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Posts posted by egoeimai

  1. 28 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

    Tolerance for people's drama and irrationality has always been an undeveloped trait of mine, 

    It is difficult to cope with but you'll really get the benefits of it later. You'll learn a whole lot about yourself. People will test you in different ways. It doesn't matter what they think of you at the end of the day, but what you came to believe about yourself. It really is amazing how you can see things differently through interaction. Of course you can look deep within even without others but without stimulus it'll be a lot slower (the progress) 

    It's a game and you never lose. That's how I view it. 




  2. Hello hardkill. Wazzup 


    The thing is, it's about timing and specific lessons life throws at you in order to grow emotionally. 

    I believe you can actually meet people and maintain relationships and contact though online messages and calls, but it has to be the right person for you. These are not the right people for you trust me so that's why this is happening. You'll find out eventually that you don't give a shit about them unless you speak the same 'language'. 

    We just don't match with some people either in emotional or intellectual level. That's it, you have to accept it and let them go. And keep searching and meeting ppl until you find those who interest you and they are interested in you. Trust me you will find them. 

    Online thing can substitute actual interaction but it's kinda not the same of satisfaction. You don't have the chance to live them fully. 

    My personal experience is that I've met and built super meaningful relationships through the internet and I'm so grateful for that. But you know, different people different lessons. You'll find them when you get your lessons. Until then relax and enjoy the process with ups and downs. 

    Ps. You don't have to be concerned with them not replying to you. They don't deserve your time of course. And most of the time it's not personal. Some people don't enjoy online chats or it brings anxiety to them, I've even heard of that. Some ppl are getting easily distracted or they forget to reply. Each of us is different. I know it sucks,..... Until you find your besties.

    Good luck. 

  3. On 12/28/2019 at 9:46 PM, Annoynymous said:


    I think men can ask it from time to time. But for women, i think they would never ask someone to have sex with them just to have sex. They do not like to be seen like that by others.

    But would they like to have sex without commitment? I think many would. But they won't tell anyone about it because of  "slut-shaming" by men/society.  

    I had sex with a guy and no commitment. He wanted commitment but I didn't. It's not rare nowadays. Many girls do. 

    You'll see when you gain experience. 

  4. On 12/27/2019 at 9:26 PM, Annoynymous said:


    Men want sex

    Women want commitment before sex

    So men give commitment in order to have sex.

    This dynamics leaves a lot of room for deception and "playing games".    

    Men want sex. Women want sex. People want sex. 

    Some women want commitment before sex. 

    Some women want sex before commitment. 

    Some women want only sex and no commitment. 

    Some women want commitment only, and if sex happens. Okay. 


    Some men are not having as their main goal to have sex. Some men really want commitment but they do enjoy sex. 

    There are asexual people. They happen to be men as know. Men and women. Asexual. Which means no sex at all 


    People are complicated being. So much more than these oversimplified statements. 

    Let's not put women and men in that position. It's 2020 already. And people are not one thing and only. 

  5. On 12/28/2019 at 0:39 AM, Nivsch said:

    Last month I heard couple of videos (of Leo and Aaron doughty) about how to be attractive.

    I found these videos very helpful and it feels to me very right. The most attractive state is to transmit others that you are already whole and complete all by yourself, and you don't need anyone (but you just want, that this is ok).

    But, my intuition tells me for a long time again and again, that this is not fully true. I feel that I really and clearly want, for example, romantic relationship.

    Also I feel, that living always alone, won't make me fullfiled. Which means - I need other people to some degree.

    So how it gets along with the "whole and complete" message, It feels to me there is a contradiction here.

    How can I transmit to other people this attractive state, if I don't believe that this is fundamentally true?

    There is some significant degree of truth in this attractive attitude, but its still limited and not completely true.

    I dont know about what one feels when he becomes super developed, but it is far enough and not relevant to the near (and medium range?) future.

    I guess the whole point of this is to actually let this run into your veins totally believe it and be it. Meaning that you'll have no hardships in your life, doing everything authentically and free of need. 

    Practically it doesn't matter whether you are or not. With other ppl or alone. You know? The whole idea is to feel perfect by yourself. 

    That my pov. 

  6. On 12/26/2019 at 8:18 PM, TheUniverseIsLove said:

    @Leo Gura

    You seem to know a great amount about a lot of topics, however, in my experiences so far with your content, your approach towards a woman's ideologies in life tend to be pretty generalized, close minded, and one-sided. 

    I am not saying your comment about women is inherently false. But, as constructive criticism, sleeping with a guy from a cold approach does not make one look like anything, except someone who slept with a guy from a cold approach. 

    I am a woman who would sleep with a guy off a cold approach as long as the vibe felt right. I have no fear of being called a slut, or looking like a slut.

    As constructive criticism, please check your generalizations about women before you give advice on women. 


    Finally someone!!!! ❤️ U girl. 


  7. On 12/15/2019 at 7:09 PM, Arcangelo said:


    Girls and boys are NEVER just friends. He just pretended to be your friend so he could have sex with you. Maybe along the way of him pretending you guys became real friends but never forget pretty india there is no such thing as friendship between a boy and a girl.


    ''Does Daygame really work?'' Yes it does.





    Not true. I think there can be friendship between Men and women. My best friend is a male who likes women and we are friends 7 years now. 

    Also I talk to a guy who never approached me (at least from what I know and felt) always keeps it friendly 

  8. On 12/15/2019 at 5:03 AM, veqsms said:

    It would be interesting to hear from women perspective if they really appreciate when a man comes to her (from nowhere), gives a compliment, start conversation which later lead to intimate relationship 

    is that a reality or a lie from

    james marshall and Sasha daygame

    Yes I  appreciate it as long as it's not off limits. Taking the initiative to talk is sexy. 

  9. I don't like to judge my neediness like it's mine. Nothing is mine. I don't want to identify with it. A lot of I. But the thing is mind tries to rationalize everything. So rationalizing the neediness and making it 'yours' makes it manageable and so that you can resolve this with step A. B OR C. 

    You see I'm tired of this approach. 

    I prefer of just watching and observing and trying to not bother so much about that stuff. Because after all it's not yours so why stress about it? Also, taking a step back makes it easier and it prevents you from seeing it from black and white perspective. 

    I want all of us to not judge our 'problem' to not identify with it (it's my problem my neediness I need to do something) f*ck that mentality! Who went far with this train of thoughts? It's so full of guilt. 

    You don't have to agree with me. Anyhow. Thanks for bringing up the subject. Don't worry. 

    Peace. ?