
Evil Vs Good

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When the villain kills 200 people and then the hero kills him isn't the score 200-1. Doesn't evil win in this case ? Most of movies always potray the good triumphing over evil when in reality it is actually quite the opposite. Evil dominates Good in nearly all areas in our world. What are your views on it and does ''evil'' and ''good'' even exist ? Who is to say there is a universal law that states killing is evil ? I can't say of myself that I am good nor evil. I am nothing in this case.

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1 hour ago, AHappyTeddyBear said:

When the villain kills 200 people and then the hero kills him isn't the score 200-1. Doesn't evil win in this case ? Most of movies always potray the good triumphing over evil when in reality it is actually quite the opposite. Evil dominates Good in nearly all areas in our world. What are your views on it and does ''evil'' and ''good'' even exist ? Who is to say there is a universal law that states killing is evil ? I can't say of myself that I am good nor evil. I am nothing in this case.

@AHappyTeddyBear I believe you are speaking about moral relativism?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_relativism

By observation it appears we each have the potential for both; I am reading Jonathon Haidt's, "The Righteous Mind," you might find that of interest.

Kant, "Theories of the Good, the Right, and the Approvable."  If you really have an interest in forensic psychology related to good and evil and thought process  Stanton Samenow has stunning research. 

I think about this topic quite a bit, and the more I ponder it, the more I don't know. LOL  

You might enjoy looking at the chemical/scientific aspect as well.  (Better video...) 



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I wouldn't bother thinking about good and evil. I think that concept is something very christian and not believing in it makes me feel very free.

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I guess evil win in the case you describe, and the hero only put a stop to the evil killings. 


However it's of course difficult to say what is evil and what is good. 


Good and evil have to be purely subjective. That means it doesnt exist outside the personal experience. And I guess this makes is a personal thing. 


If we try to see it as what "most people" consider good or wishable then we could draw some objective connclusions perhaps. This leads to another interesting point spoken about in one of Leos videos: we can't know if it in the end causes good or evil. In the long run we can't say what the consequences are of the action..

The argument against this is I guess that it's the intention behind the action that makes it good or bad. If the intention is good than its and act of good. An intention is good if it's in line with what is considered good by most people (what we biologically is wired to think of good and bad)?





Edited by Olsson

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Good and evil don't exist outside of people's heads. It seems like an infantile concept suitable for a certain level of development, one that is later better left behind, later being as soon as possible I may claim.

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You want to know the absolute truth about Good and Evil that is not up for debate?

Well it exist but "I can only show you the door, you'll have to go through it yourself".

It's all in the original Sin, how we ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and divided the light so we could only see everything and anything as either "good" or "evil" but that's not how the world actually work.

If you ever read any religious texts and especially the bible (mainly the old testament) this is what the entire book is all about.

It's the Jewis Law and everything, it's putting one pillar against another, it's not looking at any of the causes but ever only focus on the result, it's to constantly lie to yourself and everyone else in order to seam "good" in the eyes of others, it's to always seek "pleasures" and avoid "pain" it is the ego itself.

Leo have made a great video on Karma and that's really what it comes down to, that Evil = Lying to oneself.

That's not the version that the law give you, the law tell you to constantly hide yourself from yourself and all others, for example if you see a hot girl you're not allowed to look at her and if you feel bad you need to put up a smile and when you feel mad (or excited or whatever) you're not allowed to curse and when you walk around among the zombies on the street your not allowed to talk openly with anyone like they are all part of the same "nothingness" or whatever like you and we're all one and when someone is lying to themselves you need to make sure not to hurt their ego...

The list goes on and on but this is the evil of the world that we all simply have to "put up with", it can be sickening but this is what we got right now.

It's also where all of our fears come from - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJWcrMdzMLs&list=PLAzuNEPIFEpysV8i818Kz3dKcQ_WGJOVp&index=33

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Good and evil don't exist in reality, they are only concepts.

Things just happen, events occur, whether they are 'good' or 'evil' depends on what positive of negative value the outcome of the event has for any particular person. It is purely subjective.

If there were no humans around to judge anything then what would there be? Just reality, being and doing..

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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18 minutes ago, FindingPeace said:

If there were no humans around to judge anything then what would there be? Just reality, being and doing..

Really? Would there be something or nothing? Do you know? Could your concept of reality just be a mere illusion and there is in fact nothing. Absolutely nothing? I don't know? I don't think we humans were made to understand the concept of nothing. I don't really know that we were made to understand the concept of reality either. I don't know, as some fancy guy a few thoussand years back once said. There probably was even a guy who said the same thing even before that other guy said that. Just nobody wrote it down.

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We need to conceptualize things, that's why we label this good and this evil. 

IMO we can't see clearly that's why we do "evil" things. We are all part of everything, if you know that everyone is your same essence, that we all are manifestation of God, do you think you will kill someone because he thinks differently? We do it, because we see ourselves as separated from god and from our neighbors. That's the illusion.

I think evil is not to be open to the truth and believing in lies. My two cents.

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Once I realized my parents would never have met and that I would have never been born without the second world war, I started to realize there was something wrong with what we call good and bad, a glitch in the labeling concept. This is really twisted to realize that without Hiltler, which I think was out of his mind, I just wouldn't be here. So was the second 55 million deaths good or bad? 

I'm still working on this problem of good and bad, the duality, the judging with all what happens in the world, it is so difficult for me to make abstraction of this logical like feeling.

Good and bad is very limited in time and space and is just another human made concept.

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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