
Fear Of Leading A Shitty Life

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I have a fear that I’m not going to do anything meaningful with my life. 

That I’m just going to live a life that is way below what my potential could have been. 

This fear was bought upon me today, when I went for an interview at a McDonalds restaurant. I don't even eat McDonalds, but I need money. 

I was asked to take a seat while I wait for my interviewer. A good 20 minutes went by and I was still waiting, and my view was directly at the McDonalds staff and the kitchen. The whole 20 minutes I was just observing them and looking at them. Their faces. 

A massive fear came up for me. That I didn't want to do this. That I know I'm capable of much, much higher things than working at this place. It was a horrible feeling man. I remembered that I accomplished some ridiculously difficult things in the past, and that I can do it again. I went outside after and just went for a walk for like an hour, just asking myself wtf am I doing. 

I also got the feeling that I was settling. Settling for way less than I can do. 

I'm not sure how to handle this. I don't have a life purpose (even after Leo's course).

Any advice? What would you do?

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I think the best thing i know of would be to really exspand your awareness for example by reading a lot of books or for example by youtube videos really anything you can because that can really raise the chance of finding a solution to ones problems or helping one with motivation there are of course also a lot of other benefits :)


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23 y/o. Nothing really. Just bounced between temp jobs. I guess I don't have much skills. I went to a pretty good college but dropped out because I'm an idiot. I have a chance to return and get my degree next fall, but I'm going to be quite old by the time I graduate and all the super good careers will go to guys/gals who're younger and had more clean resume's. 

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@OnceMore if you learn how to learn you should be able to get a super good career faster than most people for example if you do something called deep work (aka extreem intense concentration without distraction) (a book by cal newport) :)

one of the people cal newport talks about in the book is what usually toke him a year he was able to do in a few weeks by concentrating extremly intensly without distractions and using rutins and rituals to minimize willpower(by just using 90 minuts a day in the morning) an other thing that i have found that really helps are if you are trying to understand something explain it as if you where to explain it to a five year old it really helps to give you a better understanding :)

there is a lot of other really good learning techniques out there :) (example deliberate pratice and active recall)

of course if the career doesn't require learning(or concentration) there might be something else :) (in this case maybe it could help to interview people who are already where you want to be to understand how they got there)

alternative for a normal education there is also self education :) 

Edited by BjarkeT

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In my early 20s I was a college droupout waiting tables at Village Inn. After two years the fear of never doing anything meaningful or reaching my potential, I found a way to get back to schhol. The fear of regressing back to a waiter was the primary motivation that got me through school. 

I’ve had a successful career, yet I have not reached the same levels regarding consciousness/ actualization.

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@OnceMore Good.

Now sit down and answer this question:

What do I want?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@OnceMore Your parents didn't get you onto Photoshop when you were 5?  That's too bad man. It's never too late to learn!

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I have this fear every day and it's the thing that keeps me going. To be honest, I would rather die than live the life the regular person lives. Of course, it's not as easy though. The mind does not work based on logic and good intention, but on habits, repetitive patterns and stability. But having the fear of wasting your life can be a good thing I think. Use it to grow yourself. 

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Your life is meaning itself @OnceMore , each breath something to be celebrated and rejoiced. It is the same for everyone. That is a pretty good place to start. There is a freedom in enjoying what appears to be mundane. Think Gahndi cotton spinning.

the point is anything you do, put everything in tomit, and have gratitude in the moment for what you are doing as it is perfect.

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