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Posts posted by puporing

  1. I just tell them the truth and then grieve (if I have to) and move on. And focus on people that will actually engage with you respectfully instead. idk to me it's way more closure to just tell them what you felt about the texting and to be explicit about "ending further interactions", without expecting anything in return. 

    This is how I deal with weird customers too lol (in terms of being disrespectful..).

    And it's not an overreaction, whatever you react with is the truth at that moment, it means you developed some attachment. It's better to just be super honest with yourself and not skip the "grief stage" because that tends to build up as repressed anger.

  2. There's prob always going to be some link between that and awakening imo. Just because you are dealing with the existential matter (with your contemplation also and depending on where you are in your "spiritual journey" overall) and your sense of identity/relation with the world, etc. And things can get shuffled a lot as you awaken (on or off psychedelics).

    The nature of Awakening sort of requires you to zoom out of the matrix of humanity bit by bit, have some level of detachment, and everything you knew as reality and face what "life and death" is. So you're already in a "detached" kind of state to do this work.

    It's possible that if you really have no connection with this planet at some point after awakening (eg people or goals/meaning or just too much suffering to survive) that you could just want to mahasamadhi out of here coz you know what lies "on the other side". I am not encouraging that, it's just a possibility/ideation that could come up as you go. I think it's a very personal choice though.

    It also depends (if you fully awaken), what your primary sense of purposes are and if there's an "outlet" for it. For example if you then see yourself at least partly as a "messenger" or "teacher" of some type but live in a society that would not allow or demonize such that would be a tricky situation, because you might have a strong desire to speak up (that feels almost out of control :D). But hopefully with the internet there's less and less of that happening.

  3. yeah it totally depends on your overall situation and preferences. It depends on the van too. Cargo vans are a lot more expensive than mid-sized vans.

    Idk about the address thing because I know you can get a PO Box fairly easily and it should be considered valid address. Some employers could care less about where you are located but I get what you mean, it's maybe more about fitting in with the group culture. In some industries (labor types), it can be pretty common to live out of vehicles (or with some hotels combined) on their off days coz they work away so much. 

    but yeah I was mostly thinking from a minimum bare bones perspective, what the true value of "a home" is. :D Thank god I don't live in Vancouver or Toronto, idk why anyone would pay that much to the banks. That's some OVERPRICED BATHROOMS (with a box). ;) 1 Million Dollar Bathrooms!

  4. So thanks to all this awakening work, my mind comes up with some out of the box stuff from time to time, something that's been sticking around lately is the idea that "People are overpaying for a bathroom".

    What do I mean?

    You're probably familiar with the idea and trendiness of "Tiny House", myself have been drawn to this kind of thing. But overall, when I looked into them, they still cost a lot of money and not that affordable, and not even that mobile. But lately because I wanted to convert my vehicle to a camper van for fun, and because the topic of homelessness comes up for me also, it really occurred to me as I was doing the conversion research that the only thing that's really "missing" if someone were to live part/full-time in a vehicle is a BATHROOM, :D.

    I can basically have everything else I need if say I didn't own a lot of shit and just have the essentials for cooking and sleeping, there's enough gadgets out there to power a minimalist lifestyle on the road. The main "inconvenience" that I could think of is BATHROOM, something we got used to having around. (which there are work-arounds)

    But think about it... maybe we're all just overpaying for a NICE BATHROOM. ;)

    Don't take me too serious if this doesn't make you laugh. It's not trying to convince you to leave your home/house or anything.

  5. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    You could be in a dream where you don't forget what you are. 

    You are in a dream now, to think that there will never be more dreams is risky. Who knows the purpose of all this?

    yes because there's almost NO ONE ELSE who will tell you this place the way it is operating currently is not worth it for you ultimately. It is not a place suitable for the mind of heaven (least for now or for a long time). That you should at least consider orienting yourself with reality, I know you try very hard. I love you so much that I stay here to tell as many of you as I can, knowing full well most of you are just gonna ignore or attack me.

    I don't desire to be asleep again though no matter where I appear to be.. 

  6. Lol. dreams are all the same fundamentally, the very definition is to FORGET WHAT YOU ARE. If you still desire to be "asleep" it means you fundamentally have NOT accepted your FULL SELF because your full self is so glorious, conscious, and LOVING how can you not accept it if you found it. And it is alien to dream world.

    If you haven't figured that out yet you still got work to do or some more suffering probably to go through basically. maybe another life or another 100 one and you will PERMANENTLY wake up from ALL DREAMS coz you are tired of BULLSHIT and TININESS.

    (I do make an exception for "divine purpose" however as noted before, this means you return already as awake as you can be).

    :D I mean no harm, this is actually from a loving place coz nobody is saying it, so I have to. It's the least popular opinion here but I still gotta say it. This is seriously what I see. I have reached the "highest floor" and it's pretty nice up here.

    It's all good though, you'll all eventually make it back, matter of time. ;) I will welcome you with open arms when you decide to return for real.

  7. 3 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    @puporing And it isn’t when you recognize ONENESS.

    Dumbing yourself down means forgetting this when you incarnate into this world.

    The fundamental law of this place requires you not live from a place of oneness.

    And frankly, you as 100% God can hardly "join/connect" with this place when you fully realize yourself (not just on psychedelics but baseline state) because it is by design not awake and by design to perpetuate the dream stuff fairly predictably from a high consciousness state, often with a "spiritual justification" as well for dreaming. But like a never ending show that's running out of ideas. Eventually all are bound to wake up because you cannot totally disconnect from God. The only thing real to you is Love, Awakening, and Consciousness in dream world but that is rare in the dream but you do appreciate it deeply when you recognize that.

    And you'd be lucky to manage not to get put into a mental institution or committed of drug crime, or literally murdered for speaking the truth that is not of this world while you're here.

    Let's put it another way:

    When you awaken to PERFECT LOVE (ie "heaven") and desire to BE PERFECT LOVE more than anything else. That's when the dream ends for you, whether you are still in a body or not. And even if you return/remain in a body it is for LOVE and no other reason. 

    But what I'm saying about it being difficult and isolating to be here on earth is still true when you reach that, so your desire to come back is not very high other than for a "divine purpose".

    In any case, I am just telling you how it is from "up here". You don't have to be ready yet to accept what I'm saying. You are still loved. :D I have to "plant my seeds" though I guess while I'm still here with two hands lawl. 

  8. One day you'll realize you're saying all this to Yourself.

    And actually "women" wouldn't exist if You didn't wish for and create this dream world that forgot God and Heaven. We would all be the exact same as One.

    You are caught in a war with Yourself that you currently cannot see. This "war with yourself" is part of what keeps you in dream world and reincarnating.

  9. 10 hours ago, integral said:

    when declaring bankruptcy i thought they would come after all your personal assists to pay off the dept? 

    generally if you incorporate there's more protection, but it depends on the loan also I think (if you were required to secure it with personal assets or not, or an insurance?), and what local laws there are. 

    see this for general info:


  10. @integral I was gonna say. I do think business loans (if interest is reasonable) is not a bad deal overall because you then don't have to carry all the risk yourself, and you also have the possibility of starting something sooner than years later. and most business loans you can pay it off anytime too if you had reserve funds.

    basically if your business succeeds you pay it off with the earnings over time, and if it fails, you can lose the business and whatever personal investments (with bankruptcy protection). I mean I feel like even if I had say 100k for a business I wouldn't wanna use all of my personal funds for it if I can help it. but anyway you don't need too much money for a small business, it wildly varies depending on what it is.