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Posts posted by wavydude

  1. I think it's the intention behind it, if you do it compulsively when you feel bad about yourself and you know you should do something else that is important but you fap just to get that dopamine rush then it's a porblem. If you feel at peace with yourself and you think it's good moment to just bust a nut then esketit. Also porn is not good becouse it programs you in a twisted way.
    I think once a week with no porn is totally fine.

  2. On 24.04.2019 at 2:37 PM, winterknight said:

    Even if someone doesn't want to have an honest conversation with you, it can help to simply write down or say out loud what you would want to say to them or ask them. You can roleplay the situation. That can help clarify your feelings.

    I've done that many times but it seems to bring even more confusion.

    17 hours ago, winterknight said:

    No, what is that?

    It's the idea of person who's your "soul's mirror" and brings sense of wholness and familiarity also elevating your self knowledge and pushing you towrads your true self.


  3. 8 hours ago, winterknight said:

    The nature of it is that it's a judgment that is made in the mind that feels an injustice has been committed.

    Yes I also can see that, If I do what you say the best option seems to be honest conversetion with that person to sort of better understand and unpack the situation but that doesn't seem to be happening, second best is to take revenge to make a point.

    Other thing is I feel bad that I got myself in this situation in the first place.



    8 hours ago, winterknight said:

    Or: take the self-inquiry position and ask to whom this feeling occurs.

    I've tried some self-inquiry but I'm in early stages and I think I need more quite mind thus I want resolve these feelings.

    During inquiry I had thought "who is hearing this voice in my head" and I came to conclusion that there must be a "wittnes" to hear the voice and "the witness" cannot have the voice itself becouse there would be another witness to hear it so the only thing "witness" do is witnessing.

    Is that the right direction ? How to push it further ?

  4. On 8.03.2019 at 6:22 AM, winterknight said:

    And then a third twist: a quiet mind is in fact more "pleasurable." But that doesn’t matter to enlightenment, and anyhow there is no one there to make the 'decision' one way or the other about whether to pursue that or not.

    so you're saying that you can have the recognition with very disturbed mind ( example Ekhart Tolle) ?

  5. 6 hours ago, Michael569 said:

    Do you suffer from any digestive issues (IBS, indigestions, diarrhoeas, ..) or breathing problems (asthma, bronchitis, frequent flus...)? 

    Nothing significant but I do feel like my digestion is worse and also my immune system.

    I've found this on the internet: 
    "1-3am is the time of the Liver and a time when the body should be alseep. During this time, toxins are released from the body and fresh new blood is made. If you find yourself waking during this time, you could have too much yang energy or problems with your liver or detoxification pathways. This is also the time of anger, frustration and rage."

    This seems aplicable to me.

  6. I've been waking up almost daily at these hours for a long time. Often I wake up remembering some thing that caused me emotionall distress and I get this burning feeling in a stomach. I read on some site that waking up at this time is associated with the emotions of anger and I think this might be it. Do you guys have any expirience/tips with this ?

  7. I think it has alot of to do with sexual promiscuity in the west and the way people live in general. People get into alot of relationships starting at young age without building lasting connection and are ending up emotionally damaged and unsensitive. Then you get women who are aging past 30 and starting to realize that "focusing on your career" might not have been the best option so make up something to blame for their unhapiness like "toxic masculinity".