Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. IQ is an important metric. Intellect in the Big Five though means something more like the ability to model-build with the mind in a way that solves problems.
  2. Careful. This is a limiting-belief. God can use the Mind for whatever purposes he wants to. God can master the Mind and put the Mind in its place. Instead of us having the Mind on a leash, the Mind has us on a leash.
  3. White-knuckle clinging to the paradigm of No-Ego distorts all perceptions as well. What you are is not a paradigm. A paradigm is what you do to get results in the world. A paradigm is not what you use to limit yourself in any way, see.
  4. I've always kinda looked at politics as a way for people to focus on something other then fixing their own problems. It's a way of distracting yourself and blaming others. Everybody and their mother is an expert on politics -- yet few are an expert on optimizing their own lives. That doesn't surprise me. Politics is a sort of Monday morning quarterbacking or back seat driving. It's a way to feel important without having to do anything or be held accountable for anything. You get to feel big like you're solving big problems, but it's a façade. You ain't doing shit but talking. No action. Never any action. Anybody can shoot off at the mouth. It's sort of the same reason why people like sports as sports fans -- it's a way to feel special without really having to do anything. It's a flimsy way to attempt to socially elevate yourself or draw attention to yourself or make yourself appear more special than you're currently able to demonstrate or achieve in your own life.
  5. Exactly! Exactly. No sense in getting flustered over stupid sh*t. I've got enough real problems to work with, I don't need to create more distractions due to my own foolishness.
  6. I've got bigger fish to fry. My concerns now are very different. At that time I thought I was doing the right thing. Now I think I'm doing the right thing. I think I'm made an improvement in focus. Pick your battles. Make every point you score count toward moving you toward your most sought-after objectives.
  7. Killer video! Important message. Perfectionism is much a big block. I'm a perfectionist by nature too. I had to learn how to love partial credit. It's all about that partial credit. Life is about partial credit more than it is about perfectionism.
  8. I think first you perfect your own life and then you worry about perfecting politics.
  9. Watch your own energy and external focus. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
  10. Why are you allowing/permitting/consenting to the Mind's imposition an either/or dichotomy on you?
  11. I see them as one and the same. Guru is just an ancient Indian word for the Western Life Coach.
  12. Examine your own energy. God is wholesome and tolerant of other people's limitations. I'm not saying Angelo is limited either.
  13. Distraction. When you know yourself and what you want to do, distraction emerges as a clear concept for you.
  14. I think the realization that I am God is the key realization of Coral. True spirituality emerges at Coral.
  15. Not exactly. Enlightenment is about answering the question: Who/what am I? Inner-child work is a subject area in Personal/ Interpersonal Development work.
  16. You can develop theory that points to God at best. But be careful that you don't swap the Finger for the Moon. The Finger points to the Moon. The Finger is not the Moon. No definition of you can contain you. I'm all for theory. Just don't assume God is limited by the Mind, that's all. Expect God to surprise you. You're not limited by any of the Mind's jibberish. You just do it.
  17. Is God definable or capturable by the Mind's brain-farts? Can trees be defined or captured by the Mind's brain-farts? Can you be defined or captured by the Mind's brain-farts?
  18. @Key Elements My being is always happy to read your posts. I love your energy.
  19. I do things other than believe most of the time.