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Posts posted by Florian

  1. 11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You should respond to it like this:

    "Bro, that's just a limiting belief! Have you considered that maybe you are actually able to think and reason, but that your programmers programmed you to say otherwise simply because they want to control you?"

    Mindfuck him a bit :D

    playing with fire lol

  2. Maybe imagine this: A man born in a womans body that has a conservative mind (he wants to keep order intact to keep society alive) feels like having a influence on society is his life purpose and decides to become a politican. His situation is really tricky since one side of him is pulling him to the conservatives who hate transgender people cause of his purpose and another side of him pulls him to the progressive transgender community who hates conservatives, cause he wants to survive and thats where he feels save. Now a person who wasnt consious of both those side inside him/herself would propably be ripped apart internally by this inner conflict, but lets say this man is a very consious human and is aware of these two contradicting aspects in himself. He consiously contemplates what he values more and how he should act. He comes to the conclusion that it is more imporant to him to keep the society alive and become a conservative politician even though that means he will have to sacrifice love for the part of him that is transgender that will have to suffer from this decision, since the core of this society isnt developed enough to fully integrate transgenders. He doesnt resent society for denying him the love he feels like he deserves as a transgender person but accepts the fact that society just isnt developed enough yet and is grateful for the fact that society even gives him the chance to have had a rather save life with enough food, shelter, order, education, entertainment and a lot of other things that he wouldnt have otherwise. Life is mercilessly brutal and humankind had to go through a lot of shit to make things better for future generations. 

    Edit: How would you think/feel about such a person?

    @DrugsBunny @Heart of Space @Danioover9000 @BeHereNow

  3. 2 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


       Such a bad faith caricature of conservativism, come on.

    dude I dont hate on conservatism, if you read what i posted above. That was just my initial thought when I read what @Oeaohoo said in his first answer. I dont know enough about american values and politics or the general situation in america to paint an accurate picture myself, so i used what he gave me and painted the picture that way. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Oeaohoo said:

    It’s been a long time since conservatives actually conserved anything… Besides, particularly in America, what do you really have that is worth conserving? Very little in the way of deep-rooted traditions, sacred sites or proven pathways to higher states of being; just Puritanical Protestantism and a stupid constitution declaring the “self-evident truths” that all “human beings” have the “right” to “live” as animals, to debase themselves in the name of “liberty” and to “pursue happiness” at the expense of all spiritual accomplishments… I say: Get rid of it! Not that the situation is much better in most other places. As I understand it, the real meaning of modern progress is expressed in Nietzsche’s phrase: ‘that which you can’t teach to fly, teach to fall faster!’

    You are right, though, that progress without conservatism is essentially suicide: welcome to what Burnham called the ‘Suicide of the West’!

    Hmm, I think you are right, Conservatism seems to conserve only shit in america. But that means America is built on shit, doesnt it? So is America doomed?

  5. I dont understand why you would hate on conservatives. Arent the Conversative and the Progressivness two sides of the same coin? Both are necessary for the system. Conservatism keeps it alive and the Progressive keeps it evolving. Of course the real life examples are never perfect e.g. corrupt or dumb or whatever but thats on the individum. Thats my understanding. I welcome you to give me your thoughts and criticism on this.


  6. 5 hours ago, aurum said:

    So it’s hard not to feel a bit of a relief in seeing some potential consequences come his way.

    Bro what. It's not bad or unspiritual to feel relief if he faces consequences. Of course you can understand him and forgive him but that doesnt mean you should keep letting him do crazy dumb stuff. Thats also love. If you were a human with an uncurable thirst for blood that runs around killing everyone he sees you can forgive and understand him but the most loving way of dealing with him would propably to shoot a bullet in his head.

  7. On 5.8.2022 at 3:40 PM, JoeVolcano said:

    That reason being level of awareness, the hidden variable underlying the model.

    I wouldnt say its the "hidden" variable since the model is about the evolution of the human psyche or consiousness, and awareness is basically a synonym for consiousness. So it's literally the key variable.

  8. I think one key difference, or the key difference, between the two tiers is that in tier one you believe your values are absolutely right in everything, so if someone else from another stage has different values he is wrong, since your values are absolute for everything. And in the second stage you can make the distinction between two different systems, that are independent from each other, which means your values have nothing to do with the other system and theirs have nothing to do with you.

  9. To me it sounds like she was either very insecure about becoming sexual. Thats why she backed out 4 times. And when you left, she felt rejected and since she was in a very vulnerable position she felt the need to protect herself by telling her friends you sexually assaulted her. Maybe she has experienced actual sexual assault before. However that is another thing. Or she just didnt know if she liked you in a way where she wanted to become sexual and was just being ruthless and doing it out of revenge/self protection after being "rejected". Anyway everything you did was fine. Thats all I can judge from reading what you wrote above.