
Why Should I Respect Deluded People?

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Many spiritual people think spirituality is all about being passive and loving unconditionally. This causes them to be more delusional because they ignore duality and their ego becomes weak. A weak ego is harder to remove. I'm not talking about anyone on this forum. 

I was reading youtube comments the other day. Many people from other religions were badmouthing Hinduism. They had done no research on it. They had no experiences. They were saying, "How can objects, animals, and humans be God? Hindus are deluded for believing that." This can only be proven if they have a spiritual experience in which they perceive everything to be God. That's not going to happen for them any time soon.  Many scientific people fall into the same trap. They want evidence for God through their mind. 

Many Hindu Gods have animal faces because we believe we reincarnated from the animals. Most intelligent Hindus know the Gods don't exist. People need finite symbols to wrap their mind around the Infinite. There is no one sitting in the sky. 

This means that enlightenment is not very significant. If it was, most people would be striving for it. They dismiss it before even trying. The world is going to become more and more deluded as technology increases. The media, education system, and society at large will continue to spread delusion and bullshit. 

I don't care about what others believe. I'm only against violent people. I don't have any tolerance for that kind of behavior. The Indian religions advocate non-violence to reach enlightenment. Non-violence has to be taken into context. If a war was brought to my home, I would have no choice but to fight. This goes back to my earlier point that duality can't be ignored. 

I have a hard time believing these people are actually God. How can there be world peace if most people will never experience God? 




The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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Behavior has nothing to do with enlightment.


People tend to think an enlightenment being is a holy saint like the pope, but that is not true.

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Not all Hindus believe God is within, there is advaita and then there is dvaita, which belives God is a real eternal entity that governs and controls the universe. For me saying that I am God is just giving a very bad definition of God, having experienced a power which my whole soul knew could only be from God, there is no question that God is not me. I would say what most advaita people experience the self/soul, which they then call God. I'm not invalidating anyone's experience, but ultimately it boils down to what you belive God IS and CAN be.

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You say you are against violent people. As soon as you utter "I am against", you verbalize a resistance within you, a resistance to what is, a resistance to life. Do you recognize that ? Because fact is, those people are here and they do what they do the way they do it. That's fact, that's what is.

Those people, as violent, as mean, as angry, as however you want to label them, that's all it is : your label on them. They are just as much a piece of life as you are. They might be resisting life in a different way.

What you should be concerned about and focused on is the resistance that arises within you when being confronted to them. The resistance might come from you thinking that they should be more respectful, that they should educate themselves before talking, that they should not violently attack other faiths. But what you think should be, is a fantasy. What you think should be, is what you wish for reality, and by definition is NOT reality.

When I am confronted to situations like this, I try and observe the resistance within me and I ask myself : Why am I resisting this? What is it that I am not accepting ? Can I accept it, can I choose to accept ? (spoiler alert, the answer is always yes)  Once I accept the situation, the resistance vanishes and I can go on to the next step, which is decide how I want to act on it. There is no problem anymore, only a situation in which I can choose what I want to do. I might want to engage with that person and understand where they are coming from, explain my point of view in more detail, I might just take the high road, I might send them material so they can educate themselves, the options are limitless, you just have to pick. If they are interested in truth-seeking dialogue, they will be open to whatever you have to say, if they are not, they will keep resisting you, life. What they do is outside of your control, accept that.

I highly recommend those two videos Leo did, they are very eye opening and talk about how our "shoulds and shouldn'ts" are a fantasy and very often confused with reality, what actually is. It might give you an insight on the fact that any type of adversity is our own construct.



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@Blissout Behavior has a lot to do with enlightenment because certain behaviors are more likely to produce ego death. After the ego is gone one can behave however they want. 

@Highest Yes dvaita and advaita are both valid. Sometimes I think of God outside myself because it helps me to remain humble. 

2 hours ago, Alenka said:

You say you are against violent people. As soon as you utter "I am against", you verbalize a resistance within you, a resistance to what is, a resistance to life. Do you recognize that ? Because fact is, those people are here and they do what they do the way they do it. That's fact, that's what is.

Of course they're entitled to their opinion. I said I would defend myself if they physically attacked me. That's not a resistance inside me that's accepting everything as it is. Their delusions cause more harm to the planet because they don't believe other paths are valid. An enlightened person would also have to fight if their home was attacked. If that isn't accepting reality then what is? 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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The nature of things is clever, tricky, and has a mind bending sense of humor. The illusion includes our thought trees and our seeds, wether we make a distinction between a thought and our experience or not. 



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@Deep Because absolutely speeking, "they" are you and you are them. You are part of God, and so is the fucking plant next to you. Its all just different expressions of it.

Violent people are therefore an evil expression of God, conceptually speaking. How can the infinite not include war and violence? It has to, otherwise its not infinite and God would not be God. 

If you look at it from the lower self perspective, you fight, you rage, you defend and so on. You basically get sucked in delusion and duality. 

As jesus said:

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing"

The art is to look without looking 

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On 10/29/2017 at 7:18 AM, Vitamine Water said:


Violent people are therefore an evil expression of God, conceptually speaking. How can the infinite not include war and violence? It has to, otherwise its not infinite and God would not be God. 

Exactly, that's why it's okay for me to dislike them and them to dislike me. I actually admire them for having pride in their delusions.  


The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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For me, a nice strong trip demolishes these types of beliefs and being right / wrong. Yet is also terrifying when struggling to hold on.

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