
How To Stop Spending Money

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Hi, I have a very low income for the moment yet I seem to be addicted to buying nonsense.

Anyone else having that problem?

I actually want to save up money before going to south-east Asia on a trip, where I love to go and where I finally can enjoy life.

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Consistency has been key for me. Saving is a habit, a lifestyle.

When I was 22 yrs old, I started deducting a certain percentage of my income and put it into a type of savings that would be a bit of a pain to withdraw. After about 6 months, it became habit and I didn't even think about it. Even though I was poor, I adjusted to living without it. I've been doing it 25 years now and never missed a month.

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What kind of nonsense?

Whenever you buy something or feel the urge to buy something, you can write it into this thread. This way you would probably gain more awareness of the whole process and it might fade over time. 

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5 hours ago, HII said:

What kind of nonsense?

Whenever you buy something or feel the urge to buy something, you can write it into this thread. This way you would probably gain more awareness of the whole process and it might fade over time. 

Great idea, I will write it in this thread when I have a craving to buy or when I bought something..

Well first of all I have to tell I'm Bipolar which is a mood disorder (one thing that is common with bipolars is that they go on spending sprees and buy too much things) etc... I didn't know it at the time (wasn't diagnosed) and before (when I had money, I used to spend like 2000$ each month on useless expensive things (watches, technology, living in a place with too high rent etc....

Nowadays I'm not in this case anymore, I accepted I couldn't spend money anymore like I used to, I wan't to live a pretty minimalistic lifestyle (except when I travel).

It's hard for me to pass by a store and not buy softdrink or food.

So nowadays I want to cut out buying things out of boredom, even if this means not buying an overprized can of Coke somewhere. Or quit beer completely....etc....All those little things add up and I would like to save a little bit money to travel.

List of useless things I used to buy recently:

- Drinks: alcoholic or non alcoholic (except water in a supermarket of course)

- Illegal drugs or unprescribed meds (yes I used to have trouble with that too)

- Snacks

- Food that isn't nutritional or from a supermarket

- Cigarettes

Edited by Pebble

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@Pebble @Serotoninluv Hi 

Think about the real value of the money, 

Think about investing it in a long term, 

For an example

lets say that You are spending 3000$ a year on (Nonsense),

Think about investing this amount of money for the next 30 years, 

If you can make an average revenue of 20% per year, 

Your 3,000$ will be 712,128$ after 30 years,

Do you want to waste 712,128$ on nonsense, Think about how valuable this amount of money for Your family Your health and the future,

Then think about how much damage that (Cigarettes, Drugs, Snacks .....etc) will make for Your health,

Do not waste and destroy Your health, Your money, Your future and the future of Your family, for just a little fake pleasure.

And remember You only invested the money that You spend on (Nonsense) of one year,

But be careful when You invest Your money, 

First learn how to invest, and practice the investing wisely,

There are so much wrong information about investing on internet, So be aware,

And by the way I am against saving money, I agree with investing the money wisely,


Have a good day


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@Star Net Yes, that is what I started doing 25 yrs ago.

And if you can average 20% gains over a 30 yr. period, you would be by far the greatest investor that has every lived.

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I think that there are people in the world can make like an average 30% a year as gains.

By the way How much You made as an average revenue % and where do You invest Your money ?

Because I am learning about marketing and investing these days and I am a beginner.



Edited by Star Net

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5 minutes ago, Star Net said:


I think that there are people in the world can make like an average 30% a year as gains.

Sure, sporadically - not consistently over a 30 yr. period. 

A few people get lucky. Yet, the most likely way to become wealthy is slow and steady over a long period. Or, become a quant. and write algos.

Edited by Serotoninluv

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I just had a huge craving for French fries (I come from Belgium where you can basically get them almost everywhere) but I succeeded in resisting the temptation.

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I managed to save a little money even though I have a very low income so for the moment it’s working :). The only missteps I made were drinking which I want to avoid until I go on vacation.

Edited by Pebble

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Using affirmations can work with a strong mindset you can re-organize hard-wired belief systems. I always use this or "all the money or wealth i circulate comes back to me multiplied :) - Law of Attraction


I noticed when i stopped using these affirmations i was spending more than i earned, need to start back up again, it really works if you set your mind to it and tap into a doubtless state.


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You are basing your purchasing decisions based on temporary emotions. That's why you can't live frugaly. Simple as that.

So the solution is to think before investing your money, not just invest when a temporary feeling comes up.

You need to have a plan. If you don't have a plan, then you plan to fail.

If you know what's your plan then you know where to invest money. You know your vision and you work towards that vision.

Cut down expenses, don't buy stuff that you don't need, prepare meals at home and don't eat in restaurants or shop unnecessary stuff.

Take the bus to work or better a bike.

Don't rent houses or apartments with high rent cost.

Live below your means.

Stop reacting to the stuff you see in your envirnoment and develop a vision of how your best self would spend that money.

Ask yourself: Will this investment help me live frugaly? Do I really need this? Can I lower the cost of the investment? What stuff do I own that I don't need and can I sell it? How can I lower the living expenses?

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