
Game equivalent for women. How to make a guy stay?

121 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

I just want to know how disconnected women are from basic logic.

I was reading through the comments and was not going to comment till I read them through, but I had to stop here. This is it. All that I'm reading from you here in this thread is logics. That's it, logics. Thought this yesterday but now I can verify by you saying it out your mouth. Logics. Basic logic does nothing when it comes to relations with women. You're not trying to compute a math equation. You sound so stoic and mechanical. No passion, sensitivity or feeling. Strictly logical. All in your masculine energy without compassion. Tap into your feminine energy a bit, it's a part of the equation. Relationships, sex and bonding isn't logics. Nothing wrong with being logical but tone it down a bit when it comes to the opposite sex and your relations with them. It doesn't work. 


One Love....

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1 hour ago, Emerald said:

It’s a mindset that a woman can adopt to keep her in the Feminine/beloved frame so that she doesn’t slip into the Masculine mode of chasing/pursuing a man who isn’t very interested in her.

That way, instead of trying to woo and impress a man who isn’t (and will never be) interested in her… she recognizes that she is the prize as she is and doesn’t need to woo or prove her worth to a man.

Instead, it puts her squarely in the power of the selector/rejector role. And she can choose someone she likes who already sees her as the prize and wants her in his life because he recognizes her value and beauty.

I see. Ima philosophize & extrapolate this in my free time. Hm, "The Game". 

Person A: "I am valuable!"

Person B: "Why?"

Person A: "Because I said I am!"

Person C: "Of course you are girl! Can I please take you out?! :D"

Person B: .....strange.

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17 minutes ago, Lila9 said:


Why is passivity considered more negative, and action considered more positive?

This bias favors masculine energy, implying that action is somehow superior to inaction.

Passivity becomes negative when forced upon someone, depriving them of the ability to take action.

This is the experience of women under years of patriarchy, they were coerced into passivity.

It's as detrimental as being compelled to always take action without permission to be passive, akin to slavery.

Why not look at passivity as receptivity?

Osho about passivity-

However, we all possess both energies, there are times when passivity is preferable and times when immediate action is necessary.

Some individuals lean more towards their masculine energy, while others embody more of their feminine energy.

In the realm of relationships, from personal observation, the happiest and most fulfilling dynamics occur when men pursue women and women respond passively, simply accepting or declining. This places men in an active role and women in a passive one in this context.

Both roles are valued and essential, complementing each other.

In relationships where women pursue men and men are viewed as prizes, both parties often feel unhappy.

Women may feel unseen, unappreciated, and sexually unattractive, while men may feel emasculated, akin to children, leading to resentment towards their partner despite receiving much from them.

Typically, men don't fall in love with women who do things for them or protect them, they fall in love with women who allow them to give, pursue, and protect because it enhances their sense of masculinity.

Conversely, women usually fall in love with men who provide for them and do things for them, as it heightens their sense of femininity.

From personal observation, masculine men generally do not enjoy being pursued or chosen by women, while they may see it as a compliment, they are often less attracted to such women, they might feel that those women are trying to emasculate them which they don't like.

Similarly, a woman who predominantly embodies her feminine energy refrains from chasing men, regardless of desire.


So well said, I probably don't even have to say anymore about this part of the discussion because I might do you a disservice. 

One Love....

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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Why is passivity considered more negative, and action considered more positive?

You are giving up control to the men who you don't have much information about. By that I mean you don't have enough information to make correct decisions. You get information from taking action. 

And being active isn't about chasing men. You can choose to be active in developing yourself which you be reluctant to do if you brainwashes yourself to think that you are the prize. 

I am not saying you should chase men. But still be active.

Being active is not going to kill any feminine values. You can maintain both in yourself. 

Edited by Bobby_2021

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7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I was reading through the comments and was not going to comment till I read them through, but I had to stop here. This is it. All that I'm reading from you here in this thread is logics. That's it, logics. Thought this yesterday but now I can verify by you saying it out your mouth. Logics. Basic logic does nothing when it comes to relations with women. You're not trying to compute a math equation. You sound so stoic and mechanical. No passion, sensitivity or feeling. Strictly logical. All in your masculine energy without compassion. Tap into your feminine energy a bit, it's a part of the equation. Relationships, sex and bonding isn't logics. Nothing wrong with being logical but tone it down a bit when it comes to the opposite sex and your relations with them. It doesn't work. 


How are you feeling today? What's up? 

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3 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

He explained spiral dynamics to you 10 years ago? Like I did. Impossible. 

Ewww enough of equating me to this dude. And his sexual philosophy 🤮

There is literally no dude who could possibly have the depth like I do. He probably said some crap that has nothing to do with what I have said. 

He didn’t know about Spiral Dynamics.

But I am familiar with Spiral Dynamics and I know him very well...  and I can tell you that he is/was a mixture of Orange/Green/Yellow.

His sexual philosophy was identical to yours in the way you expressed it in your previous post. He’d argue me tooth and nail using the same words you used in your previous post.

I’m merely pointing out the similarity and how his ideas panned out so that you might avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Now… one big difference is that he didn’t believe himself to be uniquely deep among other men/people in general. So, at least he had that going for him.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Basman said:

Have great sex.

Phtt. Another demand-sounding comment about a woman's role in sex. Be available, have great sex, please me, look good, be attractive, take care of your appearance, help with things, be my sex slave. Ugg. How about thank you for choosing me and i promise to love, cherish and take care of you the best I know how. This is the problem when men keep chasing after any Ole woman just because she's a woman. Now she has to fit into your fantasies.


Edited by Princess Arabia

One Love....

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9 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I was reading through the comments and was not going to comment till I read them through, but I had to stop here. This is it. All that I'm reading from you here in this thread is logics. That's it, logics. Thought this yesterday but now I can verify by you saying it out your mouth. Logics. Basic logic does nothing when it comes to relations with women. You're not trying to compute a math equation. You sound so stoic and mechanical. No passion, sensitivity or feeling. Strictly logical. All in your masculine energy without compassion. Tap into your feminine energy a bit, it's a part of the equation. Relationships, sex and bonding isn't logics. Nothing wrong with being logical but tone it down a bit when it comes to the opposite sex and your relations with them. It doesn't work. 


When men shame women for being illogical it's usually because they have no better argument 😂

Lol, the worship of this illusionary logic 🌺

As if universe, life, sex, nature are dictated by or care about the lame ape illusionary logic.

Life is the opposite of logic, there is no logic in life, there is no reason for this insanity, and that's wonderful and beautiful.


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7 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

How are you feeling today? What's up? 

Hehe, had a good night's sleep. Thanks for asking. I see this thread is still going hot. Howls that logical brain of yours going. Lol

One Love....

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Posted (edited)

7 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

As if universe, life, sex, nature are dictated by or care about the lame ape illusionary logic.

This made me laugh so hard. The Universe is so illogical, it made room for the logical brain to figure out what it forgot to add in. It said, I'm tired right now so ill invent logical men to do the hard work and trying to figure out my madness and chaotic mind. Problem with this is, the logical brain is also a part of the chaotic mind so it's like a double whammy. I have no idea what I just said but its OK, logic will figure it out.😂

Edited by Princess Arabia

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11 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

You are giving up control to the men who you don't have much information about. By that I mean you don't have enough information to make correct decisions. You get information from taking action. 

And being active isn't about chasing men. You can choose to be active in developing yourself which you be reluctant to do if you brainwashes yourself to think that you are the prize. 

I am not saying you should chase men. But still be active.

Being active is not going to kill any feminine values. You can maintain both in yourself. 

I talked about the realm of relationship, not life overall.

In life I must take action to survive and to reach my highest potential.

But in romantic relationship, I don't enjoy pursuing men, impressing men and prove myself to them.

I am attracted to active men who are actively pursuing me, I am not attracted to men who are waiting in front of the gym mirror to be picked by me. I have zero interest.

Being attracted to men who are pursuing me is not giving my control, because I do the selection and choose who I want.


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1 minute ago, Princess Arabia said:

This made me laugh so hard. The Universe is so illogical, it made room for the logical brain to figure out what it forgot to add in. It said, I'm tired right now so ill invent logical men to do the hard work and trying to figure out my madness and chaotic mind. Problem with this is, the logical brain is also a part of the chaotic mind so it's like a double whammy. I have no idea what I just said but its OK, logics will figure it out.😂


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Posted (edited)

23 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

You can choose to be active in developing yourself which you be reluctant to do if you brainwashes yourself to think that you are the prize. 

You have no idea what it means to be the prize when it comes to women and dating. It's pretty much just a figure of speech and nothing to do with an actual prize. Go read how @Emeraldexplained it because she explained it well. Her comment was to Dauntment.

Edited by Princess Arabia

One Love....

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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You have no idea what it means to be the prize when it comes to women and dating. It's pretty much just a figure of speech and nothing to do with an actual prize. Go read how @Emeraldexplained it because she explained it well. Her comment was to Dauntment.

You go queen. 💅👑 😍

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6 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

But in romantic relationship, I don't enjoy pursuing men, impressing men and prove myself to them.

This is why I'm not very fond of men who live in the gym, have a ton of muscles, are too handsome (I mean like the model-type looking ones), wear too much nice fancy clothes and walk around like "hey, I'm attractive come and chase me". Ever seen the American Psycho movie, he's like a perfect example. Lol. 

Nothing wrong with trying to maintain your health, if you're already born handsome and wearing nice clothes, but I have a keen eye to detect the ones who are doing these things and expect the woman to chase after them because they're so attractive and feminine that it's gets to be a turn off. Give me that rugged construction worker type who ain't afraid to get his hands dirty and develop those muscles naturally and wears clothes that are not screaming I'm trying to impress you while still looking decent with a natural masculine body odor that I can rub my soft-luscious lips all over without that toxic overly, bearing toxic cologne smell that just stays in my hair all week. A nice very expensive cologne is probably fine but no drakkars please.

One Love....

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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Nothing wrong with trying to maintain your health, if you're already born handsome and wearing nice clothes, but I have a keen eye to detect the ones who are doing these things and expect the woman to chase after them because they're so attractive and feminine that it's gets to be a turn off.

Problem solved. We (not the psychos) neither are attracted to feminine women. 😁✌️

7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Give me that rugged construction worker type who ain't afraid to get his hands dirty and develop those muscles naturally and wears clothes that are not screaming I'm trying to impress you while still looking decent with a natural masculine body odor


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10 minutes ago, Nemra said:

Problem solved. We (not the psychos) neither are attracted to feminine women.


One Love....

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39 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

This is why I'm not very fond of men who live in the gym, have a ton of muscles, are too handsome

Ah man why'd I have to be too handsome 😩 

For real though, I think a lot of guys problem with women is because men can be over logical and so as women decide, at least in the initial phase, whether theyre going to accept a man's advances, men need to know its on them to learn how to speak the 'emotional language'. 

Having said that women can also be overly reliant on their emotions and feelings to make sense of the world, which can then affect the relationship negatively if they're not able to speak the 'logical language' of men. 

So essentially I'm saying there has to be a balance where both sexes embrace they're opposite polarity within themselves. In that way it can be much easier to understand and communicate with the other side. 

A big problem with ideologies like red pill is that they are 100% logic and they believe that women are stupid because they don't operate from logic. So they attempt to logic the female into their way of thinking so they can have power over them in the masculine realm. This can work but eventually women will feel the strain, which is why a lot of red pill guys don't have healthy relationships. It also exists on the other side with things like female dating strategies which is toxic femininity 

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Posted (edited)

@Princess Arabia I have watched it. He's a psycho masculine character. It's a turnoff for me, too, because he's far too psycho.

Edited by Nemra

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11 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@Princess Arabia I have watched it. He's a psycho masculine character. It's a turnoff for me, too, because he's far too psycho.

Are you male or female?

One Love....

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