Samuel Garcia

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About Samuel Garcia

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  1. Rule of thumb: talk about what your most passionate about
    Question For Leo
    What you must learn is that girls don't care what words come out of your mouth, they care about the sub-communication and energy behind your words.
    You could walk up to a girl and tell her "I will put a baby in your belly", and if you do it with the right energy, she will giggle and fall in love with you. And if you have the energy wrong, she will call the cops on you. So you are walking the razor's edge.
    As a rule of thumb, with girls, you should talk about whatever you're most passionate about. You can literally walk up to a girl and start talking about golf. As long as you love golf.
    I don't enjoy web development. I only do as much of it as necessary to run the site. Which is very little these days.

  2. Relationships are about fulfilling needs
    Needy, Nice, Desperate, Manipulative and Detached Men. Nice men aren't really nice
    The needy thing is very tricky, because you have to understand that any guy who gets into a relationship with you is doing so to fulfill certain needs of his, be that sex or whatever else. So it's mostly just a question of degree of neediness.
    The whole point of a relationship is to use the other person to fulfill your own selfish needs. Otherwise you would not relate at all.
    Both partners are doing that, so then it becomes a sort of dance/game/negotiation. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it does not.

  3. What is the key to happiness?
    What is the key to happiness?
    The key to happiness is awakening, the end of conceptualizing, and being fully present in the NOW with whatever happens.

  4. Never been able to release anything with Sedona
    Never been able to release anything with Sedona
    @Lynnel The present moment is all there ever is.
    Don't buy into the idea that emotions are locked in the body too much. This is disempowering.
    Rather, you want to become conscious that at every moment your emotions are arising as a self-manipulation. You emote to fulfill the needs of the ego, and you have the ability to cut the shit and realize: "Oh, I'm angry because my ego wants X. Oh... That's just a mental trick. Let me just be peaceful."
    That won't always work, but the more conscious you become, the more you'll see how emotions are just a ruse your mind is playing on you. And you can stop that game any time just by becoming conscious of the fact that it is a game.
    The problem is: most people are not aware (in the moment) that an emotion is just a game. They take the emotion seriously because they can't even imagine an alternative.
    Next time you experience a very negative emotion, try to notice it is just a game. And see what happens.
    For this to really start working, you have become aware of your self-agenda and be willing to face the fear of surrendering it. Most people are too selfish to do that.
    The only reason emotions have any sway over you is because you want to survive. So the counter-intuitive move here is: surrender the need survive.

  5. "We don't know where thoughts come from"? srsly??!
    "We don't know where thoughts come from"? srsly??!
    This is a topic that needs to be very seriously contemplated, and not debated or discussed.
    You have to sit down and force yourself to contemplate your rock-bottom assumptions about reality:
    Why do I assume reality exist? How can I be sure reality is real? What does "real" really mean, anyway? What is existence? Could I be deceiving myself? Does consciousness exist in a brain? Or is "the brain" existing within consciousness? If the brain is inside the universe, how can the universe be inside the brain? Etc. This contemplation must be done extremely carefully, avoiding all personal self-biases and cultural assumptions.
    Very few people do this kind of contemplation seriously. And discussing it with people will not help you, but only distract you. It works like doing a mathematical proof. You have to trace through the logic of it to see how the materialist paradigm contradicts itself.
    And it definitely DOES contradict itself.
    I can tell you right now, having spent years doing this contemplation, and experiencing the Absolute many times now, there is no such thing as reality. But believing me is totally useless. You need to go through the proof yourself. I'm just telling you what you will discover in the ultimate end. Don't be surprised if this process kills you. That's precisely the point. You are deeply involved in this process. The misunderstanding of reality runs straight through you. Which is why it's so difficult to correct. But it's doable for those who are really serious about life.
    Good luck and have faith that it will be worth the effort. You will be pleasantly surprised if you succeed