Adam M

Sensory Deprivation Chambers

9 posts in this topic

Did a tad of research today about sensory deprivation chambers and I am very willing to try it out...

here's a good intro that I watched about the topic.


I am going to book a 1 hour float within the next week (for about $40CAD)


Has anyone done a float tank before?  How was your experience?  What do you think about floating as a tool for consciousness work?

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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I;ve done it a few times. Not a big fan. I feel like it would only be useful if you can regularly use it


Took me around 40 mins just to get used to being inside

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@herghly I found float tanks rather gimmicky too.

Although I'm sure some people can make it work, like Joe Rogan. But he has one installed in his house! Good luck with that.

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Try to meditate 30min-60min before going in there.

It takes time to get comfortable in the tank. 

I have done it only few times, havent seen any major benefits compared to regular meditation. 

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@Adam M I used a flotation tank when I was pregnant. It was cool for about 2 - 3 minutes, then novelty wore off and I felt weird. You can't relax. I was pregnant at the time though, so the fact that a small human was compressing my diaphragm and ribcage as I lay on my back, made it hard to breath, so I was slightly oxygen deprived to.

Needless to say I was so relieved that I skipped out when it was finally finished.

Meditating in my bedroom is without a doubt, a million times more worthwhile. And no faff or extra expense! 

Edited by Seed

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@Adam M  I've never tried it, but here is a chat with some 'floating' advocates, which goes into what the experience is like, what to expect, etc.


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Thanks for the feedback guys!

I still think that I'm going to give it a try just to see what it is like for myself...however there is probably a lot more benefit if you can float consistently. 

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Perfect place to jump in. Lights, sounds, etc. are "effects" of meditation, depravation (senses, hunger extreme cold and heat, etc), and drug use. Depravations and drug use can lead to irreparable damage, while there is no evidence of mediation doing that.

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