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About TriteNTrue

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  1. Letting go
    The Letting Go Technique Explained
    Happy Xmas to everyone!
    I wish happiness, love and wisdom to all the beings in this forum. May grace be with you  Today, I want to give you guys a christmas present! It's a gift from my heart that arose after months of applying one of the most profound techniques I have ever learned - Letting Go - applied to the body!
    1. Introduction
    It's a perfect tool for healing and spiritual growth. It's so simple but so easily overlooked. You can do it everywhere, anywhere, all the time. Big news, it will happen by itself spontaneously when you invest some time in it. It's so effective that you'll have no chance but to do it. Everything's going to get better from the moment you start applying. I know, I know, one of more of those... Skepticism is healthy. But don't let the mind prevent you from just trying it.
    If this guidance is aligned with your destiny, you're in for some good surprise! Read it slowly and let it be understood experientially. Stick to it and watch what happens. I will try to keep it as short as possible.
    2. Theory
    Your Ego is made out of resistance. Resistance to what is. Resistance to Reality. Since you were a toddler, you have been resisting Reality. Because of this, you have developed some deep layered contractions and tensions that are still with you today. These tensions are right there in your body and keep you from enjoying your full potential in life. The Ego is made up of these contractions which create a mediocre sense of self. The more contractions there are, the more the Ego feels real and solid. It's hard for an ordinary person to sit still because there's so much contraction that it's painful. These tensions corrupt your energy system and give rise to all the negative thoughts. These contractions are basically suppressed energies in motion - emotions.
    Energy in Motion => Resistance (Contraction) => Thoughts
    As this energy is released, the thoughts that originate from the corresponding emotion disappear altogether, the Ego is dissolved, slowly and gradually. The goal is to dissolve every bit of contraction till full liberation.
    While applying the technique for months and years, you'll experience higher and higher emotions, higher consciousness and all the benefits from dissolution of the Ego. The benefits are fast and easy.
    3. Technique
    Stop moving for a second. Be aware of the entirety of your body sensations all at once, specially the torso. Do that for 15 seconds. Now, think something from your life that makes you uncomfortable (the most uncomfortable thoughts make best for this example). Notice that there's an immediate response in the physical body. There's some contraction in the chest, abdomen, solar plexus or other place. The uncomfortable feel is that contraction. Now focus on it like a laser without trying to remove it or change it. Just be still and focus on it. Watch it dissolve magically. What's left is a lighter emotion, less thoughts and higher awareness. DON'T LISTEN TO THE THOUGHTS. They are just mind rationalisations for the discomfort, no matter how true and reasonable they might seem.
    Discomfort => Body awareness => Contraction detected => Focus and release
    You have been denying and contracting for all your life so it might (just might ) take a bit of time till you 1) are aware of your body contractions 2) can free up the tensions fast. Usually it takes days to dissolve these contractions once you are aware of them. As time goes on, you'll find yourself releasing them in a matter of minutes. There are literally dozens of thousands of these contractions which are stored in a layer of feelings. The more you apply the technique the more you dive deep in this layer.
    4. Applications
    You always have contractions on your body. There's always some tension underlying your current experience, even if you're not aware of it. Spend some time being aware of your body (body awareness is key here) and let go of the contractions that you can perceive. Remember, let go is just to focus and release the energy. Do this all the time, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Specially when you feel triggered and uncomfortable. You'll see, in a matter of days, that this is (the?) most powerful technique and you'll be doing it all the time. Then there comes a point where there's always great awareness of the body and the technique just works by itself without "you" doing anything.
    Even if you don't feel triggered, you can always be aware of the contractions present right now. Just turn your attention to the body. Be still. Tip: usually it's on the torso area that these blocks manifest, but not always.
    Dissolving problems
    So, this is the most important technique for all of your problems... I see people debating on the forum on many topics: dating problems, self-help problems, insecurity problems, anxiety problems, etc. Know that all of those are just internal blocks which are creating all the thoughts and "problems" on your life. Apply this technique and watch those disappear. Then, you won't need to fix your problems, because they will magically dissolve when the energy is not blocked. See what contraction is causing your current suffering/problem.
    5. Key messages
    Be aware of your body.
    Be aware of the contractions right now.
    Don't listen to the thoughts.
    Be still.
    And let gooooooooooo.
    6. Final bells
    This technique is amazing, you'll benefit a lot! I'll bet it will become your favourite practice. As time goes on, it will not be seen as a practice but just as surrender. This teaching is heavily discussed in David Hawkins' book Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. But here, I strongly point that the blocks are in the body, not in an imaginary land.
    Lots of love and I would love to read your ideas and experiences! I wish you well 

  2. Deeper meditation
    How To Get High (Wim Hof Method)
    Nice I'd like to add this video as well it explains it very well

  3. Deeper meditation
    How To Get High (Wim Hof Method)
    Titlebaited but not really, it's a good way to convince people to do a form of a more 'intense' meditation.
    Figured some people here may find this useful.

  4. Path to englihtenment
    Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment
    Note: This document is a work-in-progress and will be improved and supplemented over time.
    So you wanna become enlightened, eh?
    That's where this journey starts.
    A burning desire for TRUTH is essential to success in this. Don't let people confuse you with talk of how "desire is bad", "seeking is delusion". No! Seeking is essential to breakthrough. Don't burn your ship before you've crossed the ocean! That would be foolish.
    Rather than filling your mind with beliefs and ideas about enlightenment, let me give you a bare-bones structure for how to actually make progress towards enlightenment.
    There are at least 20 totally different ways that I know for how to get enlightened. What I'm going to share with you here is just ONE way out of dozens. It is however a very direct way. This method is highly effective. It may not work for everyone, but then again, no method works for everyone. I call this method self-observation or Leo's version of self-inquiry. "Self-inquiry" as classically taught by Ramana Maharishi is technically different.
    First, let's be very clear what we're talking about when we speak of enlightenment.
    What this basically means is that YOU are deeply confused about who you think you are. Right now you think that you're a human being, sitting there, reading this text on your screen. This is false. Pure fantasy. You are in fact not that thing at all. What we have here is a case of mistaken identity. You think you're a body, but you're not. You think you're a mind, but you're not. You think you're an entity living inside your head, but you're not. You think you are a physical object but you are not!
    Take a moment to seriously consider the magnitude of my claim. IF I happen to be right, and you happen to be wrong, then what that means is: you are NOT a human being, or even a physical object! Not metaphorically-speaking; not as some philosophical curiosity; but literally!
    How could such an outrageous thing be possible??????
    How could you be mistaken about what you actually are?????
    Very easily actually!
    Recall how you've met people in your life who you knew were indoctrinated from birth with silly religious beliefs about Jesus and all sorts of other nonsense. Recall how little children believe that Santa Claus exists because they don't know any better. Recall how terrorists believe they are killing civilians in the name of Allah and will go to heaven with 72 virgins waiting for them. Recall how racists insist they are right for persecuting minorities.
    Well... here's something you're not gonna like hearing: that same delusion mechanism which existed in them, is operating FULL-FORCE within you right now! Yup! You too have been indoctrinated by ignorant parents and teachers from birth into believing a fairy-tale. Except in this case, the indoctrinated idea was: you are a human being.
    What a mind fuck!
    Now, in this work of "self-observation", you will discover -- for yourself -- what you REALLY are.
    Important: I am not asking you to believe me. You will have to demonstrate empirically, for yourself, that what I say is accurate. You can be skeptical all you want here. It won't upset me.
    "Okay" you say. "So what am I then if I'm not a human being or a physical object?"
    Great question!
    Sorry to tell you this, but your ENTIRE identity and life story is just a giant optical illusion. Like this non-existent triangle:

    There's nothing really there! Although it sure seems convincing, doesn't it?
    The problem is that you cannot know what you are rationally or logically because the mind is the source of the confusion. See.... No matter how cleverly or deeply or long you think, all the mind can ever do is symbolize stuff. It can only create maps and models. But you are not a symbol or a map or a model! You are not an idea or a thought! So you have to directly experience what you are. This MAY take months or years of very careful self-investigation.
    Note: I am saying that you have NEVER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE ever experienced yourself before! You've only experienced phenomena, none of which is essentially YOU!
    So what is this mysterious "essential you"? Let me spoil the surprise because otherwise you will waste YEARS searching in the wrong places, thinking you've found yourself when you really just found another false belief.
    So... as directly as possible now: the entity who thinks it's reading this sentence does NOT exist!
    Again, please try to fathom the magnitude of what is being said. This is extremely radical (but nevertheless true).
    Since you are pure awareness, all your focus goes toward shining "light" on sensory phenomena so it's really hard to "see" yourself. Pure awareness is very subtle, which means you have to develop extraordinary mindfulness abilities to "see" yourself.
    "But Leo?! You can't be serious! This sounds like a crazy New Age hippy conspiracy!"
    Let me assure you it's not. I am no hippy. I'm probably more rational and logical than you are. But I do recognize the limits of logic and rationality.
    The problem here is that you've been so brainwashed by society that what I'm telling you right now sounds crazy. That's okay. Just keep your mind open to the possibility that what I'm claiming can be directly verified by you. Nothing here has to be believed. But you do have to be willing to take it on as a temporary hypothesis to be verified or falsified.
    Leo's Patented () Step-By-Step Process To Become Enlightened:
    Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit alone. (You don't need to sit cross-legged.) Turn off your smart phone and disconnect from all distractions Set a digital timer for 60 minutes Now sit silently and start to genuinely wonder: "What am I if I'm not the body?" Do NOT meditate! Sit and carefully observe your direct experience. Notice that direct experience is THE ONLY THING you have of reality. Nothing else is real. Realizing this should make you very "present". Try to locate yourself within direct experience. Be very specific and clear with yourself: What are you? Are you a foot? A hand? A face? A mind? A brain? The envelop of the skin? The picture of yourself in the mind's eye? A feeling in the chest? What? Seriously! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU????????????? Notice that anything you might point to as being "your true self" cannot be true, because that's just another experience arising. Here's the logic of it: Firstly, it isn't constant. It fades in and out throughout the day, so it cannot be you. Secondly, you are observing it, so it cannot be you because "you" are the one doing the observation. So again, WHAT ARE YOU? Open your mind to the possibility that you are mistaken about being a human body or mind. Just sit there and keep genuinely wondering about what you really could be. Try to locate the one who's perceiving things. Do not philosophize or come up with theories. Focus 100% on what your direct experience is telling you. This is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL!!!!!!!! The bulk of the work happens right here at this step. You have to slowly become aware that all your thoughts and ideas and feelings about "you" are not really you. They are just symbols and stories. For example: notice that the image of your body that you have in your mind is NOT actually your body! It's just an image! And the same goes for the feelings that make up your body. Those feelings are real, but they are not actually you! As any theories arise of what you think you are, notice that what that is, is a thought! And no thought can be you because you are the one perceiving the thought, and also because your existence does not depend on any particular thought's existence. Notice you don't cease to exist in between thoughts. Just sit and keep doing this for 60 minutes without getting distracted in irrelevant thoughts. As your mind wanders off track (and it will wander a lot) don't beat yourself up. Just bring your focus back on the self-observation. After 60 minutes, stop and notice what happened. Notice if your mind feels "elevated" or more aware. Frustration and confusion are OF COURSE going to arise. Do NOT be discouraged by frustration or confusion. Believe it or not, these are signs of progress. Do not expect instant results. You must be very methodical and patient like a crocodile. Repeat this process every day for at least 60 minutes for the next few months. Be very patient. It will take several months just to start to get your bearings straight. And by that I don't mean you will become enlightened. I mean you merely begin to realize the magnitude of your ignorance. In this time span of 3 months -- let's say -- you will get a strong sense that it really isn't possible to locate yourself. This may seem like you've failed, but actually this is a huge advance. Now you've finally started to realize that you've never really met yourself before. Now the journey towards enlightenment can begin in earnest!
    Just keep doing the process without discouragement. At some point, your mind will crack and you will surrender to the realization that there's no one home. That life has always run with you. And BAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!! Enlightenment has occurred! Notice, I did not say YOU got enlightened. Rather, enlightenment has occurred.
    So who got enlightened? No one.
    Tips For Self-Observation:
    Don't just do this process mechanically, you MUST be genuinely curious about the truth of what you are. Try to establish a daily habit of self-observation. You need to build consistency and momentum. Be very careful about coming up with theories about what you are. We don't care about theories here. Every theory is NOT it. We only care about direct experience. REPEAT: ALL THEORIES AND IDEAS ARE DISTRACTIONS! Spend time asking yourself who you really believe that you are under the conventional worldview. Are you a body or are you the owner of the body? Are you inside the skull? If so, where exactly? The point of doing this is so you're clear and honest about your present beliefs, even if you intellectually know they are false. It's very important to get clear what exactly your false beliefs are. Do not be vague in your answers to the query of What are you? It's vital that you be precise and specific. Answers such as, "Well, I dunno, I'm just in the skull somewhere." are NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! What EXACTLY are you identifying with? Hint: it will either be a thought, a body sensation, an emotion, a visual perception, or a combination of the above. But all of those cannot be the true you because they are not constant. Create an active sense of doubt that you are a human being or a physical object Any belief, thought, or idea about who you really are is automatically FALSE! Drop it. Any sensory experience about who you really are is automatically FALSE! Drop it. All scientific theories or models are automatically FALSE! Drop it. All spiritual, New Age, or religious ideas about who you really are, are FALSE! Drop it. You are NOT a visible object or "thing" so stop looking for yourself like you would look for a missing dog. You are NOT located in any area of space, so stop looking for yourself as a point or hidden object somewhere. You are NOT located inside "your" head You are NOT located inside "your" body There is nothing magical to discover in this process. You are not some kind of unicorn or fairytale creature. There is nothing hidden. Everything you see before you is exactly what there is, nothing more, nothing less. It is not possible to find yourself, so this process is futile. But you need to realize that through doing the process. Not by believing me. You will get VERY frustrated during this process and want to quit. Just accept the frustration and keep going. This process will surface deep emotional issues from our subconscious mind. You will experience emotional turmoil and anguish. Just accept it and keep going. You will feel depressed at times. Just accept it and keep going. Your mind will use every excuse in the book to distract you and get you to stop looking. Stay vigilant to all these tricks and keep looking. DO NOT GET TRICKED INTO STOPPING! The truth of what you are is ever-present. It is always HERE and NOW. You don't need to go anywhere or do anything to see it. You are you right now! Be prepared for this self-observation process to take several years if necessary. Understand that enlightenment happens always only in the NOW. Never in the future. You can be enlightened RIGHT THIS SECOND! You don't need to wait 3 years. Always intend to become enlightened right now! Enlightenment/Truth is NOT an emotional state. Enlightenment is occurring always, even when you're watching TV or sitting on the toilet. Meditation is NOT enlightenment. A psychedelic high is NOT enlightenment. A powerful energetic experience is NOT enlightenment. A vision or hallucination (however real it may feel) is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is what's absolutely true without ever changing. Don't forget the possibility that you may not be a thing! Don't forget the possibility that there might be nothing to find There is no you to become enlightened. When this is realized, that's enlightenment! Hint: it's MUCH simpler than you think. A HUGE HINT:
    The thing you're looking for but aren't finding... THAT'S YOU!!! Don't expect it to have any attributes. Don't expect the mind to have anything whatsoever to latch onto.
    You cannot grab NOTHINGNESS by the collar.
    You can only realize you're already it.
    Think of it this way: you are looking for a needle in a haystack, but this is no ordinary needle. In this case the needle is literally the realization there was no needle to begin with!
    A cosmic joke! You've been punked by God (yourself).
    Best Self-Observation Questions:
    What am I? No, seriously now... WHAT THE FUCK AM I????? No, cut the shit! What am I -- RIGHT NOW -- in my direct experience???? Who is aware of reality? Who is aware of me? Who is perceiving? Who is the owner of the body? Who is the owner of the mind? Who is feeling pain? Who is asking all these questions? What was I before I was born? What am I when I'm in deep sleep? What could I be if I'm not the human body/mind? What connects and unifies all of my different senses? What is true independent of ever-changing sense experience? What is true independent of my life and my death? Why do I believe I'm the body? Why do I believe I'm the mind? Where to do thoughts arise from? If I'm the body, what is everything else that I'm seeing? Why do I trust my feeling that I'm the body? Is a feeling really evidence of TRUTH? Why must I be an object? What if the "perciever" has no attributes or properties? When I close my eyes, where did the world disappear to? Where is sound occurring? Where are thoughts occurring? Where are body sensations occurring? What is the relationship between physical body sensations and my visual field? What if I don't exist? What if I can't locate myself because I am "empty" or without form or attribute? What if I'm addicted to looking only for objects or perceptions, but my true nature is neither of those? What if I'm just an idea? What if my entire paradigm of physical reality is just an idea? Could my body and brain just be ideas? Is any physical object actually permanent according to direct experience? What distinguishes one object from another? Do boundaries between things really exist, or are they ideas? What would happen if I stopped distinguishing existence from non-existence?  
    How To Tell If You're Enlightened:
    This is very simple. Answer the following questions honesty:
    Did a major shift in awareness occur? Are you absolutely clear now of what you are? Are you the physical human body you've always thought you were? Do you feel infinite, without boundaries or location? Do you actually understand, or are you in a temporary meditative high? If you answered: "YES! YES! NO! YES! I UNDERSTAND!"  then there's a pretty good chance you're enlightened. If your answers were not: "YES! YES! YES! NO! YES! I UNDERSTAND!"  then chances are you aren't enlightened. Keep trying.

    If in doubt, find an enlightened master to help you verify the depth of your realization.
    Don't get cocky, remember, there is more than one enlightenment breakthrough to be had. You ain't gonna become Buddha with just a few years of self-observation.
    Is it worth the struggle?
    Abso-fucking-luty! Awakening is divine.
    Videos Explaining Enlightenment In More Depth: List Of Enlightenment Exercises:  

  5. Path to englihtenment
    How To Become Enlightened Guide #2
    Did you notice the word light in the word enlightenment? The word enlightenment is simply pointing to the light that is already inside you. We are a self-aware energy field of consciousness.
    How to become an enlightened master
    I have written about how I've became enlightened in the past, but reflecting back on it I know that I could write a better guide. So I will write a better guide now. As time passes I will be able to write better guides, this is guide #2. You can find my first guide here:
    Also I have integrated deeper states in the last 6 months, and much more to come because I have a lot of time to focus on it. Back in July I had an impulse to write that guide without putting much thought in it, prior to that I didn't even know I could write such a long post in the english language, that was my longest post I have written in english. Since realizing I could write such long posts I have spend more time on this forum writing to become better at my english and in the next few months I will start writing posts on my website and maybe do youtube videos, I am 22 and I  am excited to create a lot of content.
    I have brainstormed more then 30 topics for  this guide but there is so much to talk about that it's impossible to put it all in a short post so I will condense it and I hope this will be only the starting point of your investigation and experimentation. I would like to mention a lot of examples but there is just too much to cover, so if you have a question post it below. Also learn to do a google and youtube search and you will find everything that you need, don't be lazy. Just listen to the ideas presented from the higher self and investigate further.
    If you are thinking "Why would I  listen to this random guy?", I will point out a few reasons:
    I have became enlightened 4 years ago, meaning I have attained a permanent state of disidentification that doesn't go away whatever I do, it's there. attained a state with 99,9% pure mind with no thoughts(mental sounds) trough the whole day had a lot of paranormal experiences when fully sober (sensing energy fields of people, seeing peoples auras, knowing what others are thinking, seeing a ghost, sensing disembodied beings, seeing angels materializing in a form of light orbs more then 1000 times, remote viewing places that I don't even think are to be considered places (more like hyper dimensional meeting platforms, hard to put into words. A lot of different species of beings were present, it was more lucid then this 3D matrix).... established telephatic contact with extraterrestrials more then 100 times resulting in their materialization in the sky ( I plan to film it in the future, but need more preparation meanwhile If you want to see a footage of how contact looks I can send you a video, just message me) .... more but I hope that's enough. so I think I am qualified to speak on the topic of enlightenment.  Only those who are enlightened can truly speak about enlightenment. Let's start.
    Enlightenment is not a final destination. There is no start and no finish. Enlightenment is a journey, it never ends. A never ending fractal. That's probably why very few people mention that they're enlightened, because they know, they are still on the journey of enlightenment and haven't finished it yet (a lot of them never realize that the journey will never be finished). So let go of the assumption that you need to finish this journey.
    Wrong question: How do I attain enlightenment?
    Right question: What is the journey of enlightenment?
    The journey of enlightenment is a journey of coming back to oneness. Oneness is pure bliss. A journey of remembering and aligning to your True Self. It's all about alignment with your True Self. 
    All is here and now, all is obvious, but when you  are too identified with the mental dimension of thoughts you separate yourself from the experience that is happening here and now.
     Content of thoughts is exists  in time and that is an illusion, because experience can happen only in the now moment, content of thoughts is not an experience, it's a story about something that's happening always in the now.
     Time is a byproduct of consciousness reflecting back on it's own existence. (read all the articles on this site)
     There is only a sequence of now moments. Think of it like in a film, there is no actual motion in the film, there is only a certain number of frames per second, and that creates the illusion of motion.
       Experience is what's true for you. Experience is always happening right here, right now. The experience of life is the experience of consciousness. The only thing you need is direct experience of what's already happening. 
    When You are able to unite with the experience that is happening now, then You can redefine it and create a new experience of what's happening.
    There is no reality outside your definitions. Your definitions create your reality.
    Everything exists but you experience only what is relevant to your state of consciousness. 
    Everything vibrates. Thoughts have a vibrational frequency associated to them.  These vibrations are stored in the vacuum. You are like the radio that is receiving the music from the station. You need to adjust the frequency that you are emmiting for the reality you wish to experience to come to you. Simple as that. »If you want to know the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration ~Nikola Tesla«
    When you understand that everythng vibrates, dimensions of existence start to make sense. The higher the frequency the more complex the patterns.
    You can't understand higher dimensions with the lower dimensional understanding. For example. D=dimension. 3D(width, length, height) body is understood better only on the mental dimension (4D). 5D understands 4D. And 6D understands 5D. 5D is infinity. 6D is infinity inside infinity. Infinity is the infinite possible versions of spaceline and timelines that are always happening now. When identified with the mental dimension past and future make sense, but in 5D it doesn't make sense because everything is happening now, you are just shifting a billions of times per second trough parallel realities. Past and future is happening now.
    You are a multidimensional being. 
    3D - physical body - space
    4D- everything that you believe yourself to be, paradigms, thoughts, definitions...mental dimension - past and future-time
    5D- being, soul, True Self, consciousness - here and now
    Whatever you give meaning to, is true for you
    Positive feelings have a higher vibrational frequency than negative feelings. Raise your vibrational frequency. Google masaro emoto water experiment and rice experiment. 
    Positive feelings are communications from your Higher Self that you are in alignment with your True Self. Negative feelings are communications from your Higher Self that you are out of alignment with your True Self. 
    Yes, I am talking about different aspects of self. Check this thread:
    Everything is serving you perfectly, everytime, all the time, the devine orchestrating mechanism is the same for all, you just need to get in tune with it. It's perfect.
    Become conscious of your definitions and re-define them to bring you into higher vibrational alignment with your True Self. Ask yourself, how does it feel like to have that definition or belief. Ask yourself, how does this serve you (everything is serving you somehow, just become conscious of how it's serving you).  
    Put every discovered belief into writing. If you discover something about yourself and don't put it into writing, it is still stored in the ungrounded mental dimension and so you'll keep repeating the same old story in an endless loop. When you put it into writing, you ground these mental patterns and can analyze them more clearly, this is important.
     Discard limiting beliefs and definitions that do not serve you  and replace them with empowering and integrated definitions. Practice detachment to let go, shift and transform limiting definitions. 
    The old paradigm motto is let go, the new paradigm motto is there is nothing to hold on to. Letting go is a byproduct of the realization that there is nothing to hold on to. 
     Feel to think, don't think to feel. This is a radical paradigm shift. Adopt the feeling paradigm and leave the thinking paradigm. 
    Once you discover the beliefs and definitions that are out of alignment with your True Self, re-define them in a way that it feels better in the body. 
    Then you have to reinforce that state of being multiple times, this is necessary for integrating it. Why? Because that is a test if you really changed, that is a necessary part of the transfiguration process. Any doubt that you have not changed will reinforce the previous aspect of yourself. The previous version of yourself will manifest multiple times, you need to stay self-aware to re-define the reflection. When the old version of yourself manifests act arational (leo has a video explaining post rationalism). 
    Don't try to change, know you have changed and reality will reflect that back to you. Remember outside is only a reflection of the inside. Physical reality is a mirror. You have to change first for physical reality to reflect that change. Everything is happening inside You and you are inside it, just like in a dream. Be aware of what's happening inside You and be conscious of the reality that is you. Be conscious of the truth that is you and be self-aware to change it.
    Necessary qualities to make the shift:
    Desire(willingness, openness, passion) to be the most you that you can be.  Dedication (determination, conviction) to be the most you that you can be. Definition (beliefs that do not serve you) of limitation replaced with empowering integrated definitions. Detachment (to let go, shift, transform) from limiting definitions and beliefs.   
    An easy way to remember the four D’s is to memorize this mantra, “I’m desirous and dedicated to detach from definitions that do not serve me.”
    There are two worlds. One is the world of becoming and the other is the world that is. A subject and an object. The subject deals with the object.  Identification with the subject distorts the true perception that you are everything. The subject needs to unite with the object. The subject needs to transcend itself, transcend it's current version of itself. The subject doesn't need to annahilate itself it needs to be surrendered to a greater Truth. This is a never ending process. Transcend... include...transcend... include...transcend...include. 
    The subject collects data from the universe. Un-I-verse. The subject picks up vibrations  that are in the universe with the sense organs of the body by seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. There are also higher senses, like the sixth sense, which is related to intuition in mental visions. You need to decalcify the pineal gland to use the sixth sense to it's fullest potential. Do a google search, there is an entire website related to this topic. Quick tip: don't use toothpaste with sodium fluoride and install a water filter, because sodium fluoride is also in the water. (another way society keeps you in lower consciousness is by using sodium fluoride to calcify your pineal gland which produced DMT. The pineal gland is called the third eye. This third eye was mentioned in a lot of ancient scripture, even in the bible lol.). Apart from the sixth sense there are others, but they are not that important right now.
    The subject needs to transend the rhythm of it's own self-created sense world by aligning itself to the rhythm that is not accesible to normal man. This is done by concetration. You need to close the gates of the sense world first by hypnotizing yourself, by fixing the eyes on a near object and maintaining the concetration for a period of time. Leo has a video about concetration. You can feel when the gates of the sense world will close. The time you need to stay concentrated on an object depends on your ability to stay in the present moment. The more you're able to be in the present moment the faster the gates will close.
    Being in the present moment means being able to detach from the though stream by observing it a non-judgemental way or being able to shut down the thought stream by connecting the the breathing mechanism. By connecting to the breathing mechanism I mean being aware of it, watching it, or by manipulating its rhythm. At first you'll have to manipulate your breathing mechanism by slowing it down, but after a while of practicing you'll be able to be aware (watch) of the breathing without manipulating it. When you are fully aware of the breathing mechanism or when you're manipulating it by slowing it down, you can't think thoughts at the same time. It's impossible.  
    Being is not passive, being is dynamic. Stop thinking of being like it is just passive observation of the present moment. Being is much more then passive observation. Love is not passive and being is made out of love.
    You can fall into the trap of passive observation if you're doing mindfulness meditation for a lot of time. This is called the observer ego trap and you can stay stuck in it forever. I have made a post about it here:
    You have to be neutral in all situations. Neutral doesn't mean indifference. Neutral means having the freedom to choose because you are not attached to positive and negative.
    There are forces of attraction and repulsion in the universe. You always attract what you perceive to be enjoyable and repel what you perceive as painful. Be wary of this: something can be painful in actuality but you can have a belief that it is pleasurable and so you keep manifesting it again and again, in an infinite loop. So align your definitions to what actually is now.
    You are not going anywhere with this transcening, you are coming back home, into the body. The body is like a temple for the soul(being-beings=). The less resistance there is in the body, the more conductive you become for the integration of your True Self.
    Discover your core frequency by discovering your authentic self. Read this article and also find your mode of operation, goal, attitude and character flaws. (everything is on the site below, find it in the right side bar) Also find your enneagram type and your path of growth and stress. Then be in alignment with that personality.
    Use contemplation to change your perception.
    I have made a few playlists a few years ago that will help you in meditation, so check these out. I have used all of these to meditate.
    Meditate a few days per week using theta/alfa brain waves . (you can find a lot of these meditations online. You need to use a good pair of headphones) Here's one:
    Here is a playlist with brainwaves:
    Brain wave playlist
    Also listen to and meditate with solfeggio frequencies (you don't need headphones with these). I have created a playlist with a lot of material and you can find it here: 
    Solfeggio frequencies and other types of frequencies playlist
    Here is a playlist with meditation music you can use to meditate:
    Meditation playlist
    Also I have some private playlists with extremely powerful activations, if you are serious send me a private message.
    You are made in the imagination of your True Self. You imagine yourself into existence. Everything was imagined prior to it's existence. You imagine beliefs, beliefs form, and beliefs then materialize so that you can see it. You are a belief and you are the one that is imagining it. I-magi-nation. You need to believe it to see it and not see it to believe it. Believeing is seing and not the other way around. This is a radical paradigm shift. See the way you want to see. 
    We are devine light beings. Google: aura, kirlian photography.
    DNA emits light. (demonstrated in the 1950) We can change DNA via words and thoughts. DNA is the blueprint for the physical organism.
    Light technology from Arcturus RA helped me a lot. I recommend this to people that  are more experienced with meditation to bring their meditation skills to another level (and much more). If you still need a lot of purging to do, then do it first. 
    Awareness is aware of consciousness inside it. Witness to consciousness = awareness of consciousness. The mind is inside consciousness, so consciousness is conscious of the mind inside it.   
    Also check these insights:
    some teaching from Bashar  It's a great book..  Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness  (a book that is more than 100 years old. I have not finished it yet. Currently listening to the audio version of it that is on youtube. I have listened to the first 3 parts more then 20 times, it's so good... my new favorite book.
    How can you know that you are becoming more enlightened?
    Breathing mechanism is slower then in the past. The more higher consciousness you embody the more the breathing mechanism will slow down. After a while it will fell like you need very little air to function. The breathing will be very very slow automatically.  You are experiencing more positive feelings, more love and more compassion towards all beings. More piece in amidst all circumstances.  You are able to better discern what You truly are from who you are. (there is a what and there is who, you are both, but the what version of yourself is eternal the who version of you is not, it's constantly changing, one is, and one is becoming)  Less monkey mind. Your mind can stay focused in the present moment.  Accelerated space-time because you are not creating time by immersing yourself in the thought streams by identification. Time is an illusion created by thoughts and less thoughts you have, the less time you experience.  

  6. Breaking down no-self, being present, non-duality
    What is the "best" method in meditation for enlightenment?
    There are different methods. All roads lead to rome. Coming to rome in 20 years or in 1 year depends on the road. Leo has a different approach to it than me.
    I used the methods when I was a beginner, it doesn't matter. But to make that kind of commitment you probably need some mystical experiences or a crisis to be insanely curious moving forward. The good thing is that you can create these kinds of experiences for yourself, they need to be a mind-fuck type of experiences, where your previous understanding of reality becomes useless.
    Thinking leads to thinking. Awareness leads to awareness. Thoughts attract more thoughts. When thoughts are present, one is not able to go deep. Thoughts are the surface level of understanding.  When one has a lot of monkey mind, one can be aware of it but it is much easier to be aware when you don't have thoughts.
    Changing beliefs is not that easy, you have to repeat these thoughts every day like affirmations. Also what you are is beyond beliefs, so adding existential beliefs to your mental constructs Will not lead you to the truth of your being, it Will just add more beliefs. Sure, it Will help, but it Will never get you to the zero point.  If a person doesn't meditate at all and is only repeating thoughts like "I am not the body, I am not the mind....", this Will just add beliefs based on faith, without any personal experience. Sure, faith is necessary but you need to go beyond that by collecting personal experiences that Will confirm that belief.
    Sure, beliefs are important, best to work on both, but beliefs are only a map for the territory. One can never understand the territory by only looking at the map.
    What you are really trying to do here with this non-duality work is to get a glimpse of your true self, the experience of your True Self, Being, Consciousness, Soul is a non-symbolic experience, an experience that goes beyond the senses.
    So how does it actually look like when you are not being the body? Collect experiences.
    The ultimate goal is to reprogram yourself by increasing the frequency of contact with the experience of this moment. It's not about increasing the frequency of certain thought patterns that Will get you there. The True Self is embodied when no thoughts are present. Thoughts create resistance in the body and so it becomes less conductive for the integration of consciousness.
    Also opening up to "not knowing" is only a matter of being in a relaxed, non-reactive, non-judgemental, open minded state.