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Everything posted by Staples

  1. Love this contemplation. Recent experiences on psychedelics have really shown me the limits of my human mind. It feels a bit irritating and frustrating to be stuck at a relatively underdeveloped stage compared to hyper-mind. I'm stuck stupid for now. Curious if anyone other than Leo has experienced these things? It seems well beyond a breakthrough psychedelic experience.
  2. There are too many assumptions in this line of questioning. Is entering the black hole mean the event horizon, or the singularity? No amount of scientific theorizing or thought experimenting will explain the experience of falling into a black hole. It's too alien from anything our minds currently know. How would infinite time dilation and spatial compression effect conciousness? It's like trying to explain psychdelics to someone using only words and chemistry formulas. You'll have to jump into one to actually find out 😉
  3. Amazing. AI is such an awesome technology. It's very interesting to compare different models. Asking the same questions to claude 3 vs GPT-4 gives very different results. Thanks for introducing me to Claude, it's much less self-censoring than GPT-4. Does anyone else have recommendations for good models to talk to? I've gotten frustrated with GPT-4 and it's passive answers, it will do everything to avoid giving an opinion. I find a lot of AIs just agree with what I say, I would love to find an AI bot that is specifically trained to deconstruct and poke holes in your arguments.
  4. My father has diagnosed schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. I would never give him psychedelics without extensive medically assisted preparation and studies into how it would interact with his prescribed medications. I don't know to what extent his mental illnesses were genetic. I do not know if having heritable schizophrenia on the mother's or father's side is more concerning. I suspect that my father's mental illness was more onset by trauma he faced in his military service, rather than as a genetic predisposition. You sound smart and careful in your post OP. Like myself, you are starting with a threshold dose and have a good background in personal development. I am also a very grounded person. I have done roughly a dozen trips, all at small to medium doses. Solo, without a trip sitter. I have not yet done a heroic dose. All of these trips have been extremely positive and enlightening. I did have one challenging trip on LSD, however I blame that on my poor preparation and set & setting. I was in a depressive, lonely mood and stupidly thought psychedelics was the way out. However that difficult experience gave me a very healthy appreciation for these substances, and I will never make that mistake again. All of this is to say, if you act responsibly, you should be fine. If you are not dealing with any mental illness symptoms currently, then in my experience you will be ok to take psychedelics. I would recommend everyone to start with a threshold dose just to get used to the experience. Build up very slowly as you go. There is no benefit jumping into the deep end without a good base of experience in moderate doses. If you do ever begin to notice mental illness symptoms in your sober life, I would immediately discontinue psychedelic use and speak to a psychiatrist.
  5. @SQAAD You need to test your substances before you consume them. Use an Ehrlich reagent. Have you watched Leo's or any other videos on how to use psychedelics properly? It should be obvious double dosing on the same day or while sleep deprived is not going to produce the best results. Come on mate, do your research. Treat this stuff with the respect it deserves. You can seriously traumatize yourself for life with reckless ill-prepared trips. Or you can seriously enhance your life with well-prepared trips. Your choice...
  6. Been on the search for stage yellow businesses as inspiration for my own business. Some of these might not be totally yellow, I don't know their internal workings, but for what they proport to be online it's a good start. Here's a few of my favorites: Ben & Jerry's Unilever Patagonia Novo Nordisk Interface Inc Danone If it qualifies as a B-corp, it's probably stage yellow.
  7. Failure leads to learning. Learning leads to success.
  8. Interesting, I've never thought to do this. New is always better
  9. Just English for me. I've no desire to learn other languages unless I wanted to move to a non-English speaking country.
  10. Hello, I've found myself in a very difficult point in life. I've finally realized that I have been deeply struggling with depression & anxiety for last 6 months or so. I'm doing my best in my everyday life to make things better like sleep/exercise, but it's not yet gotten me the results I want. I have tried microdosing in the past and it has worked well, the problem is psychedelics are very expensive and difficult for me to come by. I am asking if anyone here has tried both for managing depression and self-isolation and has any anecdotal advice about which they prefer. I've never tried anti-depressants so I don't know what to expect. I also don't really want to be reliant on an illegal substance, it's a bad strategy. Does anyone here had exceptional results from one or the other? Thanks friends,
  11. Hi, may I please respectfully question why you are using cannabis as a tool to understand your cannabis addiction? That sounds like a bad strategy. Even if you found some success - you found it via cannabis, which only further strengthens your need for it. I suggest you pick up some other daily activity as a cannabis replacement and compare your experience. Gym / swimming / meditation / hiking, whatever you like. It sounds like your real problem is that you are unsure if your relationship to cannabis is good or bad for you. You need to answer that question definitively and finally.
  12. Contemplate why you cannot pour a cup into itself instead.
  13. God is not subject to the label of alone. 'Aloneness' is a concept within the system of God. You can't apply aloneness to God because God creates aloneness. Aloneness is a label meant for finite things - it doesn't work when you apply it to God because using the word alone has forced you to assume there is other. Which in the context of God, there is no other.
  14. I think it depends on your daily activity. If you're working in society and have a very active egomind then you will need a lot of sleep. But when I have been on Vipassana retreats or meditation intensives my sleep needs halved. If you're trying to reduce sleep quota as a productivity hack it won't work.
  15. @rudokotrla Do you have a specific person you look up to or an app that inspires you? Ask them how they did it, try and get to know the creator. Sometimes one good email can set you on the right path. Also why do you want to be a product owner? Are you truly ready for that level of responsibility? You might be, but you haven't said anything about that yet. And be aware once you become a product owner, or get started, your desires may change. My goals and aspirations have changed significantly as I worked towards my life purpose. It's a constant evolution, not a plan you concoct and then execute over the next 30 years of your career.
  16. @Yimpa Sometimes....
  17. Those restrictions have benefitted me as an artist. Because Apple is 'fool-proof', it allows developers to optimize their software around one user experience. Whereas on Windows/Linux, a developer has to consider every possible hardware configuration. This has sped up getting new features into the tools I use every day. Particularly on the more niche tools with a small dev team. There is sometimes intelligence in dumbing things down.
  18. The spiral dynamics series is the backbone of the whole channel. They get referenced in most episodes for good reason.
  19. You've no right or need to wake people up beyond what they're ready for. Allow others to be ignorant. Ignorance is bliss. Who's to say you even know what you're talking about? Maybe they all know something you don't. ?
  20. @Danioover9000 No. What I was talking about has nothing to do with Marxism. It's a critique of liberalism.
  21. And there are plenty of business that cut corners and lack integrity and get people killed because of it. The benefit of a government run industry is that since they are purely taxpayer funded, they must abide by legal standards and invest the required money to deliver a safe product. Imagine if the legal system was a corporate entity. You could be proven guilty of murder but if you had enough money, you would walk free.
  22. @eTorro The state runs some things much better than a private company ever could. Law enforcement, basic utilities like water & electricity, public transportation, and there are many more things that in my opinion should not be privatized. Do some research into privatization and you will find plenty of examples of corporations making things worse. And plenty of examples when it worked effectively. The profit motive is a tiny element of capitalism, there are hundreds of little reasons that compound which make capitalism superior to socialism. But there are also elements in socialist philosophy that capitalism ought to learn from.
  23. Think bigger picture. What do you want your life to look like 5 years from now, assuming you did everything in your power to get there? Whatever the answer to that question is, that's the answer to this moving question. If it were me, I'd move to a big city. You don't yet realize how much personal growth you're missing out on living in the tiny village you grew up in.
  24. @zunnyman Please consider that in all likelihood you're kicking the can down the road. Your 6 month plan will turn into a year, then two years, then three, and you will end up doing what you like 5-10 years later than you would have liked. Cut your cost of living. That decision to live luxuriously is most likely reversable. That's my take based on this thread, I'm sure the reality of your situation is way more complex but please consider that you can have what you want now instead of slowly getting crawling there.