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Posts posted by Lai

  1. 1 hour ago, jse said:

    It's a people-problem here in Asia - the dogs are fine.  Dogs don't destroy the environment like people do.  There are no problematic diseases caused by dogs, unlike the myriad of diseases bred by thoughtless people and their irresponsible actions.

    Asian people love and breed cute puppies.  And when these grow out of their cuteness, they then dump the puppies on the street or the nearest temple, or just plain poison them.  "Callous" would be too mild a word to describe these low-consciousness heartless monkeys, and the immense suffering they cause.

    Just yesterday I pulled up at the traffic lights on my bike.  Next to me was a pickup truck with a pig at the back tied tightly with rope.  The poor animal was in very obvious distress lying on the burning hot pickup tray, under the hot midday sun.  The couple in the air-con pickup cabin smiled at me and shrugged their shoulders, as if their abhorrent behavior was normal.  The thought of putting this suffering soul out of its misery in a humanly way didn't even occur to them.

    Animals are fine - it's people that are the problem.  @Annetta please don't get me started on this topic.

    This is what I like about you José, you stand behind your convictions.
    But please be careful not to get involved with any trouble and get hurt.  You cannot change the world by yourself!


  2. 6:00 - Wake up
    6:02 - Personal stuff  ;) 
    6:30 - Meditation
    7:00 - Check forum posts
    7:30 - Breakfast
    8:00 - Shower and make-up
    9:00 - Bicycle to work
    12:30 - Lunch
    12:31 - Check forum posts
    17:00 - Bicycle from work to shopping
    18:00 - Arr home
    18:30 - Quiet dinner at home...
    17:30 - ...or fun dinner with friends
    19:00 - Talk long-distance with overly-unattached, doesn't-know-it-yet, soon-to-be-bf.
    20:30 - Check forum posts
    21:00 - Shower
    21:30 - Meditation
    22:00 - Sweet sleep!


  3. 11 hours ago, oysterman said:

    I fancied a girl for years and am about to never see her again and don't know whether I should tell her how much I loved her the time that I knew her.

    If you don't tell her about your love for her, you will regret it for the rest of your life!
    And then you will hide your unbearable pain, by becoming a recluse of a man living in a far away country.  :|