness - the identity. You talk about consciousness as if it were something other than you. After realization of nonduality, it is perfectly sensible that you infinite, would be any you finite. They are the same. 

There are no answers for this ‘level’ in the illusion, and everything you can sense, every word anyone says to you, =  illusionary. 

The Truth is in you. The path is self discovery.  



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1 hour ago, Maycol said:

@tsuki, your replies consistently stir something inside of me, they are like koans. The thinking immediately desires to have your level of realization, and tries to find ways to achieve it by acquiring more knowledge from writings, books, or teachings out there, that seduction of gaining and improving is strong.

You are the one that stirs yourself up. I have no idea what I'm talking about.
It is just like what the signature says - I write these to myself so that I can work through them.
When I work through them, I no longer see them as valid. They are an expression of 'I'. They have to go.
I do enjoy your compliments, though :). I feel like a zen master hahaha.

1 hour ago, Maycol said:

At the same time, as I'm reading all these interesting replies that I so hope to be my own truth, there is also an blank openness that allows all these forms to pass, seeing that they don't really matter that much and won't have the same intensity once the moment is passed. I can't come to any conclusion, but I enjoy it tremendously when they are pointers here that twist my thinking and loop it into itself, and makes me wonder "isn't everything I'm experiencing, all self-referential? Can I ever stand outside of myself to objectively know myself? I feel like I'm just a strange loop, including the whole Reality I'm experiencing, ever just existing inside of a bubble. What's beyond it? I don't know."

When you're thinking about yourself, it is like putting a box into itself. It doesn't work that way.
If you want to do that, you need a magician that will pull the trick off. He will have to show you the same box, but say that it contains itself.
You can play along, open it, and be shocked that he lied (suffer), or not play along by saying that you tricked yourself (be ignorant).

All I do is show how people are tricking themselves by explicitly stating the self-reference.
The moment you say that something is true is the moment that you acknowledge the magician (Ego).
The winning move is not to play, but then - nothing is true and there is no you.
This knowledge is also completely useless when embodied, but you get to play not playing. It's awesome.

Remember, that you are the one that understands these letters ;).

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@DocHoliday Enlightenment is an experiential truth. Those words you speak come from people trying to explain how an enlightened person perceive reality. They perceive without boundries, no inside and no outside, which make it feel like infinity. Is that really the case? Can we really know for sure? Probably not. 

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In my case i don't wake up the same i went to bed ;) 

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On 5/6/2018 at 5:48 AM, DocHoliday said:

Thanks for the replies but you didn't quite understand my question properly. All I want to know is why it couldn't be that when we go to sleep, we wake up as a differnt person for example with a completely differnt life, given that consciousness is infinite. Why is it that it's always exactly my body and my life that I have known for years and why not potentially a completely differnt one. 

Perhaps we are imprisoned. Perhaps for good reasons. perhaps when you free enough karma, you can go on early parole. 



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